
russian armor

What the PRO's think of COH2

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26 Nov 2013, 00:50 AM
avatar of voltardark

Posts: 976

I have read through these pages with interest. The phrase "The view was better from the plane" comes to mind, as I try to envision (dread word)the mindset of many of those who landed in Vancouver, on a guest pass,fully paid.

I highly doubt if many of those who visited Relic (with apparent relish) will receive a return invite. What is the point of feeding the hand which bites you? Would you,as an CM, like to answer to the SEGA CEO (or his minions) and say why?

You might argue that it is better to have the disentitled in the tent pissing out,rather than on the outside pissing in. But many of the disentitledd seem already to have made their own choice.

There is a discipline lacking on this site. It is a site apparently set up to support CoH2. Very well then. Let it ostensibly be so.

I fully accept that behind the scenes,there may well be representations about the evolution of CoH2. But I do not want to come here and resd incessant negative bleatings from the disentitled. I do not want this site to be used to perpetuate a self-seeking minority oligarchy. That is what CoH2 set out to dissemble. If you did not understand that,then you read the pre-blurb with rose-tinted spectacles.

I have always understood it to be that CoH wanted a wider player base, which was not so inhibiting for a novice to master. In this way, Relic,as a non-charitable institution, might seek to profit (in a way that the original game never apparently did) and keep its new game alive(and its studio), with balance patching based on new sales of skins, commanders etc

It therefore makes no commercial sense at all, to me, that some here on this forum and recommend the destruction of CoH2, believing in their wildest dreams that the powers-that -be will revert to vCoH and produce a further patch. You think I talk nonsense? OK then.

Tell me,if you reply, how SEGA/Relic will make any money at all by scrapping CoH2 and patching vCoH. It is a pipe dream, nothing more. . Unless, ofc, you advocate making people pay for the new patch for vCoH, by refusing them entry to vCoH unless they pay. Can you hear the howls of (mostly) North American anguish?

" I paid 50 bucks for this game. I aint paying no more"

" This game aint FTP. I paid $50.00 6 years ago. I expect full support, for free, till the day I drop"

In your wildest dreams!

Put simply, (for the simplest): you will not be able to continue your muscling. You either accept reality,muscle down,accept the bad with the smooth and await a good outcome
(which will come) and tone down your acerbic comments. or else push the game to the point of no-return and lose the whole damned lot.

Are you that nihilist? Some of you, I regret,may be so

If i want to tell people that Coh2 is less fun and less deep then vcoh on a open minded forum, why not doing it if i feel it. People like you won.t dictate what good or not and what to say or not. Those are my true feelings even if they are hard to read. I rather lose 60$ then say nothing about a game that don't meet by far my expectations.
26 Nov 2013, 05:33 AM
avatar of The Dave

Posts: 396

I have read through these pages with interest. The phrase "The view was better from the plane" comes to mind, as I try to envision (dread word)the mindset of many of those who landed in Vancouver, on a guest pass,fully paid.

I highly doubt if many of those who visited Relic (with apparent relish) will receive a return invite. What is the point of feeding the hand which bites you? Would you,as an CM, like to answer to the SEGA CEO (or his minions) and say why?

You might argue that it is better to have the disentitled in the tent pissing out,rather than on the outside pissing in. But many of the disentitledd seem already to have made their own choice.

There is a discipline lacking on this site. It is a site apparently set up to support CoH2. Very well then. Let it ostensibly be so.

I fully accept that behind the scenes,there may well be representations about the evolution of CoH2. But I do not want to come here and resd incessant negative bleatings from the disentitled. I do not want this site to be used to perpetuate a self-seeking minority oligarchy. That is what CoH2 set out to dissemble. If you did not understand that,then you read the pre-blurb with rose-tinted spectacles.

I have always understood it to be that CoH wanted a wider player base, which was not so inhibiting for a novice to master. In this way, Relic,as a non-charitable institution, might seek to profit (in a way that the original game never apparently did) and keep its new game alive(and its studio), with balance patching based on new sales of skins, commanders etc

It therefore makes no commercial sense at all, to me, that some here on this forum and recommend the destruction of CoH2, believing in their wildest dreams that the powers-that -be will revert to vCoH and produce a further patch. You think I talk nonsense? OK then.

Tell me,if you reply, how SEGA/Relic will make any money at all by scrapping CoH2 and patching vCoH. It is a pipe dream, nothing more. . Unless, ofc, you advocate making people pay for the new patch for vCoH, by refusing them entry to vCoH unless they pay. Can you hear the howls of (mostly) North American anguish?

