
russian armor

I don't understand why VPs exist in comp stomp.

1 Feb 2014, 17:06 PM
avatar of speedbirdtk1

Posts: 31

As far as I know, there is no way to turn them off. The only option that exists is custom games but it's hard enough to find players to invite to your "lobby" and random pubbers aren't able to join.

Some of my fondest and most fun memories of CoH are 4v4 expert comp stomps where you're pinned in your base for a long time but eventually manage to kill enough of the AI to break out and make a comeback.

Is Relic against players having fun or something? Why the hell would they add in VPs in comp stomp with no option to turn it off, especially in a multiplayer RTS game with no custom lobbies?
1 Feb 2014, 17:36 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Because the game is balanced around VP games, therefore VP games in both automatches.

Annihilation is a custom addition, which have a direct effect on game balance, therefore its in custom games only.
1 Feb 2014, 17:38 PM
avatar of Pred

Posts: 35

Because nobody cares about comp stomp? *grabs popcorn*
1 Feb 2014, 21:35 PM
avatar of sluzbenik

Posts: 878

I think they consider the automatch comp stomp to be training for multiplayer games. (Hey, pros did u even know you can automatch vs the comp? YEAH! Take a break from those 1v1s and masturbate while eating a Snickers bar as you AUTOMATCH VS. THE COMP).

But you can play vs the comp in annihilate with a custom game. Seems fine to me.

1 Feb 2014, 22:57 PM
avatar of herr anfsim

Posts: 247

I guess the problem would be solved if they just added something as basic as public lobbies.
1 Feb 2014, 23:07 PM
avatar of speedbirdtk1

Posts: 31

Because the game is balanced around VP games, therefore VP games in both automatches.

Annihilation is a custom addition, which have a direct effect on game balance, therefore its in custom games only.

Cop-out excuse. Pay 2 win commanders have a much bigger effect on game balance, yet they're allowed in ranked automatches against human players.

How does the removal of VPs in a comp stomp have an effect on game balance?

But you can play vs the comp in annihilate with a custom game. Seems fine to me.

Which can only be joined by friends of the host.
1 Feb 2014, 23:33 PM
avatar of sluzbenik

Posts: 878

Which can only be joined by friends of the host.

See first sentence of paragraph 1.

2 Feb 2014, 00:33 AM
avatar of speedbirdtk1

Posts: 31

That doesn't change anything. Why aren't players given a choice?
2 Feb 2014, 00:49 AM
avatar of akosi

Posts: 1734

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So it begins.
2 Feb 2014, 10:10 AM
avatar of BabaRoga

Posts: 829

That doesn't change anything. Why aren't players given a choice?

Here is straight answer for you: Thousands of players have quit playing COH2, there were petitions, thousands of threads and posts complaining about this.

Why? Someone @ Relic decided that majority of people like automatch better, and that custom matches are bad and are hurting the player numbers. Something about team stacking and games lasting too long, therefore wait time being too long for quick automatch vs random players. (Highly disputable looking at low numbers of active automatch players) Given many have left because of other issues.

However, you are wasting your time typing threads about this issue. It is not that Relic is stupid and couldn't make the features you are talking about easier for you to use, they made them hard and frustrating deliberately so you have to move to automatch or quit playing the game. Your choice

Hope that helps
2 Feb 2014, 11:00 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Here is straight answer for you: Thousands of players have quit playing COH2, there were petitions, thousands of threads and posts complaining about this.

Why? Someone @ Relic decided that majority of people like automatch better, and that custom matches are bad and are hurting the player numbers. Something about team stacking and games lasting too long, therefore wait time being too long for quick automatch vs random players. (Highly disputable looking at low numbers of active automatch players) Given many have left because of other issues.

However, you are wasting your time typing threads about this issue. It is not that Relic is stupid and couldn't make the features you are talking about easier for you to use, they made them hard and frustrating deliberately so you have to move to automatch or quit playing the game. Your choice

Hope that helps

Like to exaggerate, do we?
If tousands have quit because of no annihilation automatch, then probably still millions play VP games.
2 Feb 2014, 15:33 PM
avatar of speedbirdtk1

Posts: 31

etc etc

Fair enough point.

Like to exaggerate, do we?
If tousands have quit because of no annihilation automatch, then probably still millions play VP games.

He's not exaggerating, the numbers speak for themselves. CoH2 lost a huge amount of players the following months after release. I'm sure the lack custom lobbies, among many other things, contributed towards the decline.


It's depressing but I guess that's the state of the game.
2 Feb 2014, 16:03 PM
avatar of computerheat
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Posts: 2838 | Subs: 3

That's how automatch versus AI works? I thought it was just a custom game with random map selection. O_o
2 Feb 2014, 18:47 PM
avatar of wooof

Posts: 950 | Subs: 1

you guys honestly think thousands of players quit over lobbies? go look at other games and i think youll find most of them have a downward trend in the number of players. lots of people buy new games, but once the novelty wears off a lot of people lose interest. thats not unique to coh2 and it wasnt caused by lobbies.

the numbers have actually been quite consistent for the game since the month after launch. it has roughly 4000-6000 players. it was a bit low in november, but the numbers now are just as high as they were in august.

as for the op, make some friends and host a custom game. problem solved.
2 Feb 2014, 19:24 PM
avatar of cataclaw

Posts: 523

*grabs popcorn*

Only Relic postRelic 2 Feb 2014, 19:49 PM
avatar of Noun

Posts: 454 | Subs: 9

We're looking into ways to make it easier to find people to play custom games against. There are the chat lobbies but posts like this show that people aren't using them the way we had hoped.

VP games have always been the focus of CoH and have always been the focus our Automatch.
2 Feb 2014, 19:59 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Feb 2014, 19:49 PMNoun
We're looking into ways to make it easier to find people to play custom games against. There are the chat lobbies but posts like this show that people aren't using them the way we had hoped.

VP games have always been the focus of CoH and have always been the focus our Automatch.

Have you seriously expected people using feature that requires even a minimal effort from them?
Lol silly relic, silly, you're not enough on the interwebz yet. :)
2 Feb 2014, 20:32 PM
avatar of speedbirdtk1

Posts: 31

Have you seriously expected people using feature that requires even a minimal effort from them?
Lol silly relic, silly, you're not enough on the interwebz yet. :)

Players not using a half-assed, unintuitive "feature" that does a poor job of what it's designed to do? Big surprise!
2 Feb 2014, 20:37 PM
avatar of BeltFedWombat
Patrion 14

Posts: 951

The contempt for casual gamers who don't want to spend their lives grinding 1v1s on Langres is lololololol.

Wow I wish I could be a pro.
2 Feb 2014, 21:03 PM
avatar of herr anfsim

Posts: 247

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Feb 2014, 19:49 PMNoun
We're looking into ways to make it easier to find people to play custom games against. There are the chat lobbies but posts like this show that people aren't using them the way we had hoped.

VP games have always been the focus of CoH and have always been the focus our Automatch.

You had a feature in vCOH that made it really easy to find custom games. I dont understand why you are wasting time and resources with all these workarrounds.
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