In my opinion this ability needs a cooldown timer or an activate timer.
It is very very frustrating to see the crew hop out and back in a vehicle in 2-3 seconds. It especially reduces the danger of repairing at the frontline, since they can re-enter the vehicle instantaneously.
There are quite some unfair mechanics to it aswell. As an example from a game of mine, a Sherman drove over a Riegel-mine. Immobilized. The crew hopped out, repaired the heaviest critical for 10 munitions in a second and drove away.
I think It does need to be looked at. |
In Coh2, buildings are deathtraps for MG34/42. Less for the Maxim and 30cal, but only because they reload faster.
I've had countless situations in which I thought it should be good to get that mg42 in a house and stop the enemy from taking the sector. What happend: 3 Squads came from one direction, MG was constantly switching windows, got killed by small arms before it was able to make one burst. Thats crowd control power combined with the best cover in the game, yay. |
I know, I keep repeating myself, but it is, truely, a matter which is quite dear to me: the random army button.
Come on, it can't be too hard to implement that feature. Coh1 had it. Why not Coh2?
I'm really happy just playing any army, I don't want to play only one. (You could say: 'Okay, just choose another army every game.' but it is not the same as being surprised which army to play).
Additionally (and maybe most importantly): You or your team can play against any Faction. So the waiting time should decrease.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam |
One way to improve the current situation would really be to be able to control the MG inside the House, like which direction to face, which squad to attack. |
I find all MG's bad, but of course mg34 and 42 are by far the worst. I simply think it is silly that a house is the worse choice for a mg to set up than outside. |
Honestly, this is more of a complaint than a discussion, since I know this will persevere anyways.
MGs in houses suck. They take way to long to do anything. I've had countless situations where i slapped myself in the face after setting up a mg in a house, and 2-3 enemy squads run towards the house and the mg is uncapable of shooting and gets killed.
Dont you feel the same way? |
These questions have been asked for a looong time, and still, no satisfying answer has been given.
Get used to it. |
I think other units like the Kübelwagen and the Luchs need to get Veterancy quicker. And maybe they need something in their vet-bonuses to make them more durable, cause it sucks to have a very experienced unit die to 1 or 2 AT-Shots. |
A little OT but the long pack up times and the inability to choose where the MG42 is facing when garrisoned is enough to not place it inside buildings anyway 
My thoughts exactly. Almost every time I am stupid enough to place a MG-Squad in a building I'm regretting it horribly. |
It seems this is a feature quite some more people are missing. I really hope they will add it to the matchmaking system. |