the calliOP is a quite calliOP... its a poor point of comparison
The point isn't that the calliope is stronger which it is, the point is that timing is unimportant when comparing the strengths of these units because they have similar or even identical roles. Such as it is with the valentine and T-34
it isnt what i intend the vehicle to be... its what the balance team stated the vehicle is supposed to be... and it clearly doesnt do its job if that were to be the case...
I don't care what the balance team "intends" or what you think the balance team intends. The balance team could intend for the elefant to be an anti infantry extraordinaire, that does not change the practical use of the vehicle.
at the moment (without ram) its really only a premium light tank whose purpose is to engage infantry and engage in an opportunistic flank not the attritional critical mass tank it was intended to be... in which case theres no reason to use the T-34 since the T-70 actually exists...
At 90 Fuel yeah, its halfway between a "real" medium tank and a light vehicle like the puma or AEC. And its stats reflect this, except that its HP and damage per shot is that of a medium tank, not a light vehicle. Also, I'd say +80 armor, +120 damage per shot, +240hp, +40-70 penetration definitely gives it a distinct reason to use it over a T-70.
long range and midrange penetration matter quite alot soo that figure of 13% for penetration is misleading... a 27% reduction in far penetration is quite significant far more than the reduced fuel manpower and popcost... and yes 25% reduction in fuel cost but only a 14.28% reduction in manpower costs soo the unit is still incredibly manpower inefficient in an already manpower starved faction...
The Mid range penetration for the T-34 IS 13% less then the panzer 4 which is why I used the number. Also the close penetration is only 3% less, in a theoretical rushdown which the T-34 is capable of due to better speed characteristics, that 27% long range penetration advantage doesn't look so good.
finally there is still no case where id rather have a T-34 than a P4... my point is it is simply outclassed by the P4 and this shouldnt be the case since they are supposed to be contemporaries...
Well at -30 fuel, I'd hope the its outclassed by the panzer 4.
By the way, you never answered, Is 120/100/80 penetration ok for a 90 fuel generalist tank? if not, what should the penetration be? You keep dodging this, as if you know the answer and don't want to say it...