" I paid 50 bucks for this game. I aint paying no more"

" This game aint FTP. I paid $50.00 6 years ago. I expect full support, for free, till the day I drop"

In your wildest dreams!

Put simply, (for the simplest): you will not be able to continue your muscling. You either accept reality,muscle down,accept the bad with the smooth and await a good outcome
(which will come) and tone down your acerbic comments. or else push the game to the point of no-return and lose the whole damned lot.

Are you that nihilist? Some of you, I regret,may be so

This is one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever read on the board. More disturbingly so because it appears to be written by someone of some sort of educational level and intelligence. The major gripe has never been just DLC. I can wholeheartedly say that I would have no problem shelling out money for DLC if it was A. balanced and B. released into an existing framework that justified its content. Case and point, I bought both ToV and OF because I actually wanted to support the company (Relic) and the series. At this time, I will now NEVER buy another Relic product. That could change. Nothing lasts forever after all.

You babble on about Relic not being a charity. So? Consumers are entitled to their opinion. This business model sucks. Look at the number of players online comparable to CoH's. The proof is right there. At the end of the day, I want to actually find an opponent. 2v2s in Primetime EST (it's not Summer any more so there's no excuse) are taking over 10 minutes to find a match. I'd say half of those opponents are now laggy Koreans. It's fine that they're Korean, but if I'm forced to play P2P games, I'd rather feel like my mouse clicks aren't actually traveling across the world. The input lag is bad enough already.

Further, I will repeat for the 100th time for you since apparently people out there STILL don't get it. It isn't about the DLC. It's that you're asking me to purchase DLC at 5 dollars a commander when:

1. I actually have to purchase the DLC to compete. Soviet Industry guarantees a certain amount of wins. You may not win every time, but it guarantees that you will win more than you used to, simply by purchasing it. The same goes for the Tiger Ace doctrine/Instant Vet3. If you are an opponent and playing against these two, your chances to win significantly decrease. Saying "we're looking into it," is not a response that anyone wants to hear...over...and over...and over again. All the while, we wait with baited breath and low hope. It's cyclical. It's become so commonplace that people actually get frustrated now - "guys, this is scheduled to be looked at. It's on the agenda." Thanks? If I wanted to get fucked, I'd look at something prettier. It feels like that quote is some sort of macro button on someone's keyboard. What is misguided here is that Relic has received money for this transaction. People have won and lost games simply because of the coin in their pocket and NOT skill (skill, by definition makes a "game" valid in the first place), and subsequently the player base has diminished. Those who are left have a bad taste in their mouth for future DLCs and community morale is at an all time low for the series. Not what you want for an RTS game looking to expand in its now 4th month or so in existence - compared to the 6+ year life of the first game.

2. You're asking (some might say "forcing") me to purchase DLC when there are features STILL missing from the original game that actually increase player longevity. There is no "in game" community and by that I mean that there is no way for anyone who plays the game to converse with anyone about the game save for the community sites and some awful (JUST AWFUL) piss poor in game chat "box" that looks like something the original mIRC people rejected back in the 1990s. The leaderboards? Oh that's a cute link that goes to a Steam page where the top player in the game atm is some guy named "Vinnie Jones" or something. Why's he number 1? Doesn't say. It simply says he's lvl 100. Why play this game over others that have leaderboards that show player progression? There are NO public lobbies. If you want to play High Resources, annihilation on the campiest map in the game there is nothing for you. Would I prefer that? No. I'd rather slam my dong in a sliding glass door, but some people would. Some people did it OVER, and OVER, and OVER again. Those people are potential DLC buyers as well - a way for Relic to expand their business by creating a broader player-base. These things may seem trivial to some, but they are key to the game's longevity. Scheldt annihilate players are probably STILL playing COH.

If you want to implement a DLC model into an existing game that has all the kinks pretty much worked out, fine. I bet you'd have success. This game has more kinks than an S&M convention, and Relic is constantly asking the playerbase to give them money to add more kinks and make more of a mess. This model will simply not work, and to be perfectly honest it shouldn't work. If it does, then shame on the consumer because you have been fooled terribly.

