If you were able to put up a mortar pit by the fuel in Across the Rhine, and keep it from being destroyed, then the game wasn't competitive at all. In games like that, you can do anything you want and it doesn't prove anything. One of my teammates, who plays UKF, will build 5 snipers and go big game (Puma) hunting in those games. It doesn't prove anything beyond the fact that there were too few people searching to make a good match.
You can't double team an opponent off the fuel, spam trences to deflect the counterattack and build a mortar pit in the meanwhile? Accounting for the fact the pit needs to only exist for a few minutes at max to get the job done? Mkay

In addition the skill level of a player has nothing to do with the fact no faction has reliable readily available tools to counter free constantly spammed easy-to-use smoke with 0 cooldown that can be combined with questionable gimmick mechanics without Axis doing excessive/unreasonable investments to counter that single strat.