
russian armor

The state of UKF in 1v1

27 Mar 2022, 19:30 PM
avatar of T.R. Stormjäger

Posts: 3588 | Subs: 3

My intent making this post is to vent about the faction and see what the 1v1 community thinks. I do not care whatsoever about teamgames, this is only for 1v1. This post has been a long time coming and I am surprised to see that it is made by someone who only recently played a lot of 1v1s with this faction as opposed to UKF veterans like Aimstrong, Kobald, Seeking (RIP) and Tootsy. For context I grinded out UKF the past month for 60+ games and faced a bunch of good players (not top because UKF ELO is a meme) and managed to reach an abysmal rank 3 which would be rank 30 if everyone played tbh but still gave me good perspective on the faction and its issues in 1v1.

Balance decisions

I want to begin by acknowledging that the current state of UKF is a symptom of massive nerfs/buffs from patch to patch and the balance team running out of time. UKF was definitely a super cheesy faction in the past, very strong if you knew exactly what you were doing or if your opponent was clueless, but with very exploitable weaknesses and some awful matchups vs JLI/VSL Grens. Current patch UKF feels like a response to their strong state last patch without intent to keep it in a solid state for the rest of coh2's life cycle but as a desperate attempt to see if the multitude of nerfs it received balanced it out and made it less cheesy, a tactic which was employed in the past numerous times when super meta strats were overnerfed (or buffed??? osttruppen...). The result of these changes is the current UKF faction which feels weak, with its crutches massively nerfed and the result is that trying to play the core faction is an uphill battle against superior factions.


The first aspect I want to touch on is the economy. The idea of bolster and weapon racks being optional was supposed to facilitate a choice between mainline infantry stronger than the axis and a faster medium tank timing. This choice is almost nonexistent because going with the first option is basically mandatory. LMG Grenadiers are so powerful that it is suicidal to face their LMG hordes with stock 4man sections, leading to an awful manpower economy, constant sniper bleed and awful map control which means you can't get the fast cromwell in the first place. Choosing to invest in bolster and weapons racks is the wise decision, but this basically puts your cromwell timing around the same as the panzer IV of Ostheer assuming you went for the 75 fuel AEC to cope with the 30 fuel 222 or a flame HT. Against OKW you are even more pressured because STG Volks destroy unupgraded 4man sections and JLI will always bleed even upgraded sections, while the Puma can counter everything lighter than your last tier of units, from sniper with aimed shot to AEC in a straight up fight. The result of this is that vs Ostheer you are always basically a unit behind and vs OKW you are always at a disadvantage vs JLI and Puma. Honourable mention goes to the awful AEC, which costs 75 fuel and has no role aside from poking out of cover units if your opponent either loses his light vehicle or skips it. Most UKF mains I have talked to are very lukewarm about it. Personally I love its tread shot but I absolutely loathe its lack of veterancy buff to its MG, which would be the perfect way for it to scale better. The result of this is that you are basically forced to spend 45 fuel more than Ostheer to keep its 222 in check, while AEC contributes less to infantry fights for the benefit of you not HAVING to get a 6pdr but then if you combine it with bolster + racks + the weak UKF economy you are basically left to pick if you want to get a Cromwell while the Ost P4 has a minute or two on the field to push you off the map.

Faction crutches

The first unit that was supposed to be a faction crutch is the Infantry Section. This is a unit that does become more powerful than LMG Grenadiers for Ostheer, but has to suffer on its way there. Early snipers, camouflaged units with ambush bonus, early LMGs for Ostheer and G43 squads all bleed UKF hard before upgrades. Bolster is usually popped after the AEC otherwise the 222 runs wild, so you cannot afford early 5man Sections to push back stock Grens. This means you will bolster around 8mins in and get racks about 9mins in. This leads to the second issue, the fact you need 90 munitions compared to Ostheer needing 60. I think the strength of the upgrade being higher than the LMG42s is actually mitigated by the out of cover penalty for sections and the drop rate. This also fits in with the economy aspect for two reasons. One is cost meaning you have to get racks later and two is you cannot afford to spend your munitions early because you need to save up to get double BRENs on all your sections as soon as possible for maximum value from the upgrade. Against OKW you actually do great against STG Volksgrenadiers and even trade decently vs Obers since you both stay max range. However, JLI are too good against UKF, winning the manpower trades on almost all fight with equal numbers and cover. This is made worse by your inferior indirect fire (pit vs leig) and HMG options (MG34 vs Vickers).
The picture that has been painted so far is of a balanced unit that has some awful early weaknesses and does a lot better lategame when fully upgraded. The lategame issue however is the inferior veterancy it receives compared to Grenadiers and elite OKW infantry. This is the biggest drawback of UKF in general in my view, strong units when invested into that do not provide sufficient return due to their veterancy being bad.

