Calm down Nobody, if you don't like it then pass on, we're not in your personal backyard here.
This is your OP
Is it normal that AssEngi lose badly vs Pfuss on close combat situation, like realistically you make them turn around a corner on Pfuss and pop they still lose. Its even worst with vet.
No wonder why Armor company is the least pick commander.
at first glance it look more like a you lost a fight using AssEn vs PF and you decided to let some steam of by posting in the forum but lets give you the benefit of the doubt.
A) How many times have you tested AssEng vs PF before deciding they lose badly?
What parameters did you use (weapons, distances, vet)?
(or did this happen to you in one game and you decided to start this thread)
B) In your opinion is it that PF are too good at close range or that AssEng that are bad at close range?
C)Do you really think that the AssEng are the reason Armor company is the least picked commander?
What mod are talking about?
D) Do you actually have any suggestion?
D)Most importantly why did you choose to compare two units with different roles? Why in your opinion the combat performance of these can be used to draw conclusions?