It makes me sad when people think like this, think like you. What the hell has happened to us? I don't know about you, but I've been a Hardcore gamer (mostly PC) for about 20 years. Why are standards are low like this? Our standards and so fucking low.
Do you guys remember the old day? Developers an publishers used to make
perfect games. Minimal amount of bugs and issues, no post-release bullshite, no need for frequent patches to fix the game (and occasionally introduce new or old bugs cuz LELIK). Maybe it's because the presence of internet which made devs lazy, I don't know. The only thing I know is that we -as gamers- have changed. They can shit on us and we are all content. "
Hey guys, the game is not that bad", "
remember how the game was a couple of months ago?". "
Stop being so entitled".
This is not entitlement. I was born and raised in a country which never had good internet connection. Even now, I pay a fortune for a shitty 512mb internet with 200 latency. But back then, I wasn't forced to always update my games to be able to play them. I remember the days in which a AAA game would be patched once or twice, and only for minor issues. Today, we have Day0 patches are we are fucking grateful.
Every now and then, a developer (Like CD-PROJECT RED-which I respect greatly) does its job right and we lose our shit like they are doing us a favor. They are doing there job. This is not entitlement. The industry has gone to shite, developers and publisher accuse each other and we fight over who's fault is it...
Both Relic and Sega are culprits here. How you might ask. Well, I have no answer for that. Actually non of us could come up with a right answer. Only thing I know is that both parties are not doing their job as they should.
PS: Sorry for the language, just letting off some steam. Even cursing on a forum helps and eases the pain