The complaints are necessary to vent frustration but also express hope that Relic will wake up and make significant changes to the franchise. Is there some misguided venting? You bet, but to further pacify the actions of this company is to deny any hope for a better COH future. Video games are one of the only cultural enterprises that are organic. They can be molded into something better. If you can't see that and the inherent need for that in this game then you shouldn't be visiting a community site for it in the first place, and that goes for you Bloodnok, other people reading this, and the Relic officials that frequent this space.
26 Nov 2013, 08:40 AM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

Yesterday, two of my friends gave up on CoH2.
They can't bear the current state of the game with T70 spam and Tiger Aces in every game.

Each day is more and more difficult to me to play the game, so probably I'll give up soon too.

Sincerely, Relic did a terrible job this time neglecting the game after releasing commanders that destroyed all balance.
26 Nov 2013, 09:44 AM
avatar of Eupolemos
Donator 33

Posts: 368

One can only hope some kind of powerstruggle is going on behind the scenes at Relic. That would be sufficient reason for leaving the game in this state.
26 Nov 2013, 10:40 AM
avatar of MoerserKarL
Donator 22

Posts: 1108

I have lost the last 6 OH 3vs3 games as well o.O (team games)

There is something wrong, with the current balance in both factions. IMO its not only the two commanders... the RNG is a little bit broken or maybe it is my bad luck. Lost yesterday so many full health vet2 grens squad to mortars....
26 Nov 2013, 10:55 AM
avatar of horsthimself

Posts: 56

This is one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever read on the board. More disturbingly so because it appears to be written by someone of some sort of educational level and intelligence. The major gripe has never been just DLC. I can wholeheartedly say that I would have no problem shelling out money for DLC if it was A. balanced and B. released into an existing framework that justified its content. Case and point, I bought both ToV and OF because I actually wanted to support the company (Relic) and the series. At this time, I will now NEVER buy another Relic product. That could change. Nothing lasts forever after all.

You babble on about Relic not being a charity. So? Consumers are entitled to their opinion. This business model sucks. Look at the number of players online comparable to CoH's. The proof is right there. At the end of the day, I want to actually find an opponent. 2v2s in Primetime EST (it's not Summer any more so there's no excuse) are taking over 10 minutes to find a match. I'd say half of those opponents are now laggy Koreans. It's fine that they're Korean, but if I'm forced to play P2P games, I'd rather feel like my mouse clicks aren't actually traveling across the world. The input lag is bad enough already.

Further, I will repeat for the 100th time for you since apparently people out there STILL don't get it. It isn't about the DLC. It's that you're asking me to purchase DLC at 5 dollars a commander when:

1. I actually have to purchase the DLC to compete. Soviet Industry guarantees a certain amount of wins. You may not win every time, but it guarantees that you will win more than you used to, simply by purchasing it. The same goes for the Tiger Ace doctrine/Instant Vet3. If you are an opponent and playing against these two, your chances to win significantly decrease. Saying "we're looking into it," is not a response that anyone wants to hear...over...and over...and over again. All the while, we wait with baited breath and low hope. It's cyclical. It's become so commonplace that people actually get frustrated now - "guys, this is scheduled to be looked at. It's on the agenda." Thanks? If I wanted to get fucked, I'd look at something prettier. It feels like that quote is some sort of macro button on someone's keyboard. What is misguided here is that Relic has received money for this transaction. People have won and lost games simply because of the coin in their pocket and NOT skill (skill, by definition makes a "game" valid in the first place), and subsequently the player base has diminished. Those who are left have a bad taste in their mouth for future DLCs and community morale is at an all time low for the series. Not what you want for an RTS game looking to expand in its now 4th month or so in existence - compared to the 6+ year life of the first game.

2. You're asking (some might say "forcing") me to purchase DLC when there are features STILL missing from the original game that actually increase player longevity. There is no "in game" community and by that I mean that there is no way for anyone who plays the game to converse with anyone about the game save for the community sites and some awful (JUST AWFUL) piss poor in game chat "box" that looks like something the original mIRC people rejected back in the 1990s. The leaderboards? Oh that's a cute link that goes to a Steam page where the top player in the game atm is some guy named "Vinnie Jones" or something. Why's he number 1? Doesn't say. It simply says he's lvl 100. Why play this game over others that have leaderboards that show player progression? There are NO public lobbies. If you want to play High Resources, annihilation on the campiest map in the game there is nothing for you. Would I prefer that? No. I'd rather slam my dong in a sliding glass door, but some people would. Some people did it OVER, and OVER, and OVER again. Those people are potential DLC buyers as well - a way for Relic to expand their business by creating a broader player-base. These things may seem trivial to some, but they are key to the game's longevity. Scheldt annihilate players are probably STILL playing COH.

