Lenny's Rifle Disruption Tactics Guide

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that's why I do not play 1on1, my eyes are bleeding from such spam.

Posts: 130

Posts: 307 | Subs: 3

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Posts: 1042
I have to try this!

Posts: 1094 | Subs: 20
that's why I do not play 1on1, my eyes are bleeding from such spam.
so you are preferring teamgames because there is less spamming?

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2
so you are preferring teamgames because there is less spamming?
my friends and I not use spam tactics, only compact army - opponents of course use.
In team games easier to play small armies

Posts: 710
It was computerheat's cast where StephennJF was using this strat against someone (sorry, forgot who it was) in Road to Kharkov.

Posts: 1042

Posts: 710
Well, trying this out in 4v4 it didn't stand a chance
That's quite understandable. Generally there are more and bigger tanks in bigger games so I assume it's gonna get really tricky.

Posts: 412

Posts: 307 | Subs: 3
Well, trying this out in 4v4 it didn't stand a chance
In team games it often works if you go "full troll" - note that the 1v1 build is not ment to be a troll build!!
In teamgames I find it fun/worth to go full troll to get a munitions cache before your teamm8s gets to plant their fuel cache (Everyone says munitions aint worth due to fuel being so much more gamechanging in large teamgames!)
Other than that, I find it cool to go with only conscripts... yes, only conscripts and AT guns! I have won a plenty of teamgames where I still felt that I had a huge impact with 1k fuel floating

Posts: 1042
Anyway, I'm gonna be using this doctrine a lot more in future, it's just hilarious!

Posts: 307 | Subs: 3
- Introduction
- Pros and Cons of NKVD Tactics
- The Abilities
- 0CP - Radio Intercept
- 4CP - Recon Overflight
- 6CP - Fear Propaganda Artillery
- 6CP - Rapid Conscription
- 12CP - IL-2 Sturmovik Strafing Run
- The Build - Basics
- Game Phases
- Counters
- Maps and Bulletins
- General Tips
- A Cast of How It's Done
- Quick Rundown