I did test it previously and what i gathered was that they were dead even.
But i can't remember if they were both vet 3 and using non FoW.
So i did retest them.
120mm vs 82mm against Flak HQ
-The xp value requirements are 960 and 480 respectively for vet1 and they double at each vet level. Therefore by the time the 120mm is vet 1, the 82mm will be vet 2. By the time it takes to get to vet2 the 82mm will be vet 3.
Test 1:
FoW, Barrage, range 75 (enough that the circle isn't outside the maximum range or dead center of truck is at 75)
Vet 0
82mm wins by 10-5% remaining HP left on Flak HQ.
82mm wins by 5%
Vet 3 vs vet 2
82mm wins by 10%
Barrage Without FoW
82mm wins by 10-5%
Vet2 vs vet 1
82mm wins by 10-5%
Test 3:
AA,Attack Ground FoW
82mm wins by >5%
120mm wins by >5%
82mm wins by 10-5%
82mm wins 10%
Test 4:
AA,Attack Ground Non Fow
82mm by 10%
82mm by 10-5%
Test 5:
3 82mm vs 2 120mm (roughly equivalent mp/popcap cost. 240mp/6p vs 340mp/9p) 720mp/18p vs 680mp/18p
FoW Attack ground
82mm by 50-40%
82mm by 40%
PD: i bias slightly towards the 120mm by starting to set order first (control group and hotkey usage made it less than 1-2s) and let any shot mid air count once any truck was killed.
Previous comment before testing:
Unless the relative safe by using the extended range means something, there's not much difference between using the stock mortar and the 120mm.
Barrage is way better than attack ground or attack order/auto fire for obvious reasons (better rof and scatter). Unless you can make use of the extended range or that is the difference between using it safely or exposed, the 82mm is clearly better against the 120mm static emplacements (or at least the Flak HQ specifcally if the goal is destroying it).
Attack ground is far better than attack order. Attack order seems to undershoot by quite a big margin, so issuing an attack ground command in the middle or slightly behind it provides far better results. It would also make for a more likely hit on engineers repairing.
Finally, reminder that "Monstrous size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue"