Missed a few pages,so you want to nerf the M3?? =))
T70 maybe I understand,but the M3,wtf))
Then read the pages you missed before you open your mouth and start trolling.
No one has said to nerf M3.
Posts: 2425
Permanently BannedMissed a few pages,so you want to nerf the M3?? =))
T70 maybe I understand,but the M3,wtf))
Posts: 24
It shows that M3+Guards is almost exactly equal to 222.
M3+Guards vs 221 is not even a competition. The 221 has no chance.
It also shows that on live, the Guard have no problem shooting a second time.
My evidence is above.
It shows that empty M3 can beat a 251 (hands down) AND a 221 (very close).
M3+Guard vs 222 is very close. Depends strongly on Shrek hits.
Empty M3 beats 251 absolutely and can beat 221.
Garrissoned M3 beats 251 completely and securely beats 221.
Guard M3 rips 251s and 221 apart.
222 rips empty M3 apart.
222 is roughly equal against Guard M3.
To boil it down even further,
Empty M3 vs 221 is about the same as Guard M3 vs 222.
Both are very close.
Posts: 2425
Permanently Banned
IMO, this argument is slightly overstretched.
Posts: 24
Posts: 786
Those units should not neccesarily be compared like that, and from MINE (limited, I confess) and apparently Marcus' experience Guard M3s are not actually reliable against 222s.
Posts: 24
dude: Dismount Guards and screen DA M3!!!
Posts: 2425
Permanently BannedPosts: 24
Posts: 665
Posts: 24
Who the hell cares about fights in a vacuum about units who practically never fight each other to begin with? Demand a buff to the 221/222's health and leave it at that Nullist.
Oh, and you can actually micro the scout car too. Leave it at the sides of the M3 and it cannot damage it. If it has Guards inside, it's still a toss-up despite M3 + guards costing far more than a 222, and being doctrinal to boot. I'm really not sure why you're complaining about this.
Posts: 786
But what's the problem with it (in gameplay scenarios)in your opinion, and what should be done about it?
Posts: 2425
Permanently BannedI'm really not sure why you're complaining about this.
Posts: 665
Posts: 2425
Permanently BannedYes, of course, anyone who dares disagree with the Great Nullist is obviously trolling and needs to l2read like the nubs they are.
Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4
Posts: 2425
Permanently BannedLol Courier, I don't like Nullist as much as the next guy (and frankly think he's full of shit 90% of the time since he spends all day talking about a game he doesn't even play) but at least he has the balls to back his statements up with hard evidence.
Posts: 525
Then read the pages you missed before you open your mouth and start trolling.
No one has said to nerf M3.
Posts: 2425
Permanently Bannedif not for that,is it for information sake??
Posts: 1168
Posts: 525
Yes! Ofc it was! I find it pretty incredible that only now do you realise that, as a last option.
There where some claims made that wherent accurate about the relative performance of these units.
The replay was made and the units specifically tested, in order to inform discussion accurately on those.