LOL straight up lie:
1/ M26 vs KT:
+ M26: 3 model cap.
+ KT: no model cap. 1-2 shots 6 mans squad.
+ 2 tank have same Range.
+ M26 less pen, and vet 1 pure AT.
+ KT more pen, only slow in 1 round.
M26 win because it design to win on speed, not head on 1v1.
KT with 1500hp (1440hp) thank to it vet 1 and vet 2. You can instant get vet 1 buy simply buy it.
and yet best armor too.
I am sure that you try to use KT like Coh2 elite armor bullshit and get cooked. right ?.L2P.
2/ Doctrine abilities:
+ Terror BG had 0CP camo "sniper" MG 42. I would take that over .50 cal all day long.
+ whole doctrine allow Weh force retreat enemies in both attack and defend. Is it not OP enough for you ?.
+ sliencer V1.
+ Every ability from Heavy cav is pure support and add on for team weapon and Weapon support center meta. There are not BB, Tier 3 or Tier 4 in this patch for USF.
+ Bufterfly mines can drop on FoW, You such a noob to not know it can damage engines and can explore engs if another units shooting it, rigt ?. Just tell me Coh2 version is better then why nobody use it LOL
+ S-mines field is much better than CoH2. no Doubt.
+ DAK doctrine straight up Soviet defendsive but better in every way.
LOL Cry harder noob.
so show your player card,noob
and you dont know pershing also have 15percent damage reduce in vet3?
every wht player will agree exchange kingtigher with pershing
if you cry v1 rocket is OP, i will agree, but you cry the other BG ability, i can confirm you are just a poor skill player only expect buff your fuction