However, can we just admit how stupid this is? Seriously. You find a (clearly risky if you're getting caught and put into combat, but this is besides the point) spot to start repairs and then issue the command. Assumedly, inside the tank, the crew pulls a repair box out of wherever and starts hitting the engine with a wrench idfk. Alright cool. A few seconds later, enemy pioneer squad runs up to the T34 and starts chipping the paint job with their mp40s.
Now, because of this, you aren't allowed to stop repairs, because you're in combat. Explain to me why it makes any sense at all that the T34 crew now has their wrenches superglued to their hands. Okay, cool; the pioneer squad is over here wasting ammo, big deal right? But now here comes a wild Panzer 4 with the big guns (or at least big enough to actually damage the tank). You're telling me that these ruskies are SO DEDICATED to repairing the tank, that THEY DECIDE TO DIE IN A BALL OF FIRE instead of putting the freaking grease gun down and shifting the f@ck into reverse?
Please, explain why this is the direction that the balance team decided to take with balancing soviet crew repair. It makes zero common sense besides from a balance standpoint. They could have done something cool like make it so that the tank abandons on hit like with Sturmtiger (at least then it's not like having your skin peeled off while you're tied to a chair, now it's quick and painless) or hell, why not double the damage and instantly cancel the crew repairs? That would be one hell of a penalty, but it wouldn't be watching your nearly full health T-34 die to a panzergrenadier with one shreck slowly but surely taking the tank down to zero.
EDIT: And before you make the joke, no I didn't just lose an IS-2 to crew repairs or something and then immediately came to the forums to complain

Though this did happen to me once in a 1v1 years ago and I was so confused and furious that I stopped playing for the day. Rest in peace, poor T-34/85. You were missed.