
russian armor

G-43 vs SVT-40

19 Dec 2013, 05:10 AM
avatar of cataclaw

Posts: 523

I'm talking about just Penal Troops. I'm well aware that the "unarmed Russians charge into battle" was just an act of severe desperation during the Battle of Stalingrad. Penals on the other hand were just prisoners plucked from Gulags, rounded into a group, charged at enemy positions, then the survivors were put into another group and charged again. Sometimes they held sticks to make them look like Soldiers, and in winter they wore the darkest uniforms so the Germans would fire at them first and not the Red Army men nearby.

Penal Battalion were Officers, Penal Companies were Soldiers.
Un-armed soldiers? Please. The Soviets had more Mosin Nagants than they had soldiers. Now that tells you something right?

19 Dec 2013, 12:57 PM
avatar of tokarev

Posts: 307

I feel like Penals were a later addition to the game, their role does not match their description or voices, and their weapons and further contradict it.

Personally I would have made Penals like this:

Shtrafniki: "Armed" with sticks, shtrafniki are just meat-shields designed to take the heat off real combat troops. At 7 men for 105 manpower, costing 15 manpower to reinforce, there is no immediate resource benefit to keeping them alive, and they only give half the XP of conscripts on death. Having no weapons of their own, shtrafniki prove their loyalty by dying in the field. Once enough men have died to achieve Vet 1, shtrafniki are considered trusted enough to be given real weapons, and a free upgrade for Mosin-Nagant rifles (conscript rifles) become available. Vet 1 shtrafniki are slightly effective as a conscript squad. Vet 2 increases their durability and lethality, Vet 3 further increases durability and lethality. Shtrafniki cannot capture points until Vet 2, and cannot capture at normal speed until Vet 3.

Sorry, but you are out of your mind.
19 Dec 2013, 15:26 PM
avatar of Shell_yeah

Posts: 258

if you're handy with the Russian language (or Google Translate) you can read about penal battalions here.
penal battalions
And about the SVT-40 here
About assault engineering brigade here

I've read the whole article about Penal Batallions. I want to stop particularly on what is written about their equipment:
Each PB had:

---3 riflemen companies - each squad in riflemen platoon had light machinegun. Each riflemen company also had platoon of 50mm mortars.

---1 submachinegunner company equipped with PPD and PPSH submachineguns.

---1 HMG company equipped with old Maxims and modern Goryunov HMGs (SG-43).

---PTRS company

---Mortar company with 82mm mortars.

Nothing is written about SVT-40.

They often left gas masks before assault to be able to carry as much bullets and grenades as they could. Penal batallions always had the hardest tasks, they started fighting first and finished last, thats why they needed good equipment and lots of ammo.
Giving them sticks as someone mentioned above seems to be a very bad idea.

I think that they need an armor buff, something like 1.15-1.2 armor so they can deflect at least some shots.
20 Dec 2013, 11:50 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Dec 2013, 12:57 PMtokarev

Sorry, but you are out of your mind.

I never intended it to be a serious suggestion, more of a fantasy idea than anything else. I just think it's a bit silly that Penal Troops are described in-game as worthless scum, but in practice are treated like skilled front line troops with fancy weapons that even Guards aren't allowed to have. Now maybe historically they weren't considered as worthless as I thought they were, but either way I'm pretty sure they weren't considered better Soldiers than the rest of the Red Army.

Even just listening to their voices is contradictory. "The real soldiers are busy", says the guy leading a squad of SVT's and Flamethrowers, while the "real soldiers" have Bolt-Actions that they can barely aim. "You need a suicide squad?" seems much more in-line with the literal suicide squad I outlined.

Maybe I'm just nit-picky, but there's a huge divide between their description and voice, and actual combat role in-game.
20 Dec 2013, 12:11 PM
avatar of Captain_Frog

Posts: 248

There are too many variables involved to be able to say whether or not Penals as a whole were worthless.

The experience of the soldiers within a Penal company or battalion of course would vary a great deal. Soldiers who committed crimes or acts of cowardness were sent to these units, that doesn't mean they weren't good soldiers before they committed these acts. On the one hand you may have a Penal company who are extremely experienced, maybe even veterans. On the other hand you may have a completely fresh Penal company made up of those who were conscripted and didn't have the will to fight.

