No prob. I hope you can require them.
Some more of the 250. "Blaue" Division (Division Azul/ The blue Division)

Ancient of the 2nd Battalion of the Regiment Pimentel.

Coat of Arms of the 250th IDivision.

Solemn Appeal with the spanish flag.

Spanish heavy MG 42.

Memorial for the Division Azul in Almudena.

Volunteers start in Madrid.

Here arrival to Germany to swear allegiance to Hitler, receive accelerated instruction for leaving to the eastern front.

Buriing the fallen.

Spanish troops from the Blue Division (División Española de Voluntarios) trudge across rolling countryside on the Leningrad Front, winter 1942/1943.

Division Azul Battle of Krasni Bor - War proofed.

A Basque member of the Spanish Blue Division (Spanish: División Azul) has dinner on a hospital patio with a kitten after returning from the Eastern Front. October 1942.