Le Abuse MingLee
Just to show SoE that beating focus isn't that big of a deal. #AbusingBM
We are going CoH2 since the very early Beta.
We have an avarage of 2300h each.
NEVER reject a challenge! in all the Years.
No one of Q_Q Keyboardworriors yelling SoE are nuubs CHallenged us so far!
Talking about skilless 3v3 and 4v4 and are so afraid of playing vs us.
We missed you and your Team in the last 2 Tournamnts. Why ? All i hear is lil girl smacktalk...
Uploading Replay shit like that to get a some poorly managed atttion...
We play for Competionen and we dont bother to lose a game same as Focus. Cuz it makes us stronger and better.
Disgracing Focus for having the balls to start as the weaker Faction in Ranked knowing 3x OKW is pretty shit but still fun to play, disappointing.
Yelling out an absoluty expacting and predicted win is showing a real weak Attitude.
o7 Focus!
I feel shame for you.
for all the haters if you wanna play 3v3 and 4v4 add SoE-Sturmpanther- for Gamesetup. Bo2 or Bo4 VP win. If you win upload it here to feed your weak ego.
soory for my bad english