Hello everyone:
I am a player from China and a long-term person in charge of the production of the Chinese patch for Company of Heroes 2. There are a lot of players in China who like the company of heroes. I think everyone often meets us in the game. For example, we are often seen at the top of the leaderboard. As a member of the Chinese player community, and as a veteran player who has accompanied the Hero Company for 8 years, I sincerely hope that the community can consider our request: localization of Chinese.
Next, I introduce the Chinese patch made:
First, we extract the coh2ui.gfx in UIHigh.sga, use Flash Decompiler Trillix to embed the Chinese font library, and then load this external font library through the dll compiled by our technicians. Due to the loss of the dll source code, we will not be able to update the Company of Heroes 2 in the future. Perform Chinese localization. Here I hope to get official support.
If the official can provide support. I will provide a font library based on the latest commander test version. This font library is made by adding a Chinese font library to the original font library. It does not change the shape of non-Chinese characters.
As far as I know, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War III with the same game engine has Chinese. I think it will be easy to provide Chinese support for Company of Heroes 2 through your official website. We are willing to provide all Chinese texts
free of charge and guarantee support for subsequent game update text adjustments. Next, I will attach a few screenshots of the game in Chinese. And the patch used by
Patch download link:
https://pan.ba (delete me) idu.com/s/1VE0fRKYNUOqT9c1pwrzhRQ Extraction code: n45e
我是一名来自中国的玩家,也是一名长期负责英雄连2中文补丁制作的负责人。在中国有非常多的玩家喜欢英雄连系列,想必大家在游戏中也经常遇到我们,比如排行榜前列经常有我们的身影。作为中国玩家社区的一份子,也作为一个陪伴英雄连2 8年的老玩家我真诚的希望社区能考虑我们的请求:制作中文的本地化
首先我们提取UIHigh.sga里面的coh2ui.gfx,利用Flash Decompiler Trillix嵌入中文字库,然后通过我们技术人员自己编译的dll加载这个外置字库,但是由于dll源代码的丢失,我想以后我们无法对英雄连2进行中文本地化了。在此我希望能得到官方的支持。
据我所知相同游戏引擎的Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War III具有中文,我想通过你们官方也很容易对英雄连2提供中文支持。我们愿意无偿提供所有中文文本以及保证对后续游戏更新文本调整的支持。接下来我将附上几张游戏的中文截图。以及4.0.0.23915所用的补丁
https://pan.ba(删除我)idu.com/s/1VE0fRKYNUOqT9c1pwrzhRQ 提取码: n45e