None of this changes the fact that "The Cloud" isnt a magical button that fixes latency issues, and that you're not going to be able to get very low pings if you're playing in Japan vs someone in western Europe.
you are taking this way out of the intended context.
Think about this for a sec. Players expect this game to be available long term. Years. So the online system needs to be maintained, so it keeps working. How much does this cost? How does it get implemented without bankrupting Relic/Sega? Who pays for it? how much does it cost?
Originally, this game started out Peer to peer. We all complained a ton, until eventually Relic caved and introduced a dedicated server model.
How many servers are there? Where are they located? I don't think that was ever communicated to us.
We have a drop-down with some regions, but that doesn't tell you the whole story and they are broad regions.
The cost for relic to build 3 data centers around the world for this game is pretty great, don't you think? Who's gonna pay for this stuff?
This is why OP is bringing cloud into the discussion. This is a scenario that the cloud industry is extremely well suited to handle. A company like aws has many data centers all over the world with heavy processing and storing capability. They are secure. They have quick access to internet backbones.
The best part is that anyone can use them for a fraction of what it would cost to build and maintain datacenters solely used by 1 company, such as relic. In addition, a lot of the headache of managing hardware is completely gone, which is a huge expense for a company.
So the way you taunting the OP about cloud not being a magic button is very rude. It is the most sensible option for relic to create the best experience for coh2 and coh3, by leasing resources from a cloud provider which would easily allow relic to have presence around the world for their games.
Why do 2000 players in asia need to establish connections in Europe to game? As you have mentioned in your comments, cloud doesn't change the fact that these people are so far from europe. In this case, cloud is the magic button. Spin up vm of the dedicated server in Asia datacenter and now all these Asians do not need to communicate out of asia to game and their communication trips are now much lower, making a more responsive game experience. Why you feel the need to argue with a network engineer over a subject within his domain of expertise, I don't know, but it's not getting anywhere.
TLDR - stop being rude