Last night I was playing 2v2 randoms when I versed RtN Milk Please! and Jesulin. I knew it was going to be a tough match, but I wasn't expecting the cheapest of all strategies, the classic Maxim HMG spam followed by AT gun spam.
Yes I lost, but I didn't feel too bad at the end considering I was versing an AT team loaded with two top players, with a random on my team. On top of that Milk Please wins with a pretty effortless strategy although it seems like I had better micro than he did.
Can you guys please criticize my performance? What I failed to do, what I should've done, big mistakes. Please keep it nice

I made a mortar, but like that did anything... Mortars need to be more accurate for aggressive tactics like these... maybe Sniper? I made a MG42 but that didn't supress the Maxims did it? I even managed to take one of his maxims but his friend Jesulin comes out of nowhere and disrupts me

Just when I thought I got a hold of the fuel for a tad bit...
Thanks guys,