The AEC is a complicated unit for its timing and role and has been discussed a lot over time without too many changes. My honest opinion on the unit is that it needs some kind of veterancy buff to its hull MG and it either needs its build time to be reduced or for its side tech to be removed altogether. 75 fuel for a weaker Puma that can't countersnipe is too much in the context of UKF. Getting an AEC is a big enough investment already, the time and cost investment on top of that for the sidetech is excessive.

Problem units

In this section I wish to talk about the units that hold the faction back from being competitive, starting with the worst HMG in the game, the Vickers. This unit is absolutely awful, does not suppress, is useless without using its ability, is only 4men, does absolutely nothing when suppressed and at vet 0 takes forever to reload (7s I think?). It does get good veterancy but when you consider its appalling vet 0 state it is also lacking. Even compared to the Maxim it is awful, as the stock Maxim is 6men instead of 4 and actually is useful when suppressed so you can win MG duels with it. This is a huge faction issue, not having a reliable HMG to contain zones of approach and deliver long range suppression/lock down areas.
Another unit that fits into this is the Cromwell, not because the unit itself is bad, but because it fails at its role as a stock medium tank you get before the heavy tanks. As a unit itself, it's quite good. Offensive smoke, very nice veterancy, very good vet 1 ability, decent cost. Its two weaknesses that absolutely cripple the faction are lack of reliable anti infantry and as a result it cannot punish double ATG walls by flanking them, something you HAVE to do because you do not have a reliable stock rocket artillery platform. USF overcomes that with Scotts and HE Shermans which have devastating anti-infantry capability, but UKF does not have that. Its stock medium tank only gets the AT edge on the Ost P4 at vet 1 at a cost and it only deals a fraction of its anti infantry performance. Add to that the lack of a pintle MG mount, which makes it near impossible to punish flanked AT guns like the panzer IV can.

In general the lack of vehicle anti-infantry is evident. You do not get vehicles with good anti infantry performance, you do not have proper rocket artillery, you do not have good indirect fire like leig or heavy mortar and you do not have a specialist anti-infantry platform like the Brummbar or Scott. Land Mattress is completely irrelevant and a meme, it's not worth discussing.

The sniper is another problematic unit because of its god-awful veterancy.

I cannot understand why the sniper gets defensive and anti-tank veterancy bonuses. Who thought this was a good idea? Why do vet 0 and vet 3 UKF snipers fire just as fast? While I agree that snipers in general are stupid, giving Ostheer's sniper the best sniper veterancy and ability in the game while UKF's sniper gets the worst creates a gap in actual performance in favour of Ostheer. Not to mention timing.
While on the topic of veterancy, the Comet's veterancy is also abhorrent.

This unit's anti infantry performance got rightfully nerfed, but now it's just got worse Panther veterancy (less reload and no armour bonus for just more speed) with inconsistent anti infantry and no pintle mount on a faction starving for vehicle based anti-infantry. The only thing going for it is the great vet 1 WP shell. Other than that, it's a worse Panther with no pintle, worse vet and better main gun anti infantry.

Lend Lease

The unquestioned UKF meta at the moment is lend lease because it plugs two huge holes in the roster and gives you lategame repairs and skill planes. The first hole is early section performance, which is compensated for by early assault section strength and thompson timing. The second hole is midgame vehicle anti infantry, with the quad coming in to provide speed, damage and suppression, able to duel and win against the 222 without needing 75 fuel invested into it. The result of this is players having to crutch on this doctrine to close the distance a bit with the axis factions but make no mistake, this is not a doctrine being OP issue, this is a faction being trash issue. This doctrine is not a problem, although it would absolutely have to be nerfed if stock UKF was buffed.

