I'm not surprised his literary taste is bad as well. Ayn Rand is garbage. :/
i don't agree with every aspect of her overly simplified political ideology.
However, she is a literary genius. Her books are modern classics and continue to sell. The fact that her names comes up 50+ years after Atlas Shrugged is proof enough that her work is not "garbage". She died more than 30 years ago.
As a litmus test....what we'll do is we'll overthrow the government of the country you are in now... and then stick you in a country with totally different language and culture and we'll see how many works of fiction you can create in less than 6 years that become consistent sellers for 60+ years.
We'll see if this work of fiction you come up with becomes the focal point for a group of disciples like Ed Snider, Nathaniel Branden, and Allan Greenspan.
regarding her political thinking.
For a more complete political/economic system with a libertarian foundation check out the thinking of one David Kelley... or the work of Larry Smith.
nice troll though.
i guess you think Christie Golden is garbage too?