I was enjoying the game but one of the hosts kept on hinting at the T-70 recon mode when it hits vet 2 and once the video gets to 21:47 you get to see it in action, so I was pretty much like this as I watch the stream:

Yeeeah that needs a nerf ASAP as you could see 25% of the map with it.
However it gotten me thinking about how this could be a good thing if it was toned down and not fully removed, I tired to use the T-70 recon mode during the CoH2 Alpha but felt a lil bit lacklustre as you could not use the main gun. One of the things that I was excited about CoH2 for was the true sight system which sadly was not as revolutionary as I wanted as due the low sight range of pretty much every unit, the "sight blockers" only really worked if a unit was chasing another unit around a building. However with this current OP recon mode you get to see True Sight in action (as one of the hosts gleeful points out).
Whilst the current T-70 recon mode need a nerf I think it would be a cool thing to give Soviet and Ostheer units with a recon mode as this would open more things that the factions could do (both Sov and Ost have on paper great indirect fire units but they cant really use them as a lack of a spotter), so what I would like to see is:
-Both snipers units are able to use a recon mode using binoculars where they are unable to fire, although the German Sniper has a bigger LoS to make up for the fact that is combat power is not as a good as the Soviet one.
-The 221 Scout Car should have passive recon mode but it scales heavily with vet more so than the T70 so it not too overwhelming in tier 2.
-To keep things balanced, recon mode should work like spotting scopes as when the unit is moving it only slightly increasing the LoS but unlike spotting scopes as when the unit is stationary the LoS increases slowly over time taking a whilst a few seconds to get full LoS increase to make chasing the recon unit have impact.
-To counter it a player could use smoke as other than using the Panzer Smoke it always felt limited (mostly due to the short LoS), so it could use some buffs. All PURE artillery pieces can now fire smoke shells/rockets (from the German leFH 18 to the Katyusha) and smoke shells should work over time expanding the smoke cloud before it fades away.
This may sound like a lot of changes but just watch the video again, yes the T-70 in its current state needs to be nerfed hard but think about how interesting it would be if both factions had access to REAL recon units, using True Sight and being able to counter that with smoke...