Conclusion and ideal changes

UKF is an awful faction that becomes a bad one if you play lend lease. That's the bottom line. Section rifle damage, Valentine timing and Comet scatter nerfs have really killed the faction by taking away its cheese but not sufficiently propping up the faction in return. Sappers getting snares was an excellent change but it's honestly not enough in the slightest. In its current state the faction makes you suffer when playing it, losing games you absolutely should have won by playing much better than your opponent simply because you are playing a worse faction. Equal skill, you will very likely lose and most likely lose without lend lease. This is why the 1v1 leaderboards for UKF are in a sorry state, with most players having abandoned the faction altogether and UKF mains just ditching the game altogether. I am appalled that UKF got to this state this patch and that there is no accountability about it. This is a paid DLC faction that's basically unplayable and I am not happy about it, as I'm sure neither are people who paid for it on release only for it to forever be in its current state for the foreseeable future unless there is a major change and we get another balance patch.

If I had to fix the faction, the two main things I would fix on the spot are veterancy and pop cap, both of which UKF has worse than every other faction. I do not want to get into pop cap specifics, I defer to Jibber on the topic. Veterancy changes would be tedious to list but all I will say is units like Infantry Sections, AEC and Comet would need better veterancy. The early manpower economy of UKF would also have to be better, the reinforce speed of its units and base medics healing speed (I think it's slower, might be wrong.) would also need to be improved and the Cromwell and possibly the Comet would have to ditch the pointless tank commander upgrade for a pintle MG mount. I would also reduce BREN gun drop rate and fix the awful anvil point sight bonus which is pointless, replacing it with something useful like slightly improved movement speed in captured territories. Bolster would also have to be made cheaper by 5 or 10 fuel and the AEC would have to lose its side tech.

I welcome people's opinions on the topic, unless you wanna argue semantics or teamgames, in which case please respect the 1hr I spent typing this out and gtfo. Thanks.
27 Mar 2022, 20:09 PM
avatar of OrangePest

Posts: 570 | Subs: 1

27 Mar 2022, 20:20 PM
avatar of RuseMaster

Posts: 6

27 Mar 2022, 20:53 PM
avatar of Elpern

Posts: 84

27 Mar 2022, 21:00 PM
avatar of Farlion

Posts: 379 | Subs: 1

I'm unsure actually.
27 Mar 2022, 21:14 PM
avatar of RuseMaster

Posts: 6

Hi guys, this is Kobal and I main ukf

I wanted to share my opinions and apprehension about the changes that are coming in the live version from the preview. I have played about 8-10 games on the preview as of yet and this is what I think on every change that affects the UKF faction directly or indirectly. Keep in mind that I am mainly looking at these from a 1vs1 and 2vs2 viewpoint.

1. Infantry Section

Infantry Sections are having their capture bonus removed to reduce British early game map control.

Capture bonus removal

-This change is pretty significant when combined with the sandbags nerf, the reason why tommies have increased capping power is because they are so bad at dislodging entrenched positions so that cap bonus allowed them to cap faster and get into a favourable position faster. Don't forget tommies have a penalty of +5% increased received accuracy when out of cover for some reason. That meant they would be able to hold their ground better.

The Raid package is being scrapped with focus being placed on other elements of the British arsenal to help take map control. Furthermore, their medical kits are being increased in price due to how efficient they are while Mill Bombs are having their fuse time increase to match other grenades.

Raid Package removed
Grenade fuse time from 1 to 1.25
Medical Supplies upgrade from 30 to 45

-Here is by far one of the biggest nerf for ukf. Removing the raid package is good and increasing the grenade fuse is also warranted. Increasing the ammo cost for the med supplies to 45 is just too brutal for ukf in the early game mainly vs wher. The first healing supplies arrive slightly later but the second and third supplies arrive much much later, making the ukf squads bleed A LOT, especially if you get pushed off temporarily in the early game. I would suggest reverting back the ammo increase for the med supplies completely when you consider all the other nerfs tommies are receiving already.


We are increasing the time it takes to build sandbags for a select number of units. This will make it more of a strategic choice to build sandbags, because building them in the early game will hinder the pace at which the map can be captured. This should encourage players to build sandbags only in vital locations, rather than putting them everywhere their line infantry goes to capture points.

