This should do it Hans!
Though I don't know whether the resolution is big enough!
 SLI Floppies FTW! |
Sometimes when I used to drive my car around town and I'd see a guy on a bike, you know the ones with full on bike outfits and legit everything, the ones that also like to ride their bike in the street likes it's just some fucking slow moving car, I would always think, "What's this guy on the bike tryna do?"
If you don't remember that line it's from vCoH and sometimes if your sherman was being attacked by a german motorbike, he would say that. |
Inside WW2, some of the most brutal footage I've ever seen. Great watch. |
Here i come boyz, as i step in dis ring
yall aint ready as i spit the flyest things
aint nun u getting none, that shit b tru
crying to ya moms that ya ballz is turnin blu
so fuck you niggas and ur wack ass crew
ur lyfe is more useless than that 2 22
so y dont u just end it before I find u
gonna change this game up and spit sumthing else
i get mor bitches then Ron. J himself
white 1s, brown 1s, pink 1s and extra terrestrials
mutha fuckas be comin in spacecraft just to suk ma testicals
now as i sip dis baijiu, thats chinese booze
all u other punk ass fools know im cumin for yous too
Well, beating those units require significant micro, and keeping them alive also requires micro.
Countless times i have lost these units just because of a slight mistake. ISU-152 is the most unforgiving tank in the game. One single mistake = dead.
It's very hard to do an assault with them, and because you were saving up for them, it means that you probaly lost some map control while saving up for these units, but as i said, assaulting with them is really risky.
If you see an isu-152, retreat with your infantry. Same with elephant, see elephant. Dont drive with your tanks there. For one elephant you can get 3 t-34/76s. Elephant can only be in one place at a time,t-34/s can easily reposition. Ele in center? t-34s on flanks. Ele on right? T-34s on left. With isu-152 i don't even know what your talking about, i guess you just got mad because your pg + panzershreck blob got destroyed or something.
Think of it this way, why can 3 t-34/76s completely change the course of the game, while an isu costs the same as those t-34/76s , yet you complain that it can change the course of the game.
Oh, and this is coh 2, not coh 1, i guess you just complaining that this game is not coh 1, go play coh 1, this is not coh 1, this is coh 2
I guess you are just stuck on being a Soviet Fanboy, because no where did I specify which faction I played the most. I don't know why you decided to jump in this conversation.
I used to love the days of preserving tanks, having them vet and then using them in an assault. I don't think the ability to call in a late-game unit, that can save your life/game, is a good idea. Just receed your troops unil you have enough resource then call in the late game unit to win the game. Isu-152 and Elefant. They make no sense. They serve no strategic purpose other then being completely immobile, (why are the in the game) ultimate insta kill inf, and tank destroyers, (why are they in the game) |
Yes, you said the ISU-152, and then you also mentioned the elephant, but i understood you were talking about the ISU-152 since you were talking about that you can't get near it with infantry. Elephant is worthless againts infantry.
I also find the elephant fine. Ram has 100% chance to work againts the rear of elephant.
What i don't find fine was that the ISU-152 is worse in at than the su-85.
And you don't find either of those issues problematic? Did you play CoH? (genuine question) because there exhisted no boss Unit. Maybe the Flak88 and King Tiger/Pershing, but their power was NO WHERE near the stregnth of these CoH2 units. The flak88 was viewed as the most dead weapon, but now it's the ISU152 and Elefant which are MUCH MUCH more powerful.
Don't you want them out of the game? Don't you want this game to be about strategy, unit preservation, and micro? Does that make sense when unit exist that can wipe a vet 3 squad in one, or for sure, two shots? I think that subtracts from the gameplay. |
Oh, you are struggling with isu-152? It's real easy to kill isu-152.
Buy tiger.
Drive forward.
Or get 1 pz IV, get it to vet 1
drive forward.
Oh, did I say it was specifically an ISU-152? Or are you simply a soviet fanboy? |
The fact is, they exist. I just don't like the idea of these units coming onto the field, and completely changing the game. I liked vCoH for being a battle of attrition, now it just seems like, "save up, call in a boss unit," now you're right back in the game. Seems like a huge step in the wrong direction for this game. I played countless hour of vCoH and you needed to win this game of attrition to be successful, now it's just save your resources to call in a call-in unit to win the game. Simply moronic.
My idea is hugely nerf these units, while reducing the cost, make them better units, compared to what can be built, but don't make them Boss Units. Make the Elefant equivalent to the vCoH Marder but with more health and a bit more punch. I think the fact Relic has made these rediculously expensive units, compared to vCoH, has made them adjust these Boss units to be equivalent to their cost. When really you could simply reduce their cost to that of which is just above comparable units, IE the Elefant being more expensive then the Stug, or and drastically reducing the cost. That way CoH2 isn't about call-ins. Call-ins simply become a better version of what is already available. |
I really hate the feeling that when a Boss unit enters the field all of a sudden the game stops becoming taking points and turns into, "if I don't kill that Elefant/ISU 152," I lose the game. Simply stupid. I think they should be very nerfed, at least to the point that infantry can approach these units, or just simply remove them. The only boss unit in vCoH was probably the falk88, which had a simple counter, sniper, and airborne. But if these new boss units have ample defense or even some line of sight on the inf approaching them, they're wiped out. Just nerf them a bit, make them AT units, like the flak88 of vCoH, and not so ridiculous against infantry, unless you save up for 3 PV Iv, or 5 T34's, there's no counter to these units, because infantry gets blown up in one shot, forcing instant retreat. |
I know my post was very long and covered a lot of issues, but this is my end goal.
Two players battling, both have an army value of 2000 ( I don't know a proper army value off the top of my head)
suddenly one player goes from 2000 to 800 and the opponent goes from 2000 to 1800. Then a disconnect. This can probably be determined as a drop hack. So the game should then be determined by army value and Ticket value.
Example 2: two players, each with 2000 value army, one goes from 2000 to 1300, the other to 1500:, but the player with 1500 army values has 150 tickets, the other with only 18, sudden disconnection. Win goes to player with 150 tickets. |