If you want to implement a DLC model into an existing game that has all the kinks pretty much worked out, fine. I bet you'd have success. This game has more kinks than an S&M convention, and Relic is constantly asking the playerbase to give them money to add more kinks and make more of a mess. This model will simply not work, and to be perfectly honest it shouldn't work. If it does, then shame on the consumer because you have been fooled terribly.

The complaints are necessary to vent frustration but also express hope that Relic will wake up and make significant changes to the franchise. Is there some misguided venting? You bet, but to further pacify the actions of this company is to deny any hope for a better COH future. Video games are one of the only cultural enterprises that are organic. They can be molded into something better. If you can't see that and the inherent need for that in this game then you shouldn't be visiting a community site for it in the first place, and that goes for you Bloodnok, other people reading this, and the Relic officials that frequent this space.

+10000000000 so true!
26 Nov 2013, 14:01 PM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1679 | Subs: 5

This is one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever read on the board. More disturbingly so because it appears to be written by someone of some sort of educational level and intelligence. The major gripe has never been just DLC. I can wholeheartedly say that I would have no problem shelling out money for DLC if it was A. balanced and B. released into an existing framework that justified its content. Case and point, I bought both ToV and OF because I actually wanted to support the company (Relic) and the series. At this time, I will now NEVER buy another Relic product. That could change. Nothing lasts forever after all.

You babble on about Relic not being a charity. So? Consumers are entitled to their opinion. This business model sucks. Look at the number of players online comparable to CoH's. The proof is right there. At the end of the day, I want to actually find an opponent. 2v2s in Primetime EST (it's not Summer any more so there's no excuse) are taking over 10 minutes to find a match. I'd say half of those opponents are now laggy Koreans. It's fine that they're Korean, but if I'm forced to play P2P games, I'd rather feel like my mouse clicks aren't actually traveling across the world. The input lag is bad enough already.

Further, I will repeat for the 100th time for you since apparently people out there STILL don't get it. It isn't about the DLC. It's that you're asking me to purchase DLC at 5 dollars a commander when:

1. I actually have to purchase the DLC to compete. Soviet Industry guarantees a certain amount of wins. You may not win every time, but it guarantees that you will win more than you used to, simply by purchasing it. The same goes for the Tiger Ace doctrine/Instant Vet3. If you are an opponent and playing against these two, your chances to win significantly decrease. Saying "we're looking into it," is not a response that anyone wants to hear...over...and over...and over again. All the while, we wait with baited breath and low hope. It's cyclical. It's become so commonplace that people actually get frustrated now - "guys, this is scheduled to be looked at. It's on the agenda." Thanks? If I wanted to get fucked, I'd look at something prettier. It feels like that quote is some sort of macro button on someone's keyboard. What is misguided here is that Relic has received money for this transaction. People have won and lost games simply because of the coin in their pocket and NOT skill (skill, by definition makes a "game" valid in the first place), and subsequently the player base has diminished. Those who are left have a bad taste in their mouth for future DLCs and community morale is at an all time low for the series. Not what you want for an RTS game looking to expand in its now 4th month or so in existence - compared to the 6+ year life of the first game.

2. You're asking (some might say "forcing") me to purchase DLC when there are features STILL missing from the original game that actually increase player longevity. There is no "in game" community and by that I mean that there is no way for anyone who plays the game to converse with anyone about the game save for the community sites and some awful (JUST AWFUL) piss poor in game chat "box" that looks like something the original mIRC people rejected back in the 1990s. The leaderboards? Oh that's a cute link that goes to a Steam page where the top player in the game atm is some guy named "Vinnie Jones" or something. Why's he number 1? Doesn't say. It simply says he's lvl 100. Why play this game over others that have leaderboards that show player progression? There are NO public lobbies. If you want to play High Resources, annihilation on the campiest map in the game there is nothing for you. Would I prefer that? No. I'd rather slam my dong in a sliding glass door, but some people would. Some people did it OVER, and OVER, and OVER again. Those people are potential DLC buyers as well - a way for Relic to expand their business by creating a broader player-base. These things may seem trivial to some, but they are key to the game's longevity. Scheldt annihilate players are probably STILL playing COH.