Sandbag build time increased from 12 to 18 seconds for Infantry Sections, Riflemen and Volks

-This change affects all factions except for grenadiers and ostruppens sandbags but it is especially brutal for tommies because they struggle to take back entrenched position. They need cover much more than any other unit outside ostruppens, so the fact they will pretty much never be able to complete these sandbags in the early game means you will almost never fight from green cover position anymore which can be extremely painful vs squads that are better out of cover like volks or grens at mid range, On such maps as crossroads you used to be able to capture your fuel and build a sandbag on the bottom right corner from south spawn before an enemy squad would come up but now you can't do that. So now you basically have to forget building sandbags in the back points in the early game unless you want to severely limit your capping power because of the removal of the capping speed to tommies as well. And buildings sandbags on frontline territory in the early game means you will almost always get caught off and lose the fight horribly.


The following change will make trenches easier to siege with non-indirect fire weapons and give players an option to destroy them during combat.

Target size from 2 to 17; target size no longer changes when garrisoned or ungarrisoned

- This change is warranted and fair, nerfing trenches by increasing the cost or something else would have been extremely punishing along that quite significant nerf. Instead of building 10-15 trenches to withstand indirect fire or hordes of axis infantry, you will simply need 20-30 instead.

2. Vickers

All Heavy Machine Gun Teams

The following changes should address some of the issues HMGs have when dealing with massed infantry when there is no cover available. By having two members of the crew forward, they will draw fire away from the gunner, allowing the MG to operate when under fire. Manual Reload has also been added to the unit to allow player input on on reloads.

Formation changes; when in the open, two of the crew members will now stand slightly ahead of the MG.
Manual Reload added.
All HMGs will now have an icon when using AP abilities

-This is a change affecting all factions but the vickers will be helped greatly by this because of the lacking suppression that can sometimes happen, the extra men dying before the gunner will most likely allow it to suppress larger blobs.
Vickers HMG Team

The passive bonus of the Vickers is being changed into a timed ability. This should allow the Vickers's veterancy 1 ability be more useful in the majority of situation.

'Take Aim' replaces veterancy 1 garrison bonus. Improves range by 7, accuracy by +15%, penetration by +6. Cycle a reload before activating. Can be used in garrisons. 15 munitions.

-After multiple testing I realize this is a good ability, it allows you to inflict more dmg and suppress a little bit more while also being to deal with lightly armored targets when setup. The removal of sight in garrisons is a shame but the increase in pen and accuracy makes it up for it. I am not sure if it's supposed to be like that but the vickers needs to reload before AND after using these rounds, making it quite vulnerable after the ability runs off.

3. Medics/ Forward Assembly

Now have a healing aura that heals 7.5% of an infantry models health per second in an area of 5; does not stack on itself.

-That change is alright for the medics for ukf I guess but I still would never build them, because they cost 3 pop constantly and reduce your manpower income. It can be hard to even afford 3 pop in the late game as ukf. I would put them to 1 man 1 pop or attached to the hq costing 200 mp like soviets. The forward assembly could be reduced in manpower to 150 if the option of putting medics in hq is not possible. The fact you can't upgrade medics and retreat point at the same time is already bad enough.

UKF Medic squad

Due to the buggy nature of the squad’s automatic healing, it is being replaced.

Automatic healing removed
Replaced with ambulance-like AOE healing ability that locks squad into place and slowly heals units in proximity over time

-Good change in making the medics a pseudo ambulance when combined with the fact they will get aoe healing. They are still pretty bad though outside when you go for lend lease. 3 pop is not something you can easily afford as ukf in the late game.

Forward Assembly

The Forward Assembly is seeing a reduction in its build-time to present itself as an option as both a reinforce point and base healing structure.

Build time from 45 to 37.5

-Honestly this change is pretty insignificant considering it still takes ~40 seconds to build healing, and its quite expensive too, 200 manpower and 60 ammo compared to 150 mp and 60 ammo from wher for example. The huge size of it also does not help with base pathing. => Should reduce the cost to 150 manpower or include medics when built with the optino to upgrade to retreat point.

British HQ Structures

To make it easier to utilize other healing options, infantry will now retreat directly towards the HQ, rather than to the Platoon or Company Command Post.

Infantry will now rally towards the HQ Truck rather than to other base structures structures.
The following change should relieve some of the issues when there are too many models in the base which blocks the path of medics.

-Good change in helping medics or forward assembly build work a bit better but it also increase the vulnerability of ukf to leFH18 and rocket artillery to a certain extent.

4.Universal Carrier

The Universal Carrier is receiving a slight nerf by adding a fuel cost to the unit. Its effectiveness in the early game warrants a slight delay to British teching.

