Are you sure the game doesn't Count vehicles -regardless if they are crewed or not? A Pershing is a Pershing to the game - -nevermind if it's crewed or not.
Otherwise you could have a more than max Tigers too if one gets decrewed.
You're probably thinking about the popcap exploit, but check for popcap isn't the same as check for Unique vehicles.
The game does not count the tank if it is decrewed. At that point it becomes a neutral unit and so unlimited numbers are allowed. With crew the Pershing could just decrew and allow you to call in another. To answer your question you can have more than 1 tiger if you let one get decrewed. That is unlikely, but the multiple ST's is far more likely because you can decrew them yourself.
It does make for a very weird unit because it is the only one in USF which can't hop its crew out to do repairs. |
The stun grenades are better than you think. They absolutely devastate infantry inside building and arguably do more damage than rifle nades.
The stun grenade in combo with another grenade can guarantee wipes on squads. Use two squads one throwing the Stun the other the regular grenade, retreating units right now still must wait for the stun to wear off and a bug sometimes cancels their retreat.
The Tiger Ace as a unit is fundamentally broken for COH2, vet is earned not given (excusing Elite and to some degree Rifle company). However, it is currently neutered to near the point of troll unit because of the income penalties. Removing it seems unlikely, it should probably cost fuel and not cut off your fuel income. |
The OKW does not feel like an elite army right now. But the problem is if it is going to feel like an Elite army then the spammable infantry is going to have to be locked at closely.
Many of the units you mention are not a problem, the only one is the KT which is still quite powerful. Buffs to the KT will make team games nearly unplayable since its power is felt most strongly there.
The stuka has never received a nerf (to my knowledge), only buffs or lateral changes actually.
Obers are ok, the goal here is to get them with vet. At vet 0 they are not terribly impressive for cost. Their cost might come down slightly.
Sturms aren't able to deal with blobs because they don't function in that fashion. They are assault troops right now. Blob control is left to suppression units which OKW basically doesn't have which is the problem not sturms.
I generally agree with Australian, if your plan is to normalize the faction caches and 100% income go hand in hand. |
That is pretty much how I understand it as well.
This might balance the flame damage, but make sov incendiary barrage irrelevant.
Molotovs, inc nades and MHT inc round should end up fine after the change.
Agreed, Inc Barrage is in very real danger of becoming useless. Right now it is at beast area denial, killing models with it is very difficult.
The Inc nade is too good because of its current rate of speed in the throw animation. No amount of cost should be used to justify it. It comes on a spammable infantry faction which can wipe weapon teams consistently and its cost. Playing against it is punishing, and not fair, and playing with it feels too easy to clear out units which are supposed to hard counter the volks. The change in DOT is going to be huge and maybe too much, but we'll see. |
ISG and PH changes are minimal to say the least. Forcing micro tax is unimportant. In most games I issue as many or more orders to these guns as other units. I rarely if ever allow them to auto target.
Suppression is the problem here, and the band aid, which is facing orders, is just going to help partially cover this not fix the problem. Base factions without a solid suppression unit are always at a huge disadvantage. Kubel does not count. Provide American and OKW with solid suppression platforms early in their tech tree (reward combined arms). It appears USF might have just gotten this in 50 cal, but we'll see because it is still tech locked fairly deep.
Maxim and DSHK drop bugs (I must assume they are since no other faction experiences these) still not addressed as far as I can tell, and I think that a significant oversight. |
This is such a small detail not everyone can see. Just remember in the American version of the game the call out for VP points when the enemy hits 100(?) is incorrect.
Voice says:
"The enemy forces has 100 points remaining!", which should of course be:
"The enemy forces have 100 points remaining!", and this from native English speakers. |
As an American there is a good deal of concern about how Black people are portrayed that is fairly shared by other Americans. While the "PC everything" crowd is well over the top, using African American sounds on RE's only is risky. Keep in mind until the late 60's murdering of individuals who even associated with black people was relatively common in some parts of the states, and latent racism is not only still present but extremely potent. You need only look at our news about the amount of black men killed by police yearly to understand how ingrained our racism remains. Our first black president was yelled at during a national televised speech, in front of both houses of Congress, that he was a liar in the middle of the speech, by a southern Republican, who was then deluged by funding from supporters for this act, to get an idea of how deep our racism goes.
As a result it is easier to not stir the pot, and therefore place these sound files to the side. This is not to say black men (and women on the home front) did not serve bravely, some in the worst conditions of the war, but in a game where it might come across as bothersome to some people better just to avoid the whole thing.
If I could add them to my game I gladly would, but I would find it very hard for companies to risk getting in hot water just to add sound files. |
+1 Ciez
Australian I agree with Katitof that buffs to barrage on Pack makes sense, but ISG is not likely to be well balanced that way. The unit is really intended to act more like a mortar. The earlier solution of converting it to a direct fire weapon is interesting.
JohnnyB why provide a complement to someone by putting down every other player on the forum? That seems rude to the nth degree. |
The Kat is not in a good place right now and this has been the case for a long time. While the ML-20 overperformed and the werfer underperformed it was ignore-able.
Currently, it fails to be an area of denial weapon (which is the stated goal). Even in 4v4's I have had Kats not get more than 25 kills after 30 minutes of game play because of the low AoE which results in few kills on first hit and then instant retreat leaving the Kat firing at dirt. The Werfer and Stuka by contrast deliver their payload all at once making it deadly.
There are many potential ways to buff the Kat but it definitely needs a buff. |
kamk's suggestions are all excellent. Saving the MP is not as important as figuring out when you actually want to use this unit. Currently it feels very niche in larger games (3v3+) because of the off map counters to it remaining so potent.
If you have the MP when it unlocks build one right away, if not you are probably struggling to maintain map presence and bleeding badly, in which case a static unit that requires a well defended line is not your thing. If you don't have the MP but feel you can hold the line stop buying new units and save all of the incoming MP for it. Rarely will this unit radically alter the battle on the first barrage so longevity is critical to get your money's worth. |