If you want to implement a DLC model into an existing game that has all the kinks pretty much worked out, fine. I bet you'd have success. This game has more kinks than an S&M convention, and Relic is constantly asking the playerbase to give them money to add more kinks and make more of a mess. This model will simply not work, and to be perfectly honest it shouldn't work. If it does, then shame on the consumer because you have been fooled terribly.

The complaints are necessary to vent frustration but also express hope that Relic will wake up and make significant changes to the franchise. Is there some misguided venting? You bet, but to further pacify the actions of this company is to deny any hope for a better COH future. Video games are one of the only cultural enterprises that are organic. They can be molded into something better. If you can't see that and the inherent need for that in this game then you shouldn't be visiting a community site for it in the first place, and that goes for you Bloodnok, other people reading this, and the Relic officials that frequent this space.

Well said.
26 Nov 2013, 14:17 PM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

The issue is that I, for one, don't care about balance anymore. Why? Next DLC is going to make a mess again. So, why are we arguing about balance and such?

Next über unit will fuck the game again, and I will feel more and more insulted by Relic each time they try to take my wallet if I want to remain being competitive.

Multiplayer DLCs that gives units and abilities in a strategy game are a complete fail. They have to be OP to lure potential buyers, and they will ruin the gaming experience for those that doesn't buy them.

Currently Relic compels me to choose a side:
The one where you must buy all the unbalanced shit, and fall into a spiral of buying compulsively OP units that will be nerfed soon after or being in the side of those that suffer and fear each incoming patch because they mean weeks and weeks of unbalances and unsatisfactory games.

I don't like any of these options, so till their DLC policy changes (and I doubt it would ever change) I'm going to uninstall the game and continue to play custom games with my friends in vCoH.

I really would like that this community was mature enough to express their discomfort in the right channels. Not buying any other incoming DLC, stopping broadcasting games or publicizing the game in youtube, expressing in the official forums how we, as customers, are disastiffied with the game, and are resolved to not buy any future game from the company.

But seeing the sales numbers of the last DLC commanders I know that will never happen.
26 Nov 2013, 19:07 PM
avatar of The_Riddler

Posts: 336

I can wholeheartedly say that I would have no problem shelling out money for DLC if it was A. balanced and B. released into an existing framework that justified its content. Case and point, I bought both ToV and OF because I actually wanted to support the company (Relic) and the series. At this time, I will now NEVER buy another Relic product. That could change. Nothing lasts forever after all.

You babble on about Relic not being a charity. So? Consumers are entitled to their opinion. This business model sucks. Look at the number of players online comparable to CoH's. The proof is right there.

All over this forum the idea exists that this business model should be judged based on current/future playerbase, rather than financial benchmarks. CoH1's credit last long enough to make a CoH3 with similar sales figures, as happens with other games and within other industries (for example: the CoD series).

You do not represent the average consumer. If Relic cannot defend the necessity of their DLC's, the average consumer will not buy them. This is why this adapted bait and hook business model has a better chance of working as opposed to a model that conforms to your two points.
26 Nov 2013, 19:21 PM
avatar of The Dave

Posts: 396

There is absolutely no way the model is working for the betterment of either the overall game or the player-base. I don't give two dicks about financial benchmarks. That's Relic's problem as they get passed and sold from publishing giant to publishing giant like a 2 dollar whore. Like I said in the rest of my post, if you actually read it, the business model sucks BECAUSE of the current state of the game. The game does not suck because of the business model. Don't mix the two. The game sucked well before Relic asked me to pay 5 extra bucks to win.
26 Nov 2013, 19:30 PM
avatar of The_Riddler

Posts: 336

There is absolutely no way the model is working for the betterment of either the overall game or the player-base. I don't give two dicks about financial benchmarks. That's Relic's problem as they get passed and sold from publishing giant to publishing giant like a 2 dollar whore. Like I said in the rest of my post, if you actually read it, the business model sucks BECAUSE of the current state of the game. The game does not suck because of the business model. Don't mix the two. The game sucked well before Relic asked me to pay 5 extra bucks to win.