Fuel cost to 5

-While that nerf is fair and justified it is another indirect nerf to the aec timing making your UC even more vulnerable to 222 and the likes. I would recommend keeping this fuel cost while removing the increase in build time for the aec. The fact the aec basically gets 3 timing nerf is way too much. Removal of capping bonus, increase in build time and another indirect nerf with the 5 fuel cost of the UC which you usually need vs wher.


The AEC is seeing a build-time increase to push the unit back slightly to give other LVs more opportunities to roam before the unit appears. The sight is also being reduced to make it more difficult for the AEC to hunt for targets on its own.

Build time from 45 to 60
Sight from 50 to 42; veterancy 2 returns sight to 50

-This change on its own is fine but combined with the removal of the capping speed bonus for the tommies means the aec is getting triple nerfed in one patch. It will be pretty hard to deal with the 222 with the big timing nerf the aec got with these 2 changes. Meaning the UC will have to pull out much faster reducing it's efficacity. 222 will also be able to bully around sections much longer ~1min30/2min especially on close quarters maps since sections don't have snares like other mainlines.

AEC and Bofors Tech

AEC and Bofors tech will no longer be mutually exclusive. The resource cost needed for each already acted as a gate from the other being purchased, and given the AEC already being the prime choice due to its mobility, there is no reason to further punish the choice of Bofors.

AEC and Bofors tech will no longer lock each other out from being purchased

-This is a good meme and it will allow more 4vs4 newbies to use bofors along AEC.

6.Royal Engineers

Royal Engineers are being moved to the HQ to encourage different builds from the British, help provide map control over the more expensive Infantry Section, and provide a cheaper supporting unit. A number of their abilities and construction options are being pushed back to avoid having a significant impact in the early game.

Now trained in the HQ rather than the Platoon Command Post
Destroy Cover, Heat Grenade, and Forward Assembly require Platoon Command Post

Given the changes to Royal Engineers and the timing of most healing options for other factions, Medics are being moved into the Platoon Command Post.

Now trained at the Platoon Command Post rather than the HQ

-This is a decent change, I feel like royal engis should be able to use destroy cover in the early game since it's so hard to build your own sandbags at that time. Making medics comes in the platoon is alright.

Sappers and the Assault Officer are having their capture rate to help increase the UKF's map control in the later stages of the game.

Capture rate from 1 to 1.25

-This feels like nothing but a band-aid to try and give back some of the original capture rate to really bad units at that role. Royal engis have more tasks to do than try and cap on the sides of the map. And the ass officer cap rate increase is nice I guess.

Royal Engineers are having their speed debuff from their Heavy Engineers upgrade removed as it prevented them from zoning out and punishing vehicles with their HEAT grenades.

Heavy Engineer in-combat speed debuff removed

- Good change in hopefully making anvil more attractive because as it stands now it's really bad when you upgrade your engis with that and you equip piats on them to prevent dives from panthers and the likes.

7.Churchill Infantry Tank

The Churchill is seeing the reversion of its population increase due to the British generally having higher than usual population. Furthermore, improvements to its main gun and the addition of a tank commander should make this tank - and Anvil - a better option.

Tank commander upgrade added
Reload from 6.125/7 to 6.125
Population from 19 to 18

-This is a very good change for the churchill which is quite pathetic in the current version, this should allow it to engage tanks more easily and for it to not take as much pop in your composition. The regularization of its reload is also nice vs infantry.
The Churchill is having its rear armor reduced to make it more vulnerable to being flanked by medium tanks, while still retaining higher than usual values due to the Churchill's damage sponge role. The unit is also receiving a pintle machine to increase its firepower against infantry.

Rear armour from 180 to 150
Veterancy 1 now grants a Vickers K pintle; weapon follows the rotation of the turret
Pintle DPS at 0/10/15/20/25/30/35: 8.07/5.90/4.99/4.15/3.38/2.71/2.14

The Churchill is having its population change reverted. If the unit receives additional changes, it will be to make the unit more potent individually.

Population reverted to 19

-Honestly pretty good buffs to the churchill, the tank commander and the pintle provides noticeable increase in dmg to infantry even if it's low. Rear armour nerf is pretty sad on top of the revert to 19 pop. I don't think giving tank commander and a 2 dps pintle at long range is scary enough to remove the 1 pop buff it was going to get. It still has a vet 1 requirement for its grenade lol. Also the vickers pintle upgrade can't fire at planes for some reason.


