It's strange that the people defending the game are so much angrier than those stating their issues with it :/
We rarely have a problem with people like you that can actually articulate the things that they dislike about the game and then back them up with evidence. Too many people in this community just cry incessantly about anything they can and then lash out against anyone who tries to have a serious discussion with them. Sure I don't always agree with your perspective but I can at least respect the fact that you take the time to make sure it is well thought-out, you can admit when you're wrong (which 99% of people around here cannot do), and you can sound somewhat intelligent.
1) I have never claimed to be some great CoH 2 player. Sure I consider myself to be pretty good, but I don't think I'm top 10. Hell I'm probably barely top 25 if I'm being honest (and perhaps even lower than that, who knows). Please stop putting words into my mouth, it makes you sound dumb. Thanks.
2) I've debated different points of view in plenty of threads before to the point of just being sick of it. At times I enjoy debates with people like Inverse/Twister/Tommy (and perhaps a few others) because they can actually carry on a decent discussion. You on the other hand just regurgitate (often in a wrong manner) the things you see them saying. You haven't played the game in how long? And you think you have some semblance of an idea of the state of the game/metagame? Just the fact that you think Con/Gren spam or rushing for T3 tanks is still a thing shows how wrong you are. Sure those strats work sometimes on some maps, but the dominance of those strats has been dead for 3+ months.
3) You're the perfect example of what Noun was talking about with toxicity. You relentlessly follow me (and I'm sure others) into every thread and then start arguments for the sake of what...? You don't give good constructive criticism and you just attack people all day. It's tired bro, give it up. Like I said before, we as a community don't have to be sheep - we should speak out in a constructive manner in order to facilitate and push for good changes to the game but what you do is just plain toxic and annoying.