
russian armor

The Brits need a new elite or semi-elite infantry unit.

22 Jan 2020, 04:30 AM
avatar of CODGUY

Posts: 888

Ever since the decision to nerf infantry sections straight to hell the Brits have been left with only commandos as a decent infantry unit. I don't know if there is any difference between infiltration commandos or glider commandos but they seem to be more or less the same thing, and the ALO is also essentially the same thing just with 4 men instead of 5.

I want to like assault sections but they really are too weak to be that effective of a CQB unit. Their firepower and abilities are good, but they melt too fast against actual CQB units.

Flamethrower REs...a joke.

I am convinced they need a 6 man Paratrooper sqaud armed with Lee Enfields upgradable with either 3 scoped Enfields for long range accuracy or 4 Thompson SMGs. They should be as tough as Rangers. They could use the ALO skin or a modified version with a British para helmet if possible.
22 Jan 2020, 08:33 AM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

Codguy hopped across the pond to support his English brothers!

Tommies are still good. They were not "nerfed straight to hell". Whatever the brits problem is I don't think its their mainlines
22 Jan 2020, 08:40 AM
avatar of T.R. Stormjäger

Posts: 3588 | Subs: 3

Airlanding Officer to platoon command post built for 270mp, renamed to Platoon Lieutenant. Make him 5 men once Anvil or Hammer is picked.

Also codguy stop making threads.
22 Jan 2020, 09:09 AM
avatar of Serrith

Posts: 783

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Jan 2020, 04:30 AMCODGUY
Ever since the decision to nerf infantry sections straight to hell the Brits have been left with only commandos as a decent infantry unit. I don't know if there is any difference between infiltration commandos or glider commandos but they seem to be more or less the same thing, and the ALO is also essentially the same thing just with 4 men instead of 5.

I want to like assault sections but they really are too weak to be that effective of a CQB unit. Their firepower and abilities are good, but they melt too fast against actual CQB units.

Flamethrower REs...a joke.

I am convinced they need a 6 man Paratrooper sqaud armed with Lee Enfields upgradable with either 3 scoped Enfields for long range accuracy or 4 Thompson SMGs. They should be as tough as Rangers. They could use the ALO skin or a modified version with a British para helmet if possible.

Air landing officer is not the same thing as a commando. It's more like ostheer artillery officer vs assault grenadiers.
The air landing officer has support oriented abilities and his vet is more defensive then the commandos.

I dont understand why you think assault sections are so bad when stat wise they are almost objectively superior to cav rifles and those are pretty decent.

Likewise how can you dislike flamer RET when they are basically ostheer pios with 5 men, anti tank snares and the ability to equip additional weapons.
22 Jan 2020, 11:36 AM
avatar of Aarotron

Posts: 563

Only thing that tommies ultimately faced was that they cant just horde munitions and have bolster work as your dps hose. I rarely upgraded tommirs before nerf ad they could compete with other upgraded mainlines with only having bolster.
22 Jan 2020, 13:39 PM
avatar of SupremeStefan

Posts: 1220

The brits only needs non doc mortar halftruck in last tier that's it
22 Jan 2020, 14:12 PM
avatar of Grim

Posts: 1096

Tommies just need too much investment compared to commandos.

You need to unlock weapon racks, grenades and bolster for them to truly compete. Plus double brens. All without a snare to boot.

I'd rather put the resources into teching up and spend a bit more mp for commandos.
22 Jan 2020, 16:41 PM
avatar of distrofio

Posts: 2358

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Jan 2020, 04:30 AMCODGUY

Flamethrower REs...a joke.

We shold call you Flamethrower REGUY then.

I am convinced they need a 6 man Paratrooper sqaud armed with Lee Enfields upgradable with either 3 scoped Enfields for long range accuracy or 4 Thompson SMGs. They should be as tough as Rangers. They could use the ALO skin or a modified version with a British para helmet if possible.

Wait, the last time devs added a new squad with SU airborne guards and now you want that for UKF? I find your lack of creativity... disturbing.

And no.

If you want USF paras for UKF go play USF, if you need "elite" infantry use commandos. They shred jerrys to pieces.
22 Jan 2020, 18:24 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

UKF's always had the same problem: it's a janky faction with a basic roster full of holes that gets by leaning on a few overpowered 'crutch' units.

Take away the crutch, and it falls over.

And that's been the direction of UKF since the December Balance Patch.
DBP's emplacement nerfs killed off SimCity as a viable strategy. SBP's Centaur nerfs killed off the Centaur Rush just before GCS2.
The more recent patches have killed off the Bolster Blob into Crocodile.

The problem is removing the overpowered jank is only half the equation: you've also got to fill in the holes in the roster. Sapper Snares were a game-changer for the faction, but putting it on the same footing as the other factions requires finishing the job.

