A few points;
You can always sue Sega for breaking consumer rights protection laws.
That’s why it’s essential to which country you’re from and knowing which consumer rights you have.
As a rule of thumb, bait and switch marketing are false advertising/consumer fraud which are illegal in multiple countries.
Is CoH3 riddled with false advertising? I believe so.
Also, don’t matter much if Sega did this intentionally or not.
Sega ignorance/incompetence is not a legal excuse for breaking consumer rights.
Will fans grow a backbone and sue? Who knows.
Even if fans don’t win a class action lawsuit, it’s bad Optics for Sega, and it can terminate marketing publicity stunts (but not limited to) such as “working with fans” false advertising.
For recent investigations into bait-and-switch marketing, we have Diablo Immortal MTX.
These investigations are relevant as Sega has done ZERO post-launch marketing for Battlegroups MTX. This could terminate mobile FTP plans for Battlegroups MTX.
Diablo Immortal False Advertising Investigation, POSTED JANUARY 12, 2023:
Migliaccio & Rathod LLP is currently involved in the Diablo Immortal False Advertising Investigation, for Activision-Blizzard’s false advertisement of the effect of a purchasable, in-game item in Diablo Immortal. The “Blessing of the Worthy” legendary gem, purchasable in bundles that could cost over $100, changes the description of its effect in vastly different, and detrimental, ways as the gem is leveled up. At level two, the item’s description that the player has a chance to deal damage equal to their maximum health is changed at level three to state that the player has a chance to deal damage equal to their current health. This means that rather than dealing a fixed amount of damage equal to one’s maximum health, the amount of damage that could be dealt instead changes with the player’s current health and is therefore less than previously understood, since the effect is only triggered when the player takes damage.
Rather than offer refunds or some form of compensation, Blizzard has instead responded to the Blizzard community by stating that they will change the item’s text description to reflect its actual effect, at level three. This practice essentially amounts to a bait-and-switch, since a purchasable item was advertised with one effect that players wanted and ended up with something completely different.
Thank you to our friends at the Communications Workers of America (CWA) for bringing this issue to our attention and their tremendous work unionizing software developers, among others.
Did you purchase the Blessing of the Worthy legendary gem?
If so, we would like to hear from you. Please complete the following online questionnaire so we may evaluate your potential claim(s):
Also knowing Sega + Gearbox shady history with this game;
This lawsuit is well-known from 2014;
Sega to tentatively pay out $1.25M in Aliens suit while Gearbox fights on
In recent times we have;
Sega Key Master Game ‘Rigged,’ Claims $5M Class Action Lawsuit, July 13, 2021:
Such Sega Arcade machines are non-regulated gambling for kids, a marketing scam with terrible payouts.
So, yes. Sega has good reasons to fear lawsuits and new gambling audits/gambling oversights as their Casino Operations have been caught doing predatory business practices.
Also, these marketing scams are nothing new and go back decades.
In terms of business ethics, as predators are preying on kids, there is a line in the sand that goes from bad to evil.
As a company, Sega has crossed that line in the sand.
In my country, we have a big business in Lego for kids;
Sega? So you want to talk about business ethics and "Code of Heroes"?
Get your house in order, until then. STFU!.
Corporate translator;
Code of Heroes = build me an army worthy of Mordor (corporate shills/lapdogs/praetorian guards).