The Cromwell is receiving a new veterancy 1 ability to aid its role as a mobile tank that excels at hunting down injured or lightly armoured vehicles.

Veterancy 1 smoke recharge replaced with the 'Hunt' ability; detects vehicles in the FOW up to range 60 and improves moving accuracy by 20% for 30 seconds. 25 munitions.

-While this is a slight buff I would recommend putting the duration to 30 seconds because it is currently only 20 seconds which is incredibly short, and its quite expensive for this short ability. I still feel the cromwell aoe is so bad so it should at least have that ability lasting 30 seconds.


The Comet is having its fuel cost increased to better reflect its current performance. The WP ready aimtime is also being increased as it activated too quickly previously.

Fuel cost to 185
WP ready aim-time from 1 to 2

-Good nerf, anymore than this without really buffing the cromwell would be really bad for the ukf tank arsenal.


The Centaur is seeing increases in its mobility and speed. Previously, it was too slow making the unit difficult to use with its average survivability.

Speed from 5.2 to 5.6
Acceleration from 1.8 to 2.2
Rotation rate from 28 to 32

-Decent changes for a unit that is badly in need of help in the live version when compared with the ostwind. I still feel that it's too hard to use when at guns are present on the maps because it does not have blitz or some kind of escape, so you usually only want to build this when facing planes abuse and after you teched hammer so you can actually escape.

11.Valentine Mk IX

The Valentine must now be built from the HQ as a delay mechanism. Previously it could arrive too quickly for the amount of damage it could cause.

Now needs to be built in HQ after being unlocked at 5CPs
50 Second build time.

-Really good change sorely needed, the state of the valentine now reminds us of the mobile defense days when you could call in pumas, only difference was that it is limited to 1 and deals way more infantry dmg.


The Firefly is having its turret rotation improved. Its current turret rotation speed makes it track slower than most case-mate tank destroyers. The unit's speed with veterancy is also being improved. These changes should make the unit feel more responsive.

Veterancy 1 now grant a speed boost of +10%
Turret horizontal and vertical traverse speed from 18 to 22
Veterancy 2 Turret traverse speed bonus from 1.35 to 1.15

-Good changes for a subpar tank destroyer, pretty much only usable reliably vs heavy tanks. I still feel that vanilla state is firing way too slow, maybe increase the reload by a little bit at vet 0 and scale back the reload at vet 2 so it keeps the final current fire rate. I feel that it should receive either a bit more reload at vet 0 or gain a small amount of penetration with vet. Nothing feels more awful than boucing with a firefly.

13.Mortar Emplacement

The Mortar Emplacement has received a number of changes to make it more usable by being cheaper to initially put down. By granting only one mortar to the player, the UKF player does not need to expand a large amount of resource to get access to basic indirect-fire. The addition of the heavy mortar barrage will give the British a long-range late game artillery unit in the core.

Cost from 350 to 250
Now starts with one mortar active.
2nd Mortar can be activated by upgrading the Emplacement for 100 manpower. 20 second research.
Can now fire a Heavy Mortar Barrage up to range 180 once Hammer or Anvil have been unlocked.
Heavy Barrage fires a total of 8 rounds into the target area with a 120 second recharge; affected by veterancy.

-This is a good change for the pit but I still feel it should be 240 mp initially considering it can't move. The reduction in range of the heavy barrage is good because it seemed very abusive in 1vs1 maps especially.

14. 17 Pounder Emplacement

The 17 Pounder Emplacement's world piercing rounds are being reduced in cost to better match their

Piercing Rounds from 90 munitions to 60 munitions

-Very good change, allowing the 17 pounder to roleplay as a pak 43 for 30 seconds for cheaper. 90 ammo was just too expensive

15.Bug Fixes

Forward Assembly and Glider

The UKF Forward Assembly and Glider disappeared in the Fog of War after having been spotted, unlike other structures. This made it harder to remember their exact location, for example to target them with indirect fire. This has been brought in line with other structures.

Forward Assembly and British gliders now correctly appear in the FOW when spotted, like other structures.

-Very good change

Fixed an issue where the Land Mattress' reinforce value was set to 1 rather than 0.5

-No longer will the land matress cost 45 manpower per model to reinforce, finally.