UKF needs a viable long-range counterplay to team weapons: a mobile mortar, or something that does the same job.

Is that likely? Probably not: Relic's stance is rebalance, don't redesign. The Balance Team do what they can within the constraints they're given, but UKF's problems run deeper and until the Balance Team gets the authority to fix them they'll remain.
22 Jan 2020, 21:11 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Jan 2020, 18:24 PMLago
UKF's always had the same problem: it's a janky faction with a basic roster full of holes that gets by leaning on a few overpowered 'crutch' units.

Take away the crutch, and it falls over.

And that's been the direction of UKF since the December Balance Patch.
DBP's emplacement nerfs killed off SimCity as a viable strategy. SBP's Centaur nerfs killed off the Centaur Rush just before GCS2.
The more recent patches have killed off the Bolster Blob into Crocodile.

The problem is removing the overpowered jank is only half the equation: you've also got to fill in the holes in the roster. Sapper Snares were a game-changer for the faction, but putting it on the same footing as the other factions requires finishing the job.

UKF needs a viable long-range counterplay to team weapons: a mobile mortar, or something that does the same job.

Is that likely? Probably not: Relic's stance is rebalance, don't redesign. The Balance Team do what they can within the constraints they're given, but UKF's problems run deeper and until the Balance Team gets the authority to fix them they'll remain.


IMO they also need a nondoc infantry squad that can actually be aggressive though. Sections have some of the worst moving acc penalties in the game, are dependent on cover for their RA and DPS bonuses (or rather, un-debuffs), can only be upgraded with LMGs, and are the only nondoc infantry unit in the faction. They need something that can funtion like pgrens.
22 Jan 2020, 21:16 PM
avatar of Mazianni

Posts: 785


IMO they also need a nondoc infantry squad that can actually be aggressive though. Sections have some of the worst moving acc penalties in the game, are dependent on cover for their RA and DPS bonuses (or rather, un-debuffs), can only be upgraded with LMGs, and are the only nondoc infantry unit in the faction. They need something that can funtion like pgrens.

I think the out of cover penalty shouldn't apply to PIATs tbh. It wouldn't even be a buff so much as making it an actual option; currently the (40% iirc) reload penalty probably makes them one of the worst possible AT infantry units ingame.

I'd go as far as to say that maybe the out of cover penalty should be replaced by an honest to god bonus, but only apply to the enfield rifles.
22 Jan 2020, 21:29 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

I think the out of cover penalty shouldn't apply to PIATs tbh. It wouldn't even be a buff so much as making it an actual option; currently the (40% iirc) reload penalty probably makes them one of the worst possible AT infantry units ingame.

I'd go as far as to say that maybe the out of cover penalty should be replaced by an honest to god bonus, but only apply to the enfield rifles.

Honestly I'm not even too scuffed about that. It's an awful penalty but it's ultimately irrelevant since there's literally no reason to put PIATs on sections ever when you have cheaper royal engineers with snares and no debuff to put them on, that way your royals actually vet and have a combat usage even with a sweeper.

I think the out of cover penalty doesn't even affect the enfields that much IIRC, mostly just slot weapons, the bren especially, and I think the enfield DPS is fine early game.
22 Jan 2020, 21:58 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

I agree with Lago that most of the brit problems are design issues resulting in crutches being removed. It's a shame because the brits could be really cool. Inflexible and less mobile to contrast the usf but no less powerful. Now we have sections who are by design to lose outright in their ideal circumstances against a WW1 style charge across an open field to another starting unit because they cost 10% more (and do 500% more but the cost is the only factor that matters) which pains me as someone who has played this game for years and remember a sweeping design change to remove that exact design. Where utilizing cover properly and utilizing their strengths was supposed to win the day.
23 Jan 2020, 00:41 AM
avatar of distrofio

Posts: 2358


IMO they also need a nondoc infantry squad that can actually be aggressive though. Sections have some of the worst moving acc penalties in the game, are dependent on cover for their RA and DPS bonuses (or rather, un-debuffs), can only be upgraded with LMGs, and are the only nondoc infantry unit in the faction. They need something that can funtion like pgrens.

I believe this too. But there is a little problem.
If UKF (i am assuming right now) is very proficient at holding ground, with wathever unit you have in mind, then an assault squad would be deadly useful. First push, then hold and wait some retaliation. If none occurs then push again and repeat.

SU and USF have great pushing units because they lack somehow the holding power, wether it be because of MP costs or tech or bad unit sinergy. OKW has some of this issues but got each pach more "balanced" around it because a simple combo OKW+OKH would be both extremely aggressive and extremely defensive altogether.

