The only acceptable solution I can think of is to create a re-connection feature.
If one of the players loses his connection to the routing server:
1. The game pauses for the remaining player. This player maintains the current state of the game and is forced to wait.
2. Upon re-connection to the server, the game state is passed on to the reconnecting player and the game resumes.
I assume there's a good reason why this system isn't in place already though. It's probably too costly to create/maintain or opens the door to more security issues.
I think what you just stated was the, "Battle Sever," solution. Which was covered a couple patches ago. The problem is, what if the other player does no reconnect? That's when ELO, Trust, or whatever, comes into play. |
btw, stategos, you should really reread over this, I've made a lot of grammar and other mistakes my OP is probably a lot different then you first read, SORRY! |
Your points are valid, I don't think I'm right, but I definitely think there is a better solution to this problem. I honestly just think this current, "trust," system has a lot of problems. One, I had no idea you could, "STALL," your connection to 'Drop hack," a game. New problem that has never be in CoH as far as I know.
2) I was going to draw the line of 'Total Army Value' decline. For example;
two players have equivalent armies, one goes from 2000 to 1500, the other goes from 2000 to 600. if there is a system error after that, use that fact as evidence to give the 2000 to 1500 player the win. Again, this is already covered by the current in-game coh2 post-game graph/algorithms.
Sorry big EDIT: but I read the last part of your post again, "All in all, I think the current connection check + trust check setup is the best we can get with the current setup."
I don't think the current trust system is, 'wrong or bad,'" I think that it can be improved on -- is the point of my post. |
I know my post was very long and covered a lot of issues, but this is my end goal.
Two players battling, both have an army value of 2000 ( I don't know a proper army value off the top of my head)
suddenly one player goes from 2000 to 800 and the opponent goes from 2000 to 1800. Then a disconnect. This can probably be determined as a drop hack. So the game should then be determined by army value and Ticketvalue. Maybe calculate a time, like, 5 minutes, after that it's again up the algorithm or the ELO.
Example 2: two players, each with 2000 value army, one goes from 2000 to 1300, the other to 1500:, but the player with 1500 army values has 150 tickets, the other with only 18, sudden disconnection. Win goes to player with 150 tickets. |
So, I just spent 35 minutes in a tight game, I thought I was going to lose a couple times, but then I made a solid move that revealed I was going to win with my opponent having only 18 tickets left, or whenever he decided to quit but the game ended with him only having 18 tickets. Then, long random pause where nothing moves, "Waiting for match results." I figure he dropped, turns out I got the loss, must be drop hacking right? I have a lot of disputes, I live in a Chinese dormitory so I get a lot of disconnects, but I recently got a VPN and now I can play CoH2 lightning fast, FUCK YOU CHINA! Anyway, it seems odd to me that Relic hasn't made a simple, but probably complicated, algorithm that tests when there is a sync connection or some other form of disconnection late in the game. I figure this program would test if the game is below a certain amount of tickets, probably below 500 or 600 tickets, the game starts with 1000, then the program calculates total army value of both sides, and how many remaining tickets are on on each side. If you want to get advanced, all of this is already done in the post-game graphs available. The decline, or exponential decline, on one sides army value and also remaining ticket number should lower my chance of getting the win, as an example if I have a low army value and only have have 5 tickets and you own 2/3 of the VPs, with my low army value and low vp score the win should then reward the appropriate player the win. If the game is too close to call, or has not dropped below the decided, 600 or 500 ticket level, the game will be decided on the ELO system. I just think Relic should utilize a system it already has, determining army value, army-value-degradation and gain, into a much better system that can help prevent drop hacking. I typed this pretty quickly, out of my anger of being drop-hacked. But feel free to correct any little mistakes and/or add your thoughts. I'm not a programmer, but I'm just taking about Relic's already built post-game graphs into a usable algorithm, maybe. |
I understand the negativity surrounding the announcement, but I'm still super-hyped for the change of pace. I'm a bit concerned about the amount of commanders that will be available for the new factions though, since it seems like there will be a lot less when compared with EF ones.
Your avatar is awesome, that is all. |
I swear if you're just trolling and telling us what we want to hear, I'll find you... |
Quick points because I'm tiered.
When I voted it was 21 for AT 20 for no. I think the consensus is for no AT, because who posts on usually hardcore, in for the win, kinds of players. I mean, why would anyone who just plays CoH2 casually go onlince to make ANOTHER account just to BITCH? So there is a large majority of the CoH2 population missing there. Hope they do make the mode though, but I'm not expecting it anytime soon. |
I'm going to throw a Curve Ball here so ignore this if you just want to follow the main:
So, what i think about there not being 2v2at is horrid. I have well over 2000 hours of CoH1 experience and loved 2v2. But, unfortunately I have moved to the People's Republic since then. So, my current internet sucks. I have a LARGE amount of disputes because of me getting kicked from games, all of which were loses so don't rage. Every once in a while, however, I get a game with a couple good players, but, then I lag, and I get kicked. I know, my internet, my problem, but it is pretty lame when it happens, especially since I'm pretty damn good at this game, and can help a lot. So I think 2v2AT needs to be added so that players from, "certain places of the world," can better coordinate their lag and connection to other players. Just my, Shitty Internet, Chinese Request. |
What is your point