While I do appreciation of the work which was put to establish new coh2stats, I wish it was never made, because it always brings this number masturbation ppl will use to backup their statements.
When I build the site I didn't know what I will find from the data. Frankly I just wanted to know what is most played from the perspective of maps, commanders, bulletins. And I thought it's a shame that other games do have sites like this and we have nothing.
And as someone said I think the site data could be taken into consideration but is not 100% proof because it's not perfect. Because of the limited API
we don't have all the data and mostly in team games there is so many factors which affects the gameplay, the AT, the team compositions and much more.
And maybe on a lower ranks the brits do have more games / better win-rate. Who knows
The only one who could do full analysis is Relic themselves with the direct access to all the data. And It shouldn't be that hard for some data science engineer. Based on LinkedIn Relic do have several data science people. But I would guess they are focused on a different games right now