1)The JT is a very expensive unit and if the OkW players gets a puma or jagp4 to hold for it---> your best strategy is to try and overwhelm him with 2 or more tanks and force him to spend more fuel to vehicle AT or lose.
2)If your facing a JT then what i recommend it take out the JT support AT units. In my experience i find HEAVY ARTY works best against strategies that center around the JT, simply because having a JT in your army core makes your army more in the immobile defensive role. So my strategy of attack goes like this:
First get some Heavy arty (priest/bl152mm) and move in with your *vetted* infantry first in a way where you can see how the frontline is going to shape out but not have to force retreat most of them after 5 seconds of combat, once you see where the enemy units are positioning, arty their SUPPORT AT (not the JT itself!!!!!!) and pushing with your infantry to deal damage. Once you have cleared enough where you judge it safe, move in with 2 or more tanks and flank the JT. It useful to have your tanks out of the opponents sight (means not shooting at them) before you move them in. The element of surprise is very powerful, use it to your advantage.
3)Its important to predict when a JT is going to hit the field, things to be on the lookout for is units in the JT doc (and units not in the JT doc as well, such as the mg 34 =]). Also when your flanking the JT, DONT over extend yourself, if you know the flanks going to fail and you are going to lose your tanks PULL OUT immediately you never know when RNG is going to go your way (or the opponents parents come in to beat the kid for staying up too late =])
LAST AND THE MOST IMPORTANT LITTLE TID BIT: the JT is mini stunned everytime a shot penetrates its armor, this makes it extremely rewarding to flank. And don't give the JT FREE VET that means be VERY aware where your positioning your tanks and where the JT is probably positioning itself.
I understand that the JT might be an imposing unit to face off against but its also extremely satisfying to flank and destroy (trust personal experience talking here

Hope my experience and strategy either helps you beat the JT or helps you make your own strategies to counter it. GL HF
PS. Saying things like "Soviet players can't do this" or "German players can't do that" isn't contributing to the conversation in any way. Please if you want other players to see from your point of view, understand from theirs as well and construct your argument around the two instead of attacking them directly or indirectly. If you don't want to put the effort into making argument that appeals to both sides that keep your opinion to yourself. You got give respect to receive it.