Hi, looking for someone to look over this. The early game was really not so good and I'm not sure what could've been better. I'm thinking it was the capping order (and my opponent's aggressive push) that threw me off.
However, I felt like I continually stayed alive due to my opponent's errors (sending volks behind green cover vs. flamethrower, then wiped on retreat) and wasn't able to really ever take an advantage due to my own errors (letting my two penals get wiped mid game in quick succession, forgetting that I had mark target)
Was my choice of sniper poor? It ended up surviving and at times had an average of 2 kills/minute(which is really good, I think) but I was left with, at a certain point in the mid game, with only three combat squads (penals) whereas my opponent had five (four volks + sturmpio). I ended up going T2 and not getting T3 because I needed a way to stop his blobs (and to get some reliable AT).
I lost my first AT gun consciously capping the right VP, attempting to stem the flow of my VPs escaping.
Here's the replay