@Rogers: You think they stoped with DLC Commanders?

(I don't think so).
There were questions about solutions:
For a moment lets look at LoL.
-You pay NOTHING for the standard game.
-You can buy everything remotly relevant to gameplay for ingame currency.
-You can buy Skins only for real money, that have no impact on the game.
What do you think, on which game did I spend more money? It's LoL. And I didnot bought any champions, only Skins. Seems to work pretty good.
When I buy a skin in LoL I think: This is a great game, with a fair buisness model, I want to help the devs, and I feel absolutly not bad buying something useless for real money.
When I think about buying something in CoH2: Everything except Commanders is out of question, firstly because its too pricey for what it gives, secondly "you greedy bastards get not a cent more from me, then what I have to pay for your Commander ripoff". Then I think about buying Commanders. When they are not on sale its totally out of Question. For 50% off I will maybe buy 1 or 2 and still feel bad about it.
So we see: The solution is a fair buisness model, where people want to spend money on useless things, instead of a "perceived" unfair buisnessmodel in which people who really like the game will feel forced to buy something and feel bad about it.
Just another example: I actually bought Dow2 Retribution at the Wintersale, AND I bought a Skinpack in addition. And it feels great. (Ok, it was pretty cheap, but its pretty old also, not even supported anymore and and and.)
If we have to keep Commanders (which we have, because they are alreay here) fair offers should be the solution. They just need to make a "multiplayer" pack, which includes everything relevant to multiplayer that will be released in the fututre, and was released already. Make it 15€, and I see many people spending way more money on this, then what you would have otherwise gotten from them. And they are happy. Or ATLEAST bundle up the Old Commanders.