However a few balance feedbacks and design notes:
1. All teams should have sniper.
2. Do not plan for any "DLC" pay to win commander, I am seeing M26 pershing and Firefly and Kingtiger, Jagdpanther and other iconic units are missing in this game and I am guessing it is reserved to be DLC later?

3. Popcap should be like COH1, it should be related to the amount of controlled sections. For a game that has capture system, giving 100 right at start is a mistake.
4. Infantry combat is much much better and closer to COH1 than COH2. COH2 was garbage in every aspect including the very random infantry fights with sudden wipes from one mortar hit on full HP.
5. Tank battles are good but I like to see more diversity in tanks specially for axis as they don't even have an option to build a panther but to call in one.
6. Removal of "Spam" encouraging tactics is great! There is no longer "LT Bonus or area bonus" like in Opposing fronts and COH2.
7. Base building is back

8. UI is absolutely horrible and it needs to be reworked to either COH1 or COH2 UI.
9. COH2 had cartoonish graphics but this one has even more cartoonish graphics and it seriously needs some gore and improvement. How is it possible all the amazing details of Coh1 graphcis are faded away?

10. Capturing system is back to COH1 and each sector gives different resource which is amazing! But it is better to let the capture mechanism also work as in COH1 that the capturing unit receives 2x damage and has less combat efficiency.
11. Limit the howitzer units to doctrines, less howitzer basic units provide much better gameplay. One of the main issues with COH2 is that almost every faction specially allies have a mobile artillery unit non doctrinal.
12. No mobile bunker units! Please just no more bren carrier with infantry inside and flamethrowers or halftrucks with infantry firing from the inside. This was one of the main issues with Opposing fronts factions and it continues in COH2 specially for allies. Mobile bunker units destroy the "Flanking" tactics and just award lame tactics.
Overall I was very negative about this game after what I saw from Relic and COH2 fiasco. If the UI and graphics are gonna get reworked + NO DLC COMMANDER SYSTEM, you have my money!