Im not going to start asking for random bufs, i just want to be able to play all the units of this faction in their respective niche, if something needs a price increase its ok meanwhile it works in the battlefield without being op, im tired of playing half of the army and 2 commanders for years because is the only way to keep up with the power creep of the other factions.
Dshk: the commanders that have this machine gun are not that good, especially the defence one, its an ok unit but it must be more relevant, his role can be done with a cheaper maxim, it could be a good counter for kubel's and early armour, 2 cp is to late for a machine gun in the soviet faction, maybe a lower cp like 1 or even 0 with a price increase and maybe a slightly pen increase would make more relevant the commanders with this unit.
Panels: in my opinion a dps increase at mid range with some heavy AT mines or heavy AT grenades or magnetic AT charges unlocked at T4 could do the trik for this unit in early and late game. The demolition charges needs to be looked at, including the extremely long animation.
M3: slight adjustments to get it in line with other similar units.
B4: the shots scatter further than the scatter reticle by a lot, and the damage is inconsistent. scatter reduction is needed and maybe slight damage increase only against armour. His vet ability is a bit irrelevant it could be unloked at vet 0. Animation fix is needed.
Kv1: changes to all the stats to bring it in line with similar units, keeping it a threat to medium armour but weak against panthers and heavy tanks. Add dug in and maybe ambush camouflage as vet abilities. in this mode they could be good ad strong defensive units with the stat buffs of the dug in mode (like the german one) this could punish frontal mindless attacks with heavy armour having a lot of other counters. Remove cap territory. Inspired with real history:
Kv2: heavy brummbar in normal mode with some AT capabilities, static ml20 with shorter range in indirect mode, adjust reload speed accordingly to the range increase and performance.
Su85: late game tank sniper, increase speed and rotation, increase pen and damage, adjust reload speed accordingly, adjust price and vet bonus.
Conscripts: maybe a single dp 28 non doctrinal upgrade. molotov animation fix.
Kv8: if it has the same flame damage as other units at least bring it in line with armour, health and range stats. price adjusted.
M42 45mm light AT gun: increase price, increase the AI capabilities somewhat near the t70 levels, adjust the reload time and AT performance depending of the final performance.
Mortars 87/120: bring them in line with their counterparts.
The following units are not so clear and have multiple solutions.
Isu 152: needs to be looked at, also piercing shot is not that great.
Is2: price increase, AT performance increase, scatter fix.
T34/85: non doctrinal (replace 76). Or pen increase with price adjustment. Replace vet ability with flanking speed or tank riders.
T34/76: "if not replaced" (stats in line with other "weak" medium tanks, price adjusted, vet ability replaced with flanking speed, good AI performance) "if replaced" (replace the t 34/85 ability with OT34/76 "flamethrower" or t34/57 "good AT really bad AI" single or in pairs t4 or call in not sure about it. Vet2/3 t34/76 call in are also a cheaper solution without changing the model)
For mother rusia: add some sound effect, at least multiple normal Oorah! or some audio from the campaign.
Hit the dirt: remove or reduce the cooldown, buf it or reduce the cp, commanders with this ability are weak, they need something to be relevant. (maybe expand it to other inf units, or give it acuracity bufs).
Single il2 Strafe: is not working at all. (Advanced Warfare Tactics)
Rapid conscripation: needs a redesign or replaced. the game teaches you to get vet units and not sacrifice them. (also commanders with this ability are weak)
This are
suggestions and ideas i can be wrong about them, their are just my opinion nothing more nothing less.