There is no need to be rude about this. If the business model has financial success, there is no reason to part from it. The betterment of the overall game and the playerbase are all subordinate to the financial performance. The business model only "sucks" if it underperforms to a preset financial target.
26 Nov 2013, 19:43 PM
avatar of Nullist

Posts: 2425

Permanently Banned
Just balance and test Commanders properly before launch please.
That would be a good place to start, and isnt so much to ask...
26 Nov 2013, 20:33 PM
avatar of kafrion

Posts: 371

There is no need to be rude about this. If the business model has financial success, there is no reason to part from it. The betterment of the overall game and the playerbase are all subordinate to the financial performance. The business model only "sucks" if it underperforms to a preset financial target.

well companys have a furure as well and moneygrubbing hasnt worked for EA too well in recent times , Sega will also feel the wrath of custommers in their next releases in strategy games , ofc that wont be just because of the dlc it ll be a culmination of factors
26 Nov 2013, 20:56 PM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Nov 2013, 19:43 PMNullist
Just balance and test Commanders properly before launch please.
That would be a good place to start, and isnt so much to ask...

There will always be unbalances when you add new units and abilities, don't matter how many times you test them.

The big issue here is that if people pay for these abilities you can't remove them later if they don't work.
Relic itself is losing creative freedom selling all these crappy commanders.

They could stop releasing commanders and try slling complete singleplayer campaigns, or better theaters of war because the current ones are terrible for their price.

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Nov 2013, 20:33 PMkafrion

well companys have a furure as well and moneygrubbing hasnt worked for EA too well in recent times , Sega will also feel the wrath of custommers in their next releases in strategy games , ofc that wont be just because of the dlc it ll be a culmination of factors

I feel the same.
I've always been a Battlefield fan, but now I won't touch BF4 after the DLC frenzy and Premium crap that was BF3.

I hope Sega gets the same in the future.
26 Nov 2013, 20:57 PM
avatar of LionRed

Posts: 37

Sad to say, but I read forums about COH2/DLC/p2w more than I play the game COH2. Since the last patch and latest DLC commanders I can't even bring myself to fire up the game.

I have been playing RTS (and FPS) games online since 1993 or maybe 95---- with War2 using Kali.

Played COH1 for years (5 maybe).

Playing COH2 as an experience is ...an all time low for me.

We have virtually no idea how many players are on when we play..
We have no idea what other players pings are (until they lag out).
we have no idea what performance other players rigs are (not vital..but useful).
We have virtually no idea on unit/vehicle stats (as in kill%/deaths%/or whatever).
We see no player stats in auto-match games (no freaking idea how good the player you are teamed up with is)...in this day and age...wtf?
We have virtual no stats for Germans or Russians win/loss %.
We can/could barely talk to each other after a game (I have or had no idea what players from the game were even still around to chat with). Perhaps the chat they added has allowed us to do this now.
Setting up or playing a game with settings you (as a lone wolf) want is virtually impossible with no steam friends.
The only option for the lone wolf is auto-match -- where you cannot choose the map you like (wait we can tick 2 off we don't like), cannot choose the victory conditions (even though ya can't stand 500 VP games months on end), stuck with whoever as an allie.

Honestly I have never played a game like this in over 20 years of playing online (that I can remember)...with such limited missing options.

It feels like Relic (or whoever), have tried to isolate the player base (keep us in the dark), making it harder to know much of anything pertaining to COH2. The only reason I can think of why --- makes it harder for the player base to figure anything out and complain about anything.

I can honestly say I will never buy another game that has/feels or looks like a pay as play/go month to month. Expansion pack I would most likely buy....this DLC month to month crap is bullshit lol.

Perhaps I am old fashion...
But when I use to buy a game, it would perhaps need some balancing/bug patches, with an expansion pack down the road. If you ask me this DLC stuff is just pure shit for/as a playing experience.
26 Nov 2013, 21:02 PM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Nov 2013, 20:57 PMLionRed
Sad to say, but I read forums about COH2/DLC/p2w more than I play the game COH2. Since the last patch and latest DLC commanders I can't even bring myself to fire up the game.

I have been playing RTS (and FPS) games online since 1993 or maybe 95---- with War2 using Kali.

Played COH1 for years (5 maybe).

Playing COH2 as an experience is ...an all time low for me.

We have virtually no idea how many players are on when we play..
We have no idea what other players pings are (until they lag out).
we have no idea what performance other players rigs are (not vital..but useful).
We have virtually no idea on unit/vehicle stats (as in kill%/deaths%/or whatever).
We see no player stats in auto-match games (no freaking idea how good the player you are teamed up with is)...in this day and age...wtf?
We have virtual no stats for Germans or Russians win/loss %.
We can/could barely talk to each other after a game (I have or had no idea what players from the game were even still around to chat with). Perhaps the chat they added has allowed us to do this now.
Setting up or playing a game with settings you (as a lone wolf) want is virtually impossible with no steam friends.
The only option for the lone wolf is auto-match -- where you cannot choose the map you like (wait we can tick 2 off we don't like), cannot choose the victory conditions (even though ya can't stand 500 VP games months on end), stuck with whoever as an allie.