So to generalise and say that Penals were "worthless" is quite subjective.
20 Dec 2013, 12:14 PM
avatar of Aradan

Posts: 1003

I never intended it to be a serious suggestion, more of a fantasy idea than anything else. I just think it's a bit silly that Penal Troops are described in-game as worthless scum, but in practice are treated like skilled front line troops with fancy weapons that even Guards aren't allowed to have. Now maybe historically they weren't considered as worthless as I thought they were, but either way I'm pretty sure they weren't considered better Soldiers than the rest of the Red Army.

Even just listening to their voices is contradictory. "The real soldiers are busy", says the guy leading a squad of SVT's and Flamethrowers, while the "real soldiers" have Bolt-Actions that they can barely aim. "You need a suicide squad?" seems much more in-line with the literal suicide squad I outlined.

Maybe I'm just nit-picky, but there's a huge divide between their description and voice, and actual combat role in-game.

Only Relic wet dream. In Penal batalions was prisoned officiers. Well trained and well armed with best possible weapons. If they fight brave and was injured, they can go back they army position and rank.

PS: they never use helmets
20 Dec 2013, 14:42 PM
avatar of akula

Posts: 589

is it ideal to upgrade Grens with both G-43 AND LMG with the Elite doctrine? Cost not factored..
20 Dec 2013, 17:35 PM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Dec 2013, 12:14 PMAradan
PS: they never use helmets

Wrong, not wearing helmets is a gross violation charter - in the infantry units turned a blind eye to it.
In penal unit and Assault Engineers - for not wearing a helmet could follow disciplinary punishment.
Same wanted to correct a skin Guardsmen - correctly cape and helmet.

21 Dec 2013, 00:34 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

Guards actually wore capes? Huh, I assumed that was just artistic liberty to make them seem more 'heroic'.
21 Dec 2013, 03:35 AM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

In cape went all infantry units throughout the war.
Indeed cape became a symbol of heroism. And it seems Relic inspired this way made Guardsmen such a skin.
A distinctive feature of the Guardsmen infantrymen was Quilted jacket

Guard Sergeant, infantry, 1944

Infantry - machine gunner in cape, 1943-45 ..
5 Feb 2014, 00:44 AM
avatar of Jazzwind

Posts: 9

I think what bothers me a bit about the Relic rendition of the PTRD / PTRS is that they say it's a crappy anti-infantry weapon. While the PTRD certainly had (what could be termed)a poor rate of fire, they both had 1.) range and 2.) stopping power. Getting hit with a little (hah) round like that at those velocities would easily tear off a limb, or cause instant catastrophic internal damage just from the velocity, itself, let alone the tumbling factors of a ballistic round. Unsure of what Relic chose to call it a poor AI weapon. It wasn't, at all.
5 Feb 2014, 00:48 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

I think what bothers me a bit about the Relic rendition of the PTRD / PTRS is that they say it's a crappy anti-infantry weapon. While the PTRD certainly had (what could be termed)a poor rate of fire, they both had 1.) range and 2.) stopping power. Getting hit with a little (hah) round like that at those velocities would easily tear off a limb, or cause instant catastrophic internal damage just from the velocity, itself, let alone the tumbling factors of a ballistic round. Unsure of what Relic chose to call it a poor AI weapon. It wasn't, at all.

There's a thing called balance, that they need to work on. I'm sure you wouldn't enjoy it so much if the Panzerschreck killed 2-3 people per shot.

That aside, I think the Anti-Tank Rifles should do DPS to infantry equal to an infantry rifle, so Infantry using AT Rifles aren't at such a disadvantage vs everything.
5 Feb 2014, 00:55 AM
avatar of Jazzwind

Posts: 9

Well, truth be told, I may have just been spoiled by Close Combat, that fun old game, where when they came out with the Soviets, I found loads of fun abusing the system by lining up loads of PTRS teams, and literally clearing the field of any infantry that was seen or moved. They were like snipers on steroids, LOL. I get the whole balance thing.
5 Feb 2014, 01:35 AM
avatar of coh2player

Posts: 1571

To the OP's query:

The SVT was issued in far greater numbers than the G43. Either entire battalions were equipped or they were spread out. Soviet infantry OOBs show one or two of them in infantry squads. Most obvious was Soviet Naval infantry. They were equipped with large numbers of SVTs (instead of mosins) after being taken out of their ships.