Fixed an issue where the Churchill had less gun depression than other tanks

-This is a very good change because the churchill could not use attack ground near itself because of the way its current gun work at the moment. It would just sit there and do nothing.

Hold the Line should now trigger on friendly sectors controlled by Allies
Hold the Line now highlights sectors for all players when active
Fixed an issue where the Land Mattress; veterancy 2 was not applying correctly.
Fixed an issue where the Officer Recon Sweeps for the British were invulnerable and had no entity.
Fixed an issue where the Vicker K LMG had an unreasonably long reload time at 8/9 seconds; value changed to 6.

- Good that hold the line is finally fixed and that land matress now has a vet 2. Good fix on the officer recon and good thing that the vickers k which is one of the worst weapon in the game is getting slightly buffed. Still too expensive with the racks and half track requirements though.

Thanks for taking the time to read this everyone and have a nice one :)
27 Mar 2022, 21:27 PM
avatar of DSM

Posts: 55

I don't know about that and I'm quite lazy to open a new thread, I just want to see reload function for all SMG and automatic weapon squads. just like HMGs. you don't want to see your squad beginning the engagement with half models reloading
27 Mar 2022, 22:26 PM
avatar of Kurobane

Posts: 658

One of the ways I feel like UKF would be better at 1v1 is by allowing the Universal Carrier to capture territory like the Kubelwagon when it doesn't have any upgrades attached to it.

This would allow them to have better map control which they currently suck at unless they go with Raid Sections.
27 Mar 2022, 22:49 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

The sniper is another problematic unit because of its god-awful veterancy.

I cannot understand why the sniper gets defensive and anti-tank veterancy bonuses. Who thought this was a good idea? Why do vet 0 and vet 3 UKF snipers fire just as fast? While I agree that snipers in general are stupid, giving Ostheer's sniper the best sniper veterancy and ability in the game while UKF's sniper gets the worst creates a gap in actual performance in favour of Ostheer. Not to mention timing.

According to you own post the sniper ROF improves with veterancy by x0.70 Reload
28 Mar 2022, 13:26 PM
avatar of sidewinder1911

Posts: 45

Please don't buff Brits, because then I would no longer be able to derive satisfaction and a feeling of superiority from beating random automatch gamers with the alleged worst faction in the game. Sincerely, a Brit main.

28 Mar 2022, 13:31 PM
avatar of BasedSecretary

Posts: 1197

Please don't buff Brits, because then I would no longer be able to derive satisfaction and a feeling of superiority from beating random automatch gamers with the alleged worst faction in the game. Sincerely, a Brit main.

That's not what OP means.

He wrote an excellent article as to why UKF is at best a "bad" faction and at worst an "unplayable" one.

No snares on mainlines, no mobile mortar team, no stock rocket arty (the worst and most autistic thing is paying fuel to buff the Mortar Pit's range making it a semi rocket arty, semi mortar group it's just fucking idiotic), having to rely on skill planes to push off deadly Panther and Panzer dives and paying 90muni + bolster to have decent fighting infantry is just awful. Hell, UKF cannot properly heal their units without going Lend Lease.

However as in all things the player's skill also matters and clearly you guys are the best in 1v1 hands down. I won't deny that.

But remember that being good at something does not necessarily imply that that "something" is in and of itself good. That's the whole point of the post which I agree with.
28 Mar 2022, 14:17 PM
avatar of leithianz

Posts: 472

You got all the points right. As once a main UKF player, I can't agree more. But from my experiecnces of this forum, nobody really care about the balance of UKF anymore. They just want them to be burried down.

I feel sorry to see any opponent playing UKF in 1v1.

At least they should eiter buff AEC AI or rollback some of the IS nerfs or (NEVER EVER GONNA HAPPEN) give snares to the IS, UKF won't have any place in competive 1v1.
28 Mar 2022, 14:40 PM
avatar of T.R. Stormjäger

Posts: 3588 | Subs: 3

I do not agree on Infantry Sections needing snares. Sappers having snares and access to double PIATs is good enough. The problem is that this is a small issue that's added on top of numerous other issues and they all pile up.

Theoretically bolster and lack of mainline snares are both fine if they are compensated for. Lack of snares is partially compensated for by giving sappers snares but bolster is just a mandatory upgrade to get a viable mainline instead of an optional one because of how rancid 4man stock sections are and how often they drop BRENs if you go double BRENs without bolster.
28 Mar 2022, 15:18 PM
avatar of BasedSecretary

Posts: 1197

I do not agree on Infantry Sections needing snares. Sappers having snares and access to double PIATs is good enough. The problem is that this is a small issue that's added on top of numerous other issues and they all pile up.