As it is now i see UKF as a giant on the walk. Meanwhile he raises a foot to make a step ahead, its whole weights lands on a single foot, that is a weakest moment. When IS try to push and assault they are vulnerable, once they hit heavy cover they are no longer weak. An assault squad would help them on their weakest moment but nothing will stop IS on their strongest moments.
23 Jan 2020, 01:00 AM
avatar of T.R. Stormjäger

Posts: 3588 | Subs: 3

The entire “sections can’t push” argument dies the moment you consider 6 and 7 man Conscripts have no trouble attacking, even with significantly worse grenades.

Now, regarding the actual problem with Brits, there’s two of them: The light vehicle and the Medium workhorse. I’m gonna contrast with Axis and show why Brits have backbreaking issues in both departments.

Let’s start with “THE LIGHT VEHICLE”, which is the strongest power spike for both Soviet with the T70 and to an extent USF with the Stuart. UKF doesn’t have a go-to light vehicle they can rush. They have the AEC, which is a slightly weaker Puma, but that’s a reactionary pick due to its AT nature, not something you can rush, while Soviets can rush the hell out of the T70 regardless if it’s 5mins or 6mins. To fix this issue, I have two ideas. Either bring the M5 quad AA from lend lease over to the platoon CP and replace the doctrine slot with a mortar HT (or something creative) or put Valentine tanks over to the Platoon CP and adjust accordingly to prevent the old Valentine spam from that Jan patch.

The second and most important issue is UKF is an Ostheer wannabe clone without the main Ostheer ingredient: The workhorse medium tank, your go to vehicle asap when you get to that tier, which is gonna give your army a tremendous lift and do a tonne of work for your army. The Brits are stuck with the Cromwell, a vehicle unsure of what it wants to be. P4s are 120 fuel, rely on a pintle mount for good MG damage and have a great main gun vs infantry, plus can fight vs tank well. Cromwells are just good at crushing infantry with their speed. No pintle MG, just a shite commander upgrade you can’t live without, bad MG damage, bad damage vs infantry, meh vs tanks. The whole faction suffers because of its lack of a workhorse. Here’s what I’d do to fix the Cromwell: Price up to 370mp/130fuel, hull MG and main gun vs infantry same stats as T34/76, remove commander upgrade and give the accuracy bonus by default, give it a tame version of the Sherman76 radio net, 10 lower pen than Ostheer P4.
23 Jan 2020, 03:23 AM
avatar of Support Sapper

Posts: 1220 | Subs: 1

I Now we have sections who are by design to lose outright in their ideal circumstances against a WW1 style charge across an open field to another starting unit because they cost 10% more

The fact that event if i have sandbags and managed to drop a model before point blank but stumpio still can beat section with 2 models remain in early game is sad as hell.
23 Jan 2020, 03:28 AM
avatar of Support Sapper

Posts: 1220 | Subs: 1

The entire “sections can’t push” argument dies the moment you consider 6 and 7 man Conscripts have no trouble attacking, even with significantly worse grenades.

Problem attacking with sections is mostly in early to mid game when they are still 4 man, have very bad moving acc and RA debuff out of cover.

Let’s start with “THE LIGHT VEHICLE”, which is the strongest power spike for both Soviet with the T70 and to an extent USF with the Stuart. UKF doesn’t have a go-to light vehicle they can rush. They have the AEC, which is a slightly weaker Puma, but that’s a reactionary pick due to its AT nature, not something you can rush, while Soviets can rush the hell out of the T70 regardless if it’s 5mins or 6mins. To fix this issue, I have two ideas. Either bring the M5 quad AA from lend lease over to the platoon CP and replace the doctrine slot with a mortar HT (or something creative) or put Valentine tanks over to the Platoon CP and adjust accordingly to prevent the old Valentine spam from that Jan patch.

Adding the valentine in the stock lineup to replace the Bofors has alway be my dream. Make valentine into a slow infantry tank, mutually exclusive with aec, Bofors can be build once one of those 2 been tech.

23 Jan 2020, 03:45 AM
avatar of distrofio

Posts: 2358

Im with stormjäger, UKF should have a midgame crutch design rather an early infantry one like USF.

23 Jan 2020, 08:44 AM
avatar of ZeroZeroNi

Posts: 1563

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Jan 2020, 09:09 AMSerrith

Air landing officer is not the same thing as a commando. It's more like ostheer artillery officer vs assault grenadiers.
The air landing officer has support oriented abilities and his vet is more defensive then the commandos.

I dont understand why you think assault sections are so bad when stat wise they are almost objectively superior to cav rifles and those are pretty decent.

Likewise how can you dislike flamer RET when they are basically ostheer pios with 5 men, anti tank snares and the ability to equip additional weapons.

Allies: "5-man stromtroopers with 3 sturm stg + 2 stormtrooper mp40's for 280mp + 60m" - garbage
also allies: "4 man grens now can build sandbags" Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it's the apocalypse, hide you women and your children the Nazi's are coming, the NAZI's are COMING.
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