A total of 41 1v1 games SINCE LAUNCH doesn't impress me. Your team games are probably all AT, any bozos can win 2v2s versus randoms.
Also my stats aren't the point because i'm not going around bragging about a good ratio after 13 games, using god knows which patch/and which exploits.
If it have taken you almost 9 months to play 13 1v1s as your precious Soviets then there is really nothing left to say. You live this game vicariously through forums and shoutcasts/replays, and yet you have the audacity to call into question the game experience of others. You probably only search for a 1v1 after practicing 100 games of sniper spam or some other ridiculous strat vs AI.
Considering the fact that I started 1v1 a month ago? Duh.
I never said I'm 1v1 player, I always underlined 2v2 is what I do most.
And again, will you show us your card finally or are you too busy spitting shit in the vicinity of you.
Because I have that hunch that you are wiking 2.0 aka 4v4 one faction hero with 5 digit ladder rank.
You spit same irrational shit as him, except he had a butthurt avbout soviets and you seem to be butthurt about me.
Or even better, how about we play a friendly games? 3 games, best of two, everyone plays both factions, all reps posted here?
Up for that? If not, then go back to official forums to bark together with hingie and armyguy, because thats pretty much all you can do, hot air breather with no spine at all.
You know my profile, feel free to friendlist me and we'll play some games tomorrow to see who is better, hm?
Thou I really expect unending stream of excuses from you, just like wiking was terrified of 1v1 challenge.
You will beat me, it will mean you are right and you will have a proof of that and if I will beat you, it will mean you are just another shit talker who cant even stand up to his words.
I'm pretty sure quite a few people would like to see that games.