
russian armor


4 Sep 2020, 20:40 PM
avatar of drinu019

Posts: 60

So how do you win vs brits with okw? They spam 4 inf sections, bolster squads and proceed to completely fuck me in the ass and shred my volks/fusiliers and bleed me hard. How do you win early game? mg doesnt help since they can just smoke it or better yet go head on vs the mg34 and destroy it. by the end of early game im completely resource bled, no territory, no income my infantry start dropping like flies and then they roll out tanks and I lose. Any tips? Something im doing wrong?
4 Sep 2020, 21:02 PM
avatar of adamírcz

Posts: 957

You need OPwatch doctrine and Jagers

Generally try to create a very chaotic fast pacing with fights all over the map, since thats where OKW excels

Early on, if you dont know that you will win the engagement, dont fight in it. Try to 2vs1 his troops and/or catch them around corners
4 Sep 2020, 21:10 PM
avatar of drinu019

Posts: 60

You need OPwatch doctrine and Jagers

Generally try to create a very chaotic fast pacing with fights all over the map, since thats where OKW excels

Early on, if you dont know that you will win the engagement, dont fight in it. Try to 2vs1 his troops and/or catch them around corners

Hmm thats actually solid advice, forgot about jaegers. Sucks that you have to rely on 1 or 2 docs else you get steamrolled tho...
4 Sep 2020, 21:47 PM
avatar of adamírcz

Posts: 957

Hmm thats actually solid advice, forgot about jaegers. Sucks that you have to rely on 1 or 2 docs else you get steamrolled tho...

Well, in 1vs1 there are some more special options, like Feuersturm or 221 early bleed followed my heat rounds

But yeah, it kinda sucks

In teamgames you can go double leig, Brits are beyond fucked against that
5 Sep 2020, 10:48 AM
avatar of SgtJonson

Posts: 143

i wouldnt risk losing precious fuel for the 221 tbh, sections actually are able to get it down with uc due to it´s bad armor.

feuersturm can work. normally i get mp´s for 1 volk and 2 stg for the others.

Is overwatch so much better than salvage in this regard? I find it hard to make use of the other abilities in overwatch due to their muni cost.
WIth salvage there´s alwas the option to get some muni and fuel back from any wreck you see.
5 Sep 2020, 11:09 AM
avatar of Protos Angelus

Posts: 1515

(1v1)Take fights all over the map. Don't blob vs brits. Stall for a luchs and then you can f*** him. If he's spamming infantry like that your friends are: MG34, Luchs, Leig.

Since IS is superior to volks early on, don't overextend and force fights. Cap what you can, fight in cover, stall for a luchs or leig. 4 IS + UC will seriously hurt the manpower for Sappers/AT and since IS have no snare, it's easy against them.

(2v2) double OKW, one goes battle, other mech. Same thing.
OKW + OST: synergize with MG42s
5 Sep 2020, 14:26 PM
avatar of Sp33dSnake

Posts: 149

It's tough when they roll out infantry. Strums have to constantly flank or be supported by a Kubel to properly take one (1) infantry section, and likely you'll lose 1-2 units doing it.

It's been stated above, force engagements all over the map. Disagree somewhat on a Luchs, because of how early the Armored Car comes. I'd go Puma with a Rak in reserve and at least 1 Volks to snare.

Bolster is going to come, BREN's are going to come.

IMO, Feverstrum Doctrine is a great doctrine to use for OKW 1v1 vs UKF. Cheap assault packages, LEIG Napalm (against Vickers and AT Spam, Opel Truck and the Flammenpanzer)

OKW will have trouble no matter what if they roll out an UC with 2 IS's.

You can't really use a Rak reliably against a well microed UC (needs two shots I believe), it rips Kubels a new one, it rips Volks new ones until you get your first truck built.

It reminds me of the M3/Penal combo. And OKW really has no answer for that early on as well, except unit preservation and trying to kite them into something awful, which they typically won't unless you are really lucky or they are really stupid.

I always find myself if I'm using fallschims to set up a flak gun near my fuel point. Lets my one MG34 dispatch to other tasks I need it to do. Flak gun suppresses IS blobs, and it wrecks UC's, it even gives the Armored Car some hell.

Often, I find myself going Battlegroup a lot more against UKF. Gotta keep my units healed, and I have to use the flaktrack sparingly because again, the Armored Cars timing is a bitch.

Don't fight fair, and sweep the leg Johnny.
5 Sep 2020, 15:01 PM
avatar of mr.matrix300

Posts: 518

Take fights all over the map. Don't blob vs brits.

This is actually something which I would recommend not doing. In a 1 vs 1 scenario your infantry is inferior to Sections, so taking fights all over the map is the last thing you want to do, as every battle will turn into a MP bleed for you.

Stall for a luchs and then you can f*** him. If he's spamming infantry like that your friends are: MG34, Luchs, Leig.

To OP: Don't do this. Don't stall for Luchs as OKW when facing UKF.

