you truly have reading problems... not bothering replying
U mean u just realized how crappy ur point was. Thx for the confirmation

You decide to put 250mm of fucking grade A steel armor topped with a fucking 12.8cm PAK gun you sure as fuck are going to be making something really OP for COH standards. Just imagine a vehicle with an elefant gun, a TigerII armor and Jagdtiger range... I can already hear the alliedcucks coping
Once again an incredibly stupid point. This even contradicts ur own argument
U say they would be ignoring history by putting BP/maus in the game. Thats true. But now u say theyr gonna follow history when it comes to tank specs? Do u rly not see how stupid that argument is?
Y do u want units to be OP? Nobody else is arguing 4 that, just u. If BP is OP, then they nerf it.....
This post reeking of autism aside.
Not his 1st post like that lol