Since the Brits are now in a good spot right now people have used them a lot more in teamgames. Hammer tech is also a lot more common after the heavy tank tech requirements change and Comet actually being a decent unit.
Now here is the part that isn’t too mainstream yet and it has been overlooked in the past. Hammer sidetech unlocks the 50 muni Gammon bombs. Those do immense damage to OKW trucks. 2 Gammons and an arty flare (no shared cooldown) can guarantee an HQ kill for less than 150 muni and requires only 2 section. (3 if you don’t wanna tech pyrotechnics and use 3 gammons instead)
Big brain counter would of course be “JuSt DoN’t AlLoW tOmMiEs WaLk To YoUr TrUcK”
-However, the 350 manpower brit mortar pit creeping smoke barrage has very long range and the smoke barrage has 0 cooldown after finishing so it can be chained indefinitely. On most 2v2 maps that means you can chain smoke barrages (for free) and walk a few tommies up to OKW HQs taking 0 damage and there is practically nothing your opponent can do except watch the HQ go Kaboomie.
The only extremely unreliable counter is vehicle pushing but that is very hard if not impossible to pull of if several tommies are going for the HQ gib and only a single model needs to be in range.
In this situation the real big brain counter would then be “JuSt PuT tHe TrUcKs In BaSe”, right?
-unless it’s a huge 4v4 map you can just as well spam the smoke to opponents’ base entrance and go gib the trucks with 3 gammons just as fine. They can be clicked inside base sector just as well.
Things get even more big brain in brit doctrinal solutions. AVRE doc napalm barrage and a single gammon guarantee an HQ kill for 160 munitions. If you’re a cheapskate you can just use the napalm barrage and an AVRE shot for the cheapest OKW HQ oneclick in the game (110 muni)
Commando smoke raid then again makes smoke readily available anywhere on the map so sections can safely advance to kill trucks. Since it can be cast just outside the base sector the base offers little protection.
Do these big brain mechanics need changes (like gammon damage profile against trucks changed) or is it a quality meme in a good spot right now?
As a reminder this is the tooltip for Gammons regarding their use (from brit unit guide)
“This ability allows your Infantry Sections to throw Gammon Bombs. These bombs have a large AOE, but also a large timer (about 4 seconds). Cause vehicles hit by the bomb's AOE to be stunned for a short duration.”
-Clearly demolishing OKW trucks was their intended purpose instead of harassing armor