You are talking about two things here: 1) a T0 MG for OKW, and 2) a general game plan for OKW in 4v4.
To your second point first. You will find that OKW in team games benefits strongly from Kubels because they can cover large distances quickly and cap points. You can constantly keep your opponents moving to attack kubels instead of setting in. This strategy works well when another player gets a med truck up and one group does not have to retreat because they can reinforce on the field. You can even skip volks and tech to Fusilliers if you get enough pressure going. I find luchs in team games very unpractical since the amount of AT is higher and you can easily run into two AT guns, spelling doom for the tank and giving your opponents the mid game. The luchs still has a place, and it becomes a beast as it gains vet, but I tend to want callin infantry before I get a luchs. As Cloth pointed out the other option is volks spam all day every day. Volks can, in number, overwhelm Allied starts, especially if they can force off an MG or two.
Having said all this the Allies have a clear advantage in games right now. They have a fairly strong opening which leads to rapid tech to artillery of all sorts and ultimately a very high bleed for German forces. However, if OKW and Wehr can get a foothold they are nearly impossible to control since their late game power can come into the mix and the disadvantages it presents in smaller game modes simply don't exist (limited munitions is not a real thing in 4v4). The German team should be content to holder smaller amounts of the map and build out from there. I would strongly recommend the use of JT in all 4v4 games. You should also have a command panther, and a fortifications commander available in case of brit emplacements. I would also consider the SturmTiger as a strong choice.
On the MG, that is a bit tougher. OKW needs a more complete rework and I think moving the MG to T0 is possible but with current OKW it would be too punishing early for Allied infantry facing off against cheap spammable volks.
Profile of Imagelessbean
Post History of Imagelessbean
Thread: A question regarding 4 team OKW opening.1 Mar 2017, 21:40 PM
In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Royal Artillery Regiment1 Mar 2017, 15:25 PM
Last thing to note about airburst shells is that they have 0 scatter. So they all land exactly where you place the ability. This is what makes them so lethal. You can pinpoint the retreat point through the FoW three times. I assume this will be fixed at some point and this commander will struggle unless it receives buffs elsewhere. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Remove "Main Gun destroyed" 28 Feb 2017, 18:55 PM
Your first post makes little sense. It doesn't appear to have a point. You can disagree with me if you want, but repairing a tank with less health is faster than a tank with more health so it really doesn't matter since my point still stands. Part of the issue here is that your post is unclear and it is hard to understand what you want to discuss. For instance: "In late game assualt scenario small meduim tanks hp is effectively lowered..." What does that mean? Assault scenario? Effectively lower? Or: "...while for t3476 its a death sentence." The loss of a gun on a T34 is a death sentence? This is not true in any sense. If a T34 loses its main gun it is completely free to reverse. Destroyed engine is a death sentence. What are you saying? In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: [OKW] unreachable veterancy, veterancy in general28 Feb 2017, 16:01 PM
Remember in the new patch some units share vet, so some of these units (noticeably the kubel) which was not usable after minute 8 because it could not stay in the fight to gain vet, and its scaling was too slow to keep up, will still have some role. Vet 5 kubel is actually quite good at harassment, it can suppress lone squads easily, self heals, and moves like the devil. This change was not applied in the final patch, it was tested, and may appear in the future. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Remove "Main Gun destroyed" 28 Feb 2017, 15:59 PM
It is unclear what your first post means. Are you saying there is a bug that causes gun destroyed only for Axis tanks? I can tell you the loss of a main gun is actually worse for heavies because it takes longer to get them back in the fight, while mediums can be repaired faster and can contribute piece meal if a push is imminent. Try rephrasing your post. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Command Panther teamgame balance26 Feb 2017, 21:54 PM
This thread is losing its way. It was also not very well titled and actually should be titled: "Command Panther. Is it over performing?" The CmdP should not have the bonuses it does and needs a slight nerf. The idea that if it doesn't get vet 5 all the time makes it fine, has been floated here before. However, the CmdP is designed to win you the game at vet 3. Once there the buffs it gives out are so dramatic that the Allied team has to dive immediately to stop it. If they don't they will no longer be able to even use their TD's to deal with P4's. The mark target it brings to the table is stupid. It is even harder to notice than the Soviet, does more (even when it improves performance against usually lower health tanks) and is dirt cheap. This also saves a commander slot and in a commander with 60 munition arty flares already. The CmdP should come just 1 or 2 cp's later. The mark target ability should be removed or reworked, and its veterancy should either be changed to the panthers and offer a single level of buff (aka the cmd P4) or it should be seriously modified and only help your own units. This unit in team games with a Tiger Ace is stupid. Please don't attack other members of the community for their opinion. This is especially true when you are summarizing their post without any context and then telling us what they may have said. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: 2v2, sov(me) What did I do wrong?26 Feb 2017, 21:44 PM
If anyone is thinking of reviewing this please don't, look at my more recent 1v1 post instead. I don't know how to delete the post but consider this obsolete Ok, I am setting this to red to make sure people don't review it following your request. In: Replay Reviews |
Thread: Royal Artillery Regiment25 Feb 2017, 18:06 PM
Cheese commander, but still usable. Probably not doable in any game mode smaller than 3v3+. Valentine map hacking is usable, don't rely on it for real damage. Churchill is a vet donator, be careful about calling them in. You are better off with Fireflies and Croms. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Raketen camo needs to be changed25 Feb 2017, 16:50 PM
The mechanic is cheesy, but the rak couldn't take much more in the ways of nerfs. Keep in mind that in the late game an OKW player may need to play with only raks and infantry. Nerfs would mean that as soon as your first tank died it would be gg as Allied armor rolled over you. I wouldn't mind seeing green cover added to the gun to help crew members survive single indirect fire weapons hits. A single lucky mortar hit can end an attack before anyone knew it was started. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Sovs vs leigs.23 Feb 2017, 21:54 PM
Hector is right, double ISG is not a problem for Soviets. You should have a T70 if he does this first, or get a Kat if he does this late game. This only functions against maxim spam, and only marginally since merge can help offset it and buildings render the ISG nearly impotent. If you are regularly struggling against double ISG as soviet, or you think it too good, you need to be apply more pressure. If he goes double ISG you should be able to build 3 script squads and walk up to them since he will not have an MG or a rakenten. In smaller game modes you can also get mortars and just straight up shoot back at them since the range differences are not impressive when you can get in close and reinforce for soviets is so cheap. If you really bog down get a 152 Howie and just blow him away. There is no way he is going to be able to mount an effective attack all the way to your base if you get a Howie early and just start to bleed his MP away. Also since OKW lack good off maps (you are looking at just two options in most cases Scavenge and Fortifications) you should be able to all but ignore his one shot wipe potentials of your gun. In: COH2 Balance |
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