Theoretically bolster and lack of mainline snares are both fine if they are compensated for. Lack of snares is partially compensated for by giving sappers snares but bolster is just a mandatory upgrade to get a viable mainline instead of an optional one because of how rancid 4man stock sections are and how often they drop BRENs if you go double BRENs without bolster.

Allow me to disagree. Snaring is so imperative it kills not have it on mainline OR start with Royal Engie Section instead of IS. This is my reasoning.

As UKF, in order to have early game antivehicle capacity you must get Royal Engies (270mpish) and optionally give them 2 PIATS (100mp+15fuel for rack, plus 100 muni for the guns themselves) so we are talking about a 370mp 15fuel 100 muni sink to have the same capacities and effectiveness of 2 infantry squads snaring at more or less 80muni combined.

It's a huge huge problem. I am not saying it's groundbreaking, but it 150% puts the UKF player at disadvantage, especially against 222s where they are paper thin armor and just snaring plus firing at them kills them completely (so it's a huge waste to give the aforementioned resources just to be able to kill 222s).
28 Mar 2022, 15:21 PM
avatar of T.R. Stormjäger

Posts: 3588 | Subs: 3

Allow me to disagree. Snaring is so imperative it kills not have it on mainline OR start with Royal Engie Section instead of IS. This is my reasoning.

As UKF, in order to have early game antivehicle capacity you must get Royal Engies (270mpish) and optionally give them 2 PIATS (100mp+15fuel for rack, plus 100 muni for the guns themselves) so we are talking about a 370mp 15fuel 100 muni sink to have the same capacities and effectiveness of 2 infantry squads snaring at more or less 80muni combined.

It's a huge huge problem. I am not saying it's groundbreaking, but it 150% puts the UKF player at disadvantage, especially against 222s where they are paper thin armor and just snaring plus firing at them kills them completely (so it's a huge waste to give the aforementioned resources just to be able to kill 222s).

I don’t disagree, I was just stating that it’s a small issue instead of a big one like veterancy and pop cap, so I’m fine with sections not having snares in isolation. In the faction context, this is a problem on top of many more.
28 Mar 2022, 19:07 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Interesting post, imo atm the problem is that Ost/OKW/Sov have their infantry being too cost effective.

Ostheer: Grenadiers are the best mainline infantry in the game when they shouldn't be considering the faction design.
OKW and Sov: Their infantry are just too cheap to reinforce, mainline infantry and specially elite infantry. There are absolutely no reason to not spam Elite infantry because you never run out of manpower even when suffering heavy attrition loss.

Faction like UKF and USF can't win the attrition war leading USF players to use every game their only unit that can compete and UKF being fucked on that matter I guess.
29 Mar 2022, 01:10 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Agreed with most of the post, just wanted to add that commandos are IMO literally the only reason to even consider using UKF in 1v1. Almost everything else in it is kind of just a worse version of something else, including all the units you brought up, and the faction is definitely way behind all the others.

I actually like the cromwell a lot, though. Its main gun is actually pretty decent in my experience at anti infantry, even if it's no HE sherman.
30 Mar 2022, 10:51 AM
avatar of Reverb

Posts: 318

omg im only rank 3 that wouldbe rank 30 in soviet omg im SOOO BAD im notmaking a big post that is excuse for humble bragging lmao
30 Mar 2022, 11:58 AM
avatar of Unit G17

Posts: 498

In general the lack of vehicle anti-infantry is evident. You do not get vehicles with good anti infantry performance, you do not have proper rocket artillery, you do not have good indirect fire like leig or heavy mortar and you do not have a specialist anti-infantry platform like the Brummbar or Scott. Land Mattress is completely irrelevant and a meme, it's not worth discussing.

30 Mar 2022, 12:05 PM
avatar of GiaA

Posts: 713 | Subs: 2

I commend the effort of making this post but it's largely pointless as most community people with influence hate brits, and even if they didn't there won't be another patch anyways.

One thing that needs to be kept in mind is that barely anyone has been pushing the envelope in terms of playstyle with brits. Most people are just significantly worse with them than with the other factions which could be part of the reason they appear so weak.
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