"No man can tame a tiger into a kitten by stroking it."
― Franklin D. Roosevelt
― Franklin D. Roosevelt

Poster by Strummingbird * Click for fullsize
COH2.ORG, Airborne Ales, Relic Entertainment, and Sega present the...
Community Map Making Contest
Calling all mapmakers! Do you think your map has what it takes? Now is the time to show us what your map is made of! COH2.ORG is proud to announce the very first map making contest for Company of Heroes 2. Prizes are yours if you can design a new map that will capture both the hearts and minds of the community. Give your maps that lonely, brutal feeling that the Eastern front inspires. We want atmosphere! While it does sound tempting, a map full of MickeyD's and shoe shops won't do as well as a constant, bloody battle over what can only be described as a mass grave.

- Submit your map to one of three categories:
- 1v1 maps
- 2v2 maps
- large maps (3v3 & 4v4)
- 1v1 maps
- For optimal map sizes, please see this tutorial: How to Set up a Multiplayer Map - by OnkelSam
- Get creative! Rural landscapes, urban jungles, desolate battlefields; design your map in whatever way you want, as long as it makes for fluid and competitive gameplay.
- Upload your map to the Steam Workshop. This is mandatory and makes it easier for us to find your maps and playtest them!
- Create a new thread for your map in the special Map Making Contest forum.
- Each mapper is allowed a maximum of 2 map submissions per category.

Prize pool:
- $840, courtesy of an anonymous contribution and Airborne Ales.
- Signed copies of the Company of Heroes 2 soundtrack, courtesy of Relic & Sega
- DLC for COH2, courtesy of Relic & Sega
- Airborne Ales T-shirts, courtesy of Airborne Ales
- First Prize (x3): A first place prize will be awarded in each mapsize category. The best 1v1 map, 2v2 map, and large map (3v3/4v4) will each receive $150, a copy of the official Company of Heroes 2 soundtrack, signed by composer Chris Velasco and most of the Company of Heroes 2 development team, as well as eternal fame and respect from the community.
- Second Prize (x3): Awarded $80 and Airborne Ales t-shirts.
- Third Prize (x3): Awarded $50 and DLC for Company of Heroes 2.

- Our very own director of Maps, MonolithicBacon has assembled his own judging team from the staff at COH2.ORG. The members of this august body and their judging criteria will be announced shortly. MonolithicBacon's crack team will create a shortlist of the leading maps, halfway through the duration of the event. This gives you time to improve your map based on their expert feedback before the final submission is due.
- For any tips and tricks, check out these awesome guides on mapmaking: Map Making Tutorial Index
- Final judging of the winners will be conducted by Relic Entertainment!

- Friday, March 21st, 2014: Start of the Map Making Contest. You can begin to post your contest submissions in the new Map Making Contest forum.
- Friday, April 11th, 2014: End of Phase 1. Maps are due for preliminary judging by "The Bickering Table" led by MonolithBacon. Judging criteria will be posted on the portal within the next few days.
- Friday, April 18th, 2014: Results of the Preliminary Judging will be posted
- Friday, May 9th, 2014: End of Phase 2. Final maps are due at midnight GMT. Maps will be collected, shortlisted by COH2.ORG Staff, and forwarded to Relic Entertainment for final judging.
- Friday, May 23rd, 2014: Winners are announced!

A special shoutout goes to one particular COH2.ORG community member. Since he wanted to remain anonymous, we can only express our gratitude by saying that the entire COH2.ORG staff is very grateful for his generous donation!
Another warm thanks goes out to Airborne Ales. This recently founded craft beer company shares interests when it comes down to WW2 and beer so we decided to team up! Airborne Ales was kind enough to give us $200 and Airborne Ales T-Shirts! Also check out the Airborne Ales Facebook page. Airborne Ales... Beer for the Brave!
Relic and Sega were kind enough to provide us with DLC codes and signed Company Of Heroes 2 soundtracks.

The final thanks goes to you guys. You mapmakers, who made the effort of sending us your work. Your long hours of work with the WorldBuilder are much appreciated. We hope we can give you guys the recognition you so deserve!