
russian armor

April 24th Patch Notes Discussion

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23 Apr 2014, 18:14 PM
avatar of VonIvan

Posts: 2487 | Subs: 21

I think it would be better if we made judgement after trying the patch.
23 Apr 2014, 18:15 PM
avatar of Raindrop

Posts: 105

Does anyone understand why to me it seems that German armour has been buffed along side soviet, while soviets still lack infantry based AT on par with panzershrecks. Many of their tanks have had an armour increase, reducing PTRS effectiveness I would imagine.

Panzershrecks got an indirect nerf:

Panzer Grenadier

The Panzer Grenadier squad over performed for its cost. These two changes lower its performance to better reflect its cost to value.
Armor from 1.2 to 1
MP44 accuracy from 0.58/0.45/0.4 to 0.56/0.45/0.4

Less armor means that it will be easier to force them off.
23 Apr 2014, 18:16 PM
avatar of Aerohank

Posts: 2693 | Subs: 1

The infantry adjustments look nice.

I'd have to play some games to determine the effects of the tank changes. From the raw numbers it would seem that the soviets get a bit shafted, but those numbers don't include the changes in mobility.

Edit: the howitzer changes seem like a flat out nerf. Which was the last thing these units needed. What was wrong with destroying someones base with artillery? It's barely useful against moving targets if your opponent had a brain and did not blob up against a player with a howitzer.
23 Apr 2014, 18:18 PM
avatar of Neo

Posts: 471

Tank balance hard to predict now, have to play.

I have a minor concern that is best expressed in this meme though:

23 Apr 2014, 18:19 PM
avatar of Umbert

Posts: 119

Panzershrecks got nerfed indirectly:

Armor nerf from 1,2 to 1 means that it will be easier to force of Pgren sqauds.

Is Infantry armor useful vs tank shells? Or: does this change alter the outcome of a tank shot at a Panzergrenadier squad?

On the other hand all tank damages beginning from the T70 have been buffed...
Plus the Top Gunners are mentioned to be more effective.
23 Apr 2014, 18:21 PM
avatar of Aradan

Posts: 1003

Panter new penetration. :hyper:
23 Apr 2014, 18:22 PM
avatar of Raindrop

Posts: 105

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Apr 2014, 18:19 PMUmbert

Is Infantry armor useful vs tank shells? Or: does this change alter the outcome of a tank shot at a Panzergrenadier squad?

On the other hand all tank damages beginning from the T70 have been buffed...
Plus the Top Gunners are mentioned to be more effective.

I was talking about a scenario were the Tank is supported by inf (especially since most sov inf got dps buffs). Tank MG's should also be better now.
23 Apr 2014, 18:23 PM
avatar of Aerohank

Posts: 2693 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Apr 2014, 18:19 PMUmbert

Is Infantry armor useful vs tank shells? Or: does this change alter the outcome of a tank shot at a Panzergrenadier squad?

Flame weapons and explosive weapons, including tank shots, ignore armor.
23 Apr 2014, 18:27 PM
avatar of m00nch1ld
Donator 11

Posts: 641 | Subs: 1

overall looks nice changes but pg nerf and isu buff confuses me
23 Apr 2014, 18:30 PM
avatar of Umbert

Posts: 119

Flame weapons and explosive weapons, including tank shots, ignore armor.

Thank you!
This makes Panzergrenadiers very vulnerable to tanks. Including their combined increased damage output. Better put them in buildings then...
23 Apr 2014, 18:44 PM
avatar of AvNY

Posts: 862

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Apr 2014, 17:58 PMMadeMan
I just wonder why they made HMGs a soft counter against light vehicles. Aren't light vehicles meant to be one of the best counters for weapon teams?

I guess the still are, just that you can't just park it in front of a machine gun and still win.

Heavy machine guns have always been a counter to light vehicles. Light vehicle armor is actually ineffective against direct, close range, hits from high velocity rounds (including rifle rounds). Heavy machine guns use rounds even bigger than a rifles (.30 caliber versus .50 caliber, plus a higher velocity).

The M2 50 caliber Browning was designed as an anti-tank weapon.

See here for pictures of the 50 cal round relative to 30-06:

23 Apr 2014, 18:45 PM
avatar of AvNY

Posts: 862

23 Apr 2014, 18:47 PM
avatar of coh2player

Posts: 1571

I read the notes for 'Ram'. So it's changed a lot but does this mean that the T-34 will not have instant main gun disabled? It looks like that.
23 Apr 2014, 18:49 PM
avatar of Spanky
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1820 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Apr 2014, 18:14 PMVonIvan
I think it would be better if we made judgement after trying the patch.

listen to the man!
23 Apr 2014, 18:51 PM
avatar of Shazz

Posts: 194

Very interesting changes, will have to see how they play out. Exciting!

I wonder if something got left out for the ISU152. It seems to be just be a straight buff across the board in every respect. Better AT, better survivability, cheaper, still retains huge squad wipe ability.

StuG and SU76 changes are a bit perplexing. These two units were already pretty bad and changes on paper seem to make them worse, but will have to see how they synergize with all the other changes.

Blitz change looks to be very good.

Howitzer change pretty surprising too, I guess this is primarily aimed at the 3v3 4v4 crowd because they're completely useless in 1v1 and 2v2 unless you're just trolling.
23 Apr 2014, 18:53 PM
avatar of Kyle

Posts: 322

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Apr 2014, 18:07 PMWiFiDi

lmgs are now the long range asset. (but is much worse close and medium)

Yes I understand that. But I think Relic should change it around: G43 should be the long range asset but LMG should only be close to medium range.

I mean for god sake G43 is a long range Rifle, WITH SCOPE. I mean SCOPE for better aiming at far range, not to be god as medium and close.

And MG usually got shitty long range accuracy. They should be good in medium and close range.

I understand that in the last patch, G43 was OP. But they should nerf it when enemy get in medium or close range, not the other way around.

I fear that Russian play will start playing with the Guard + ISU doctrine now.


Guys, may I ask what is your way to counter Russian Sniper Spam ? I saw some people get 2 snipers, wipe out Grenadiers try to close it at them. Wait for 2CP and get guards, upgrade with DP-28. No, German Rifle Grenade will not do anything good because good Rus player will move always when they see the animation.

Then they start moving Guard at front, sniper behind them. A 222 try to close in will get button, Grenadiers try to rush in with get eat by sniper and DP-28.

Then they go Tier 3 to get M3, T34 and wait for ISU. with the T34 can fight tank better now, they will use it to wait for the " russian tank destroyer "

And no no, I just simply ask how are you going to counter that ? I try gren with G43 and 222 and mostly I failed.

23 Apr 2014, 18:59 PM
avatar of What Doth Life?!
Patrion 27

Posts: 1664

The T70 saw a number of changes to bring it in line with other light vehicles. The new AOE profiles improve the damage output of the T70 vs. infantry. Additionally, its mobility was improved to better enable its recon role and offensive capacities. This unit functions as a very effective hit and run unit or on the flank.

As in the overall changes improved its mobility or the T70 had specific statistical changes? I'm unclear on this.
23 Apr 2014, 19:05 PM
avatar of Tristan44

Posts: 915

WHY did they nerf howitzers!!!??? And b4 penetration and dmg won't oneshot p4 anymore?? While reload times the same! Argghg!!! Howitzers are risk/reward and are so easily countered!

Um... Weapon teams less damage from nades and tank fire? Wah??

Everything else yay!
23 Apr 2014, 19:09 PM
avatar of SturmTigerTrafalgar

Posts: 160

So no more travelling in time to get in behind my su-85s.

yeah true, but your su-85 cant hit him cause with this ability the P4 can dodge like Neo in Matrix1
23 Apr 2014, 19:10 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Apr 2014, 18:10 PMBurts
lol , the german fanboy rage begins. I can' wait to see SSHeini.

I know, right??

Hingie on official forums already got meltdown.
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