UKF gets AEC after 85 fuel( 30 + 15 + 60 - 20 ) , while OKW gets Luchs after 110 fuel ( 15 + 45+ 60 - 10 ) . By the time you can get Luchs your enemy will have a AEC on the field. Instead go for Puma ( if you go for Mech. HQ at all ) , since Puma will at least keep the AEC tamed down.

Also going for Mech. HQ means that you get Panzerfausts later than with Battlegroup and also don't have ammo free healing, which will make upgrading to Stgs even harder.

I also would not recommend getting a MG 34 unless there is a really well positioned house on the map ... and even then I would rather spend the MP on something else.

Leig is pretty much the only viable advice here. But remember to get 2 of them. One will mostly just bleed a bit of HP.

Since IS is superior to volks early on,

IS is superior to volks pretty much the whole match. Except when UKF player doesn't go for 5 men / MG , while the OKW player gets STGs on his Volks.

5 Sep 2020, 16:56 PM
avatar of drinu019

Posts: 60

This is actually something which I would recommend not doing. In a 1 vs 1 scenario your infantry is inferior to Sections, so taking fights all over the map is the last thing you want to do, as every battle will turn into a MP bleed for you.

To OP: Don't do this. Don't stall for Luchs as OKW when facing UKF.

UKF gets AEC after 85 fuel( 30 + 15 + 60 - 20 ) , while OKW gets Luchs after 110 fuel ( 15 + 45+ 60 - 10 ) . By the time you can get Luchs your enemy will have a AEC on the field. Instead go for Puma ( if you go for Mech. HQ at all ) , since Puma will at least keep the AEC tamed down.

Also going for Mech. HQ means that you get Panzerfausts later than with Battlegroup and also don't have ammo free healing, which will make upgrading to Stgs even harder.

I also would not recommend getting a MG 34 unless there is a really well positioned house on the map ... and even then I would rather spend the MP on something else.

Leig is pretty much the only viable advice here. But remember to get 2 of them. One will mostly just bleed a bit of HP.

IS is superior to volks pretty much the whole match. Except when UKF player doesn't go for 5 men / MG , while the OKW player gets STGs on his Volks.

I feel like mech is pretty bad in general, i almost never go it unless im vs usf or something. Luchs sucks imo compared to something like a t70 for example and leaves you with no fuel. Puma is meh, squishy as hell and stuka is only good vs team weapons or defensive positions.
5 Sep 2020, 16:58 PM
avatar of adamírcz

Posts: 957

This is actually something which I would recommend not doing. In a 1 vs 1 scenario your infantry is inferior to Sections, so taking fights all over the map is the last thing you want to do, as every battle will turn into a MP bleed for you.

To OP: Don't do this. Don't stall for Luchs as OKW when facing UKF.

UKF gets AEC after 85 fuel( 30 + 15 + 60 - 20 ) , while OKW gets Luchs after 110 fuel ( 15 + 45+ 60 - 10 ) . By the time you can get Luchs your enemy will have a AEC on the field. Instead go for Puma ( if you go for Mech. HQ at all ) , since Puma will at least keep the AEC tamed down.

Also going for Mech. HQ means that you get Panzerfausts later than with Battlegroup and also don't have ammo free healing, which will make upgrading to Stgs even harder.

I also would not recommend getting a MG 34 unless there is a really well positioned house on the map ... and even then I would rather spend the MP on something else.

Leig is pretty much the only viable advice here. But remember to get 2 of them. One will mostly just bleed a bit of HP.

IS is superior to volks pretty much the whole match. Except when UKF player doesn't go for 5 men / MG , while the OKW player gets STGs on his Volks.

All over the map doesnt have to mean 1vs1. One squad can stall from green cover until next one arrives and either flanks or they zerg rush together.

Agree that Puma is better than Luchs though

The 34 can hardly go wrong against 4 IS build assuming its properly used

Also I must add one thing to my advice, although that applies to all factions and matchups rather than just OKW, but: focus on capping more than on combat, which kinda connects to the first point: even if he gets ahead MP wise, it will make map-control pure hell for them
5 Sep 2020, 17:33 PM
avatar of Protos Angelus

Posts: 1515


It worked for me plenty of times. Raketen + MG into luchs with volks vs brits usually netted me a win mid game and a loss early game (hence capping points and avoiding fights). Almost all the time it was vs UC + AEC hence the raketen. I especially didn't have a hard time at all vs IS spam into AEC. Truth be told, those custom games were vs rank 500 3v3 Brit players which are MEH at best.
Truth be told x2, I do not know if that would work in high ranking games, but for me it worked. And 2v2 LeiGs worked best(as you have said), but I seldom tried to find the ranks of the people I played against/with so that part is questionable.
5 Sep 2020, 17:54 PM
avatar of Alphrum

Posts: 808

It worked for me plenty of times. Raketen + MG into luchs with volks vs brits usually netted me a win mid game and a loss early game (hence capping points and avoiding fights). Almost all the time it was vs UC + AEC hence the raketen. I especially didn't have a hard time at all vs IS spam into AEC. Truth be told, those custom games were vs rank 500 3v3 Brit players which are MEH at best.
Truth be told x2, I do not know if that would work in high ranking games, but for me it worked. And 2v2 LeiGs worked best(as you have said), but I seldom tried to find the ranks of the people I played against/with so that part is questionable.

lol u serious right now?. u have a grand total of 0 okw games in automatch and u tell them how to play okw?
6 Sep 2020, 00:08 AM
avatar of Sp33dSnake

Posts: 149

Just came across this problem 10 mins ago playing UKF. Infantry Spam and 1 UC.

