That "quick" pass allow to call in off map on any target behind enemy lines.
Since the can be called in from enemy base and since major get 2 planes at vet 1 the chances of these planes being shot down before revealing lets say a howizter or truck are slim to none.
The current patch make worse by allowing Major to call them from enemy base even at vet 0.
I suggest you try them in game and see you get the vision you need to call in arty or not.
Specifically in team games, flares synergize well with abilities that require continuous line of sight like zeroing artillery, something recon passes do not. The fact that flares have no obvious audio or minimap indicators makes them far harder to react to then single pass recons, and there's also the fact that the recon runs take time to arrive, while flares are near instantaneous. This can mean the difference between getting your troops spread out in time or eating a light artillery barrage.