Bruh it's ok, you don't need to write a full essay in full defense mode here just because you got accused of being a biased axis main, it was not that serious. I'd suggest getting slightly thicker skin though. Btw "we" in that case would be people who have experience with axis mains. Almost every time profile pictures and/or names about german generals or soldiers, and always the same looking playercards
Good question, where is it? Nowhere to be found on the stats page I linked, and it tracks games from up to 10 years ago. And the numbers don't lie
And now I remember who you are, you're the guy who claimed sapper mega-blob into Churchill spam (and nothing else, just 2 different units) was a broken overpowered strat in CoH3, then ran away as soon as I respectfully asked you to demonstrate the OPness of the strat against meIn fact I could swear you were whining about "allies OP" almost every week even when coh3stats showed axis have higher winrate in teamgames. And for some insane reason axis queue times were ~10 minutes and allies queue times were ~30 seconds
That's just more hints pointing to you being a biased axis main, I'm sorry
And now you're an axis main again in CoH3 . Why not just admit you're biased rather than writing an essay even when TWO playercards prove otherwise. It's not a crime or wrong to be an axis or allies main and being biased, I just don't get arguing about it after getting called out when even hardcore proof like playercards shows a different picture
Why did sappers got nerfed? ahh yes, because they really overperformed extremly and could easly wreck light vehicles without any at same as any other close combate units for 2x /3x of the costs.
A unit who is so cheap and effectiv that you swim in mp even if you just spam nonstop and automove them until you can spend all your fuel for a heavy without even teching, isnt overperforming? Feedback of nerfing them. ah ... so volks with gren-zombies into king tiger in coh1 was also not op before the nerf?? Or is it, because it matters a lot for you what banner a faction has?
Same goes for boysat rifles which allowed nearly anybody to win vs top10 player.
axis had higher winrate at that time? what stuff you smoke ... this whole time is the reason why most player had winstreaks of +90 with allies at this time or deinstalled the game. playing with mates and spamming pios and IS was a free win - tanks were not even needed at all.
"Good question, where is it? Nowhere to be found on the stats page I linked, and it tracks games from up to 10 years ago. And the numbers don't lie"
Your link does not even show a single "team" game, so where is it?
How it comes i played many teamgames but you cant even show me a single teamgame in your stat??
Than show me at least 1 teamstat in your link, where this matches show up? there should be at least 30 different groups of teams i played automatch with.
Where is it?
Again ... who is "we" and how it comes that this "we", see someone with 40 posts spams all day every day since years with that profile picture here. seems i registered in 2013

use your link > recent matches: allies - allies - allies - allies - allies - allies - axis - axis axis and again allies allies allies ... even 7 month ago - allies allies allies ... strange how my solomatches are with allies and majority of my axis games are based on the preference of what the group prefered.