Could people in this thread give a a good reason why this combine arm OP?.
1) Unit is rather cheap population wise and resources wise, meaning that you can easily and quite early obtain it in critical mass
2) Unit doesnt have avarage firing range, meaning that unlike units like dozer\sturmtiger it effectively can stay out of danger all the time unless PaK43\JT\Ele is present
3) The only way to counter it without previously mentioned units - dive it. Which in itself is predictable move by the enemy.
4) Even if dived scott not only has relatively low targer size, but also is able to withstand 2 shots and on vet 1 has a smoke on top of it. Also it has faster speed then a standart medium, not to mention the fact that tanks tend to miss on the move.
5) When you add teammates like sov\ukf, you generally see mines being placed everywhere making diving even harder.
6) Scotts arent rocket arty, they lack alpha damage of rocket arty, but at the same time the fact they just auto-fire means that they will be bleeding you constantly.
1) In teamgames, pathfinder oppenings are supper effective because you can be supported by your teammate, allowing you to get forward ambu early.
2) In early game they are unchallenged by anything, unless enemy managed to get close to you and force you to retreat.
3) They vet relatively fast, meaning that by the time you get scotts they will most likely be vet 3, with nano-camo and one of the, if not the, best vision in the game. Allowing you to just afk in cover and let scotts just auto-fire with additional accuracy.
Basically its just very easy to execute and very hard to counter, if both opponents are playing on the same skill level.
People in this thread like to bring other cheesy strategies, but conveniently they are ignoring the fact that, other cheesy units\strats are actually requare you to be on the field within the reach of the enemy units. Pottentually exposing yourself and allowing enemy to counter attack\ambush or use the off-maps.