Allied supply drop is less useful in larger team games, where the chance of it being shot down approaches 100% as the game continues. When it first appears it is a risk, and by the 15 minute mark it is impossible to use, with the number of MG equipped tanks and Schwer HQ's sitting around. Also OKW base structures 20mm's are numerous and get a fair crack at hitting it as well.
I would still rate the Wehr version as far superior in every way.
Profile of Imagelessbean
Post History of Imagelessbean
Thread: December Balance Osth. Sup. Drop Zone/ SU Allied Sup. Drop19 Nov 2015, 17:40 PM
In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Balance Preview Patchnotes19 Nov 2015, 17:36 PM
Volks costing more than Grens is very weird and stupid for reasons...! It wasn't weird before (and still) that they can gain more experience than battle hardened Eastern veterans? If volks are going to retain this versatility the cost is going to need to be at least 250. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Balance Preview Patchnotes19 Nov 2015, 17:33 PM
This is a luchs, so...? What is your first point again, it's not really clear. OKW's vulnerability to one strat, clowncars, is going to be somewhat real, but in trade you receive a tank invulnerable to scout cars, and they cannot chase you with clowncars into your base. Once the volks have retreated the fast luchs will punish their slower tech immediately, and they will lose because you can chase them into their base. At best the luchs needs to arrive later, or it needs nerfs to bring it in line with other lite tanks. You also ignore that Sturms can still build mines now quite easily and force nice trades with these lite vehicles while you tech. You can ignore maxims in buildings for two reasons. You can decap and flank with kubels, and you can build more volks squads than maxims so you can walk around capping points or getting in your own buildings and hanging on. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Balance Preview Patchnotes19 Nov 2015, 16:52 PM
Maybe, but keep in mind that single high DPS weapons provide huge bonuses to squads by preventing DPS drop off as members of the squad die, and by causing all DPS to be trained at a single model. Both of these effects need also be considered in the cost, DPS alone is not enough. Obers are already out of the box elite infantry available to OKW (normally call-in only), with some of the best received accuracy, and the best vet of any elite infantry in the game. Asking that they require a large investment in their MG's requires they be taken care of well and used appropriately. I am open to changes in cost not equal to 120 munitions (this was more of a guide), but I think it fair based on their performance. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Balance Preview Patchnotes19 Nov 2015, 16:10 PM
OKW base structures were provided with bonuses to allow them to hold ground because they could not field as many tanks as other factions. With these new changes the bonuses acquired by building these structures should be removed. For instance, now with full fuel OKW can place a Schwer on the field, early and far forward giving it huge map control potential with limited risk which before was more of a handicap because they would not receive a tank from the building for another 5 minutes or more. The ability of OKW to field more tanks also means that units like Obers, which are designed to soft counter their hard infantry counters, need to be looked at very closely. Almost certainly their LMG34 needs to go up to 120 munitions. Call in infantry probably should also require an upgrade, as the reason they did not have it before was to compensate for limited munitions. OKW Panther is too good for its current place. It should be in Schwer but require an unlock within the building to build. Shrek blobs are gonna be the be all end all in team games. Volks, if they are to remain this way, may need to lose shreks, and have an upgrade that gives them fausts. They could then gain an MP40 upgrade or something else to help improve their dps. As it stands Volks already vet faster in team games because shreks let them hit vehicles quickly and pick up vet. While allied units are shooting at low cost volks squads for limited vet options. Vet 5 seems completely ridiculous now, outright better form of the vet system all other armies depend on. Luchs is too good. Its ability to chase down and wipe squads is much higher than the stuart or the T70. If it is to remain in place it needs to come with low health. As it stands if you start to lose and retreat, while this thing appears it will instantly be game over. The vet on the Luchs is also outright better than other light vehicles JPIV still needs to be addressed. PF rifle nade bug still not addressed, needs to have no maximum distance. JT, used correctly, is still unbeatable in team games, and will be more so now with tons of munitions to build mines and shreks. Unit should be closely examined. The reason it existed before was to compensate for a faction that would have 0 tanks on the field when it arrived. Now it can support multiple tanks, which makes its synergy too high. OKW sturm pios with flames are going to be too good. The unit was as good as it was to compensate for how few you would have. Now with munitions and more MP because you can afford vehicles (which don't have to reinforce) these units will be way too good. Build into that their vet will help the vehicles repair faster and things are going to get out of control. These changes to OKW have huge knock on effects that are not considered in the current patch notes. OKW cannot get straight buffs across the board (as they have here, excusing small changes to vet 4 and 5). OKW's ability to control team games will increase greatly at the expense of all other factions. Edit: OKW abilities should have their prices raised to bring them in line with other factions. For instance ability to shoot through walls for JT needs a price increase, Combat Blitz needs a price increase, etc. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Balance Preview Patchnotes18 Nov 2015, 20:18 PM
Almost certain this means that when you build all three buildings a button unlocks in UI, like Panther command group in COH1. Edit:Lemon beat me to it. Would really like to see JPIV bugs fixed immediately. Love its new place. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Mines - Wipes.18 Nov 2015, 19:13 PM
Yes sweepers are important, and yes you should be actively checking areas for mines frequently, but it is very hard to do in smaller game modes where units are frequently split up into single unit groups and you simply cannot micro that many men. The AoE was lower before because of balance issues with wipes. Now that we had to increase AoE mines represent too large a threat, as you would expect. There needs to be a solution to deal with this problem that allows players a chance to respond to the threat without sweepers. Mines, even when detected can be very effective, and a single munitions to munitions cost is not representative for this device. Mines are designed to force opponents to take opportunity cost losses, by slowing attacks, or forcing sweeps before attacks, or prelim arty, etc. Therefore, simply knowing a mine is present and removing it does not automatically mean equal sharing of costs. Even in real life mines rarely do large amounts of damage to armies, but they force decisions to be made which do cause serious and long lasting consequences. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: I've heard it all now18 Nov 2015, 19:04 PM
It is annoying when someone is inexperienced and plays poorly. It is infuriating when someone has experience, but that experience has taught them the wrong lessons and they are worse off for having it. This is a constant struggle for those who teach. Teachers provide information (helpful data) and disinformation (incorrect data). Hopefully, they are capable of helping the person learn to learn. When you learn on your own without the proper tools...well you seem to have found out that it can lead to failure. Sounds like you learned the lesson well: once an enemy is in retreat do not give him a minutes rest, but pressure him relentless. Keeping someone off balance can turn battles in your favor even when you are outnumbered by larger forces. Good luck, maybe next game you will have better help. In: Lobby |
Thread: Rest in Pepperonies OKW18 Nov 2015, 18:59 PM
OKW is weak in 1v1 and 2v2, but seriously in 3v3+ this faction is still outright filthy. The ability to place FHQ's in these modes removes the need for Wehr units to retreat or tech to med. The ISG is still outright devastating. The resource conversion is less costly and helps you snowball. The offmaps are available and cost effective, because of resource conversion. From my point of view OKW is the most synergistic faction in larger game modes, and one of the easiest ones in which to win with in the largest game modes. It even has a solution to Brit late game in the JT or the heavy use of Jaeger inf, which largely ignore the effective high health of Brit IS. Buffs to OKW for small game modes need to come with corresponding decreases in its effectiveness in larger game modes or it is gonna be a steam roller again for Axis teams in larger game modes. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Adjust JP4 cloak range17 Nov 2015, 22:10 PM
So...that thing clearly needs to be adjusted. In: COH2 Balance |
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