The Germans never had enough G43s to outfit entire battalions so they were 'spread out'. Very often, it was one or two of them per section if available or none at all.

Effectively, both weapons were around the same and many were issued with scopes. The German directive was to give them to best shooters so it was their designated marksman weapon. I don't know about the SVT but it's likely that it was treated in the same way.

Both the SVT/G43 scoped also found their way into sniper squads. Sometimes, snipers would use the semi and other times, the bolt-action.
5 Feb 2014, 02:56 AM
avatar of Volsky

Posts: 344

Give Guards Mosins, two SVTs by default, and the ability to purchase two DPs.

Why is there not a non-doctrinal PTRS unit? Bah, refer to my post on page one. Chop chop, make it so Relic.
5 Feb 2014, 03:15 AM
avatar of MarcoRossolini

Posts: 1042

Personally I'd take the PTRD for non-doctrinal AT upgrades...

Regarding someone saying Shock troops didn't exist, the unit as it is portrayed graphically did exist, they were assault engineers with SN-42 body armour and loaded to the gunnels with AT grenades, Flamethrowers, SMGs, LMGs demo charges etc. VCoH's Eastern Front mod is the most accurate portrayal of them.
5 Feb 2014, 06:15 AM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

1) Panzershrek often kill 2-3 people with one shot

2) Shock Troops (in the game) - a cut-down version of the real Assault Engineers. They were armed with all the best (SVT-40, CH-42 Vest, captured Panzerfaust / Panzershrek, PTRS / PTRD, flamethrowers, PPS-43, flamethrower tanks T-34 - TO-34)
Altogether during the Great Patriotic War was created 20 assault engineering brigade, which in combat operations showed their best and most distinguished cities in the assault, which they, in fact, intended.
5 Feb 2014, 06:42 AM
avatar of coh2player

Posts: 1571

Shock troops would be an amazing but probably OP unit if they had AT grenades..

They would have to get nerfs elsewhere to compensate for THAT..
5 Feb 2014, 08:33 AM
avatar of MarcoRossolini

Posts: 1042

Really, I loved how they did it in Eastern Front Mod where you progressively upgraded your engineers to give them body armour and other stuff. I wish they had done that in CoH2 but obviously that'd be not possible now.

I wonder if an alternative AT weapon for shocks would be for every time they killed an enemy squad, they'd receive a one use only Panzershrek. Interesting mechanic and it'd represent what did happen where as the Soviets advanced they picked up tons of Panzershreks.
5 Feb 2014, 08:33 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

jump backJump back to quoted post5 Feb 2014, 02:56 AMVolsky
Give Guards Mosins, two SVTs by default, and the ability to purchase two DPs.

Why is there not a non-doctrinal PTRS unit? Bah, refer to my post on page one. Chop chop, make it so Relic.

Well at the least, buying Conscript PTRS or PTRD (the text was unclear) are an ability in one of the upcoming soviet doctrines. They should have been there before for free, but hey, they're coming regardless..

Regarding someone saying Shock troops didn't exist, the unit as it is portrayed graphically did exist, they were assault engineers with SN-42 body armour and loaded to the gunnels with AT grenades, Flamethrowers, SMGs, LMGs demo charges etc. VCoH's Eastern Front mod is the most accurate portrayal of them.

I'd say Shock Troops as they are portrayed, did not exist. Assault Engineers did, for sure. Shock Armies were high in Infantry and Artillery, but with less vehicles, many used high amounts of automatic weapons too. But the "Shock Troops" we associate with them in-game, weren't part these Shock Armies, and are at best they are the "based on a true story" version of Assault Engineers.

Of course, real Assault Engineers would suck to balance, considering they could plant mines and explosive charges, used all sorts of weapons including ROKS Flamethrowers, and could be part of a Guard's Army (fucking hell, imagine dealing with Guards and Flamethrower eqquipped Shock Troops in a 1v1..).
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