He. When I was a kid I also liked to tell the same jokes over and over again. These French jokes have been going on for more than a decade now, time to grow up.
And cr4wler, that was not witty.
France had the highest per capita rate of fatalities of any nations in the Great War. And yet they get unjustified flack from little shits who've never had to put their life in danger for someone else.
Apart from the Italians, you never get suck jokes about any other nation that fought in the war.
whether a joke is funny or not depends on nothing else but the listener.
if you feel offended by a joke i hope you never tell jokes yourselves... you might offend someone.
also: if you feel offended by a joke, especially on the internet, you better don't say anything publicly or you'll likely start a shitstorm. if you feel the need to tell someone that a joke was insensitive or inappropriate or whatever, do so via PM. it's the more sensible thing to do.
And for the record I do not condone French supposed "jokes" when it comes to the French army of WW1. I am well aware of the staunch and selfless sacrifice of a whole generation of Frenchmen.
And for the record: I do not condone German/British/Italian/American supposed "jokes" when it comes to the German/British/Italian/American army of WW1. I am well aware of the staunch and selfless sacrifice of a whole generation of germans/brits/italians/americans.
on a more serious, related note: how many gears does a french tank have? 6 - 5 reverse and one forward... in case the enemy attacks from the rear MVGame
Or do guys still shoot through hills like DoW2 and CoH.
weapons are likely to still have a bool "ignores shot blocking"... some weapons will ignore shotblocking, some won't.
as for 1 unit shooting another unit... the only thing i think where this might be applicable is the above mentioned shot block ignorers and maybe smoke... because stuff that blocks LOS usually also is shot blocking... so it wouldn't matter if i see a unit on the other side of the house, i still can't shoot it (unless i have piats, i.e.).
apart from that, true sight does allow for a lot of other very funny stuff:
imagine making a tiger tank block LOS... and maybe have 3 snipers walking behind him MVGame
DoW 2 was so boring that I'm still hesitant to pre-order CoH 2. I'll be pissed if it's even half way decent and I have to wait until the Beta ends, though, so we'll see.
well, if you pre-order during the beta, you should theoretically gain full access instantly... there might be an NDA on beta though, so you might not be able to tell whether the beta is any good without pre-ordering (or getting into the beta some other way).
but i still think there should not be an NDA for beta.