>Metaxas leader of nation.
>Hitler leaves you alone, considers his south flank ok with a neutral Greece.
>Be 1938
>Hitler swallows three countries for free.
>Mussolini gets angry that he only has a colonial empire in Ethiopia.
>Hitler talks to him about USSR invasion.
>Mussolini decides against it, saying that "Italy is not yet ready". Sends demands in written form like a normie.
>Swallows Albania like a literal ape.
>Greece looks weak.
>Mussolini be like "time to eat".
>Sends Gracci to talk to Greek ambassador.
>Metaxas asks to talk to him himself like a true chad.
>"We ask that you give us your land to secure our nation. You have three days to respond or we will attack".
>Metaxas takes three seconds "No need, we are already at war as of this moment".
>Ultragigachad moment.
>Greek army mobilises and fights in mountains using weapons of 1920, no tanks and barely any supporting infantry.
>Italian army fights with modern tanks and weapons and the first use of close air support planes.
>Gets counterattacked one month into the war.
>Counterattack almost reaches whole albania.
>Mussolini be like "Fuck fuck fuck fuck".
>Calls Hitler up "we have a-problem my-a dear-a Fuhrer-a".
>"Das war ein Befehl!"
>Hitler commits two army corps to fight Greece and Yugo.
>Metaxas dies in 1941, leaves everything to the Greek army to continue fighting.
>Greece gets attacked literally by 3 armies on all fronts since Hitler promised Bulgaria the whole of Macedonia in exchange for help in subduing Greece.
>Greece never surrenders.
>Fight almost for two years against all odds.
>Make Hitler lose the important warm months of summer in Russian offensive.
>Not even German generals expected Greece to hold that far.
>Germans fight in Rupel fort, have surrounded it.
>Asks for Greek surrender.
>Greeks say "Fuck you, forts are for the taking not to be given".
>Athens is lost.
>Fight in Crete.
>Two whole Fallschimjager battalions lost.
>Fast forward to 1945.
>"The reason we lost against Russian war is because of Greece! That idiot Mussolini wanted to fight a noble nation and dragged us into it!" (Speer memoirs)
>mfw Greece has the highest days of active fighting against Nazis among the capitulated nations combined: Greece 219 days
Norway 61 days
France 43 days
Poland 30 days
Belgium 18 days
Holland 4 days
Yugoslavia 3 days
Czechoslovakia 0 days
Denmark 0 days (the king abdicated to hitler's corporal messenger)

Never give up against your enemies, history will remember your deeds.