Again, as I've noted above, it's very hard to counter as OKW because you have no way to suppress infantry early on.

Neither does USF, but rifle squads can hold their own until you get a suppressive weapon on the field.

Counter infantry spam doesn't work, and that's really the only play you have. Strums bleed too much even on flanking maneuvers to get close enough to out DPS sections. I've tried going double Strums/double Kubels, and it works sometimes. But that damned UC nullifies it.

OKW needs a buff to it's timing in general. It would be a highly unpopular opinion, but at this point, they may need their MG34 at T0. They have a flame nade for garrison/team weapons, but honestly, it really is the only thing Allies have to worry about in the first three minutes.

I think the set up time for the Flaktrack needs to be reduced, or the MG34 needs to be available T0. One or the other. Volks need some sort of buff because even at Vet 5, they have difficulty surviving on the field.

I'll keep testing them, but it's a very tough problem.
6 Sep 2020, 00:40 AM
avatar of Sp33dSnake

Posts: 149

Just played against USF, concentrated on stopping infantry spam because his doctrines/bulletins made it obvious that was what he was doing.

And he did.

And I couldn't stop him.

Was able to keep it even until the late game...Vanilla Obers cannot hope to contend with Double Bar Vet 2 rifles. Too few units, too few punching power.

Should've went Fallschims. Ah well.
6 Sep 2020, 01:49 AM
avatar of CODGUY

Posts: 888

Your infantry units are far more cost effective than your opponents and preform better, so start with that. The standard infantry available to both Axis factions is vastly superior to what the USF/UKF have. Only Soviet Penals are comparable.
6 Sep 2020, 02:00 AM
avatar of KoRneY

Posts: 682

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Sep 2020, 01:49 AMCODGUY
Your infantry units are far more cost effective than your opponents and preform better, so start with that.

Every unit that fires against you is more cost effective, it's how you lose pershings to a pg squad.
6 Sep 2020, 02:05 AM
avatar of CODGUY

Posts: 888

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Sep 2020, 02:00 AMKoRneY

Every unit that fires against you is more cost effective, it's how you lose pershings to a pg squad.

You lose Pershings to a PG squad when the Pershing gets nerfed to hell because no one in this community cares that much about USF.
6 Sep 2020, 02:19 AM
avatar of KoRneY

Posts: 682

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Sep 2020, 02:05 AMCODGUY

You lose Pershings to a PG squad when the Pershing gets nerfed to hell because no one in this community cares that much about USF.

21 1v1s and the pershing won them all. Except for when you're in charge.

Riflemen could fire v1 rockets from their garands and you'd still figure out a way to lose them to pioneers
6 Sep 2020, 02:56 AM
avatar of FelixTHM

Posts: 503 | Subs: 1

(1v1)Take fights all over the map. Don't blob vs brits. Stall for a luchs and then you can f*** him. If he's spamming infantry like that your friends are: MG34, Luchs, Leig.

Since IS is superior to volks early on, don't overextend and force fights. Cap what you can, fight in cover, stall for a luchs or leig. 4 IS + UC will seriously hurt the manpower for Sappers/AT and since IS have no snare, it's easy against them.

This is really bad 1v1 advice.

Taking fights all over the map means you lose fights all over the map, since equal cover IS will beat Volks, forcing you to retreat while he caps/decaps and pops medkit. A single volks won't be able to flank a Vickers. And against UC you need multiple squads to actually force it back. I'd recommend getting a rak as your next unit once you confirm UC, and not before. Getting a rak if there's no UC will put you way behind in the infantry game, contrary to what Katitof claims.

You literally HAVE to pair squads together vs Brits until you're on STGs. Volks don't have enough close range DPS to charge IS 1v1, but you lose badly at range. If you have 2 squads, you can take a bit of bleed to force him into hard retreats and secure map control.

4 IS + UC doesn't hurt the manpower for AT at all and certainly isn't considered spam - it is in fact a very standard build which is very manpower efficient since OKW will bleed terribly against it. 4 IS + UC will curbstomp you if you try to rush for Luchs, since you will get overrun and lose map control. And since AEC has the exact same timing as Luchs, you'll be doubly ruined. If I even go mech at all vs Brits I go Puma first before Luchs, but most of the time I just rely on MG34 + leigs to exploit their lack of smoke, lack of indirect fire, and lack of rocket artillery.
6 Sep 2020, 03:07 AM
avatar of FelixTHM

Posts: 503 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Sep 2020, 01:49 AMCODGUY
Your infantry units are far more cost effective than your opponents and preform better, so start with that. The standard infantry available to both Axis factions is vastly superior to what the USF/UKF have. Only Soviet Penals are comparable.

Just CODGUY things. You probably lost your Shermans to Obers and Kubels are destroying your Jacksons, am I right?

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