actually less armor and more speed is desirable against AT guns for mediums, since AT guns penetrate all sub-200 armor reliably anyway and no medium has more than 200 armor except the Easy Eight and vet 2 P4. USF ATG is the oddball, but that gets HEAT and 70 range at vet 1.
This, and a huge plus to Strumming for considering the real effect of peripheral elements.
When it comes to ATGs, penetration is not the issue. Accuracy however, remains to be.
The xommunit at largw has for a long time been supporting better accuracy, and this applies especially to faster and smaller vehicles, and even moreso because it is a low tier cheap counter which allows meta to evolve around it rathet than relying on tiered or callin v3hicle counters. And they are so so vulnerable when uncovered.
Thing about ATGs, is that their penetra4ion and damage, is good, but only so far ss the opponent does not react with micro.
Its not a "nuke", as it would be IRL, but nvm historical accuracy. Ost ATGs have better fire rate, and that is offset by Sov crew sives and Artillery option. But that reallyisnt the issue. Generally you only get 1-2 shots, which hurt, but dont destroy even medium armor. And therafter, you are esposed, and any competent opponent withdraws.
The core problem with AtGs, is the bastards MISS all the goddam time.Im not sure what stat it direcly relates to, but my gut tells me it has something to do with them taking too long to fire. The shots seem to end up "where the unit was", rather than properly tracking to where it is when the shell impacts.
Im a big BIG supporter of almost perfect ATG accuracy, with small diminishing returns related to vehicle size and speed to add a bit of flavor and RNG. I think a design direction towards that would immeasurably improve the meta.
They are so goddam hard to position, slow to move, reasonably expsneive, and most i portantly such a fundamental buffer vs unduly vehicle focused meta, that they really really need to hit when they manage to line up a shot.