Honestly I have never played a game like this in over 20 years of playing online (that I can remember)...with such limited missing options.

It feels like Relic (or whoever), have tried to isolate the player base (keep us in the dark), making it harder to know much of anything pertaining to COH2. The only reason I can think of why --- makes it harder for the player base to figure anything out and complain about anything.

I can honestly say I will never buy another game that has/feels or looks like a pay as play/go month to month. Expansion pack I would most likely buy....this DLC month to month crap is bullshit lol.

Perhaps I am old fashion...
But when I use to buy a game, perhaps need some balancing and bug patches, with an expansion pack down the road. If you ask me this DLC stuff is just pure shit for/as a playing experience.


All of us, old pc gamers feel like you, dude.

Honestly, videogames' future seems empty right now.
I think only Valve's games support modding and free content. Other developers and publishers only want to milk customers even at the risk of losing them forever.
26 Nov 2013, 23:03 PM
avatar of ludd3emm

Posts: 292

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Nov 2013, 14:17 PMGreeb
But seeing the sales numbers of the last DLC commanders I know that will never happen.

Where can we see this?
26 Nov 2013, 23:59 PM
avatar of Sepha
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Posts: 165 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Nov 2013, 16:34 PMcr4wler

While i still feel like CoH2 has the potential to be a good, maybe even a great game (given a lot of changes), my hopes for this happening are fading away (and what i hear from players that are still playing is not exactly encouraging).

I think the game still has a lot of potential to be good and Relic have been in this position before with a lot of players dropping out/not playing the game in vcoh. It was their continued support of vCoH that kept people coming back and playing and new people buying the game and they are more than capable of recognizing their mistakes with CoH2 and making changes accordingly.

From a players point of view though, you don't have to get angry about coh2 if you don't like it currently, just leave and play something else there are plenty more fun games out there to play and a lot of good ones are free on steam too. You don't have to endure CoH2 now if you think it's not fun, simply don't buy the micro transactions online and if the game is still not fun when the expansion comes around don't buy it.
27 Nov 2013, 00:08 AM
avatar of PingPing

Posts: 329

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Nov 2013, 23:59 PMSepha

I think the game still has a lot of potential to be good and Relic have been in this position before with a lot of players dropping out/not playing the game in vcoh. It was their continued support of vCoH that kept people coming back and playing and new people buying the game and they are more than capable of recognizing their mistakes with CoH2 and making changes accordingly.

From a players point of view though, you don't have to get angry about coh2 if you don't like it currently, just leave and play something else there are plenty more fun games out there to play and a lot of good ones are free on steam too. You don't have to endure CoH2 now if you think it's not fun, simply don't buy the micro transactions online and if the game is still not fun when the expansion comes around don't buy it.

Great idea - just pay your premium $60 - $100 - and let the game "settle" till they work out the issues - a year - or 2 - and then come back......

Maybe in that year or 2 you can fish COH2 out of a bargain bin for $5 on a Humble Bundle sale by then.

If you can't understand right there why people here are angry - be it from the fact they feel unhappy financially or were true fans of the game to see it become what it has...yeah, thats not good.

Its just really sad that COH ended like this.
27 Nov 2013, 00:19 AM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Nov 2013, 23:59 PMSepha
It was their continued support of vCoH that kept people coming back and playing and new people buying the game and they are more than capable of recognizing their mistakes with CoH2 and making changes accordingly.

I think that people came back to vCoH after the repeated sales of the game, not precisely due to Relic support.
I remember vCoH reaching the peak of players in 2012, just after that humble pack sale where CoH was sold for 1€ along another games.

What's more, Relic support was not great either. Several big bugs never got fixed, like M10s not firing.

I understand your point Sepha, but a lot of people paid an AAA game price for this and Relic can't tell them to go back two years from now to see if the things have improved.

And precisely the thing that upset the people most is the big potential the game has, but the DLC policies are ruining that potential breaking balance each month and adding P2W units and abilities that nobody wants.

Where can we see this?

I don't think you can.
I was speculating acording to the number of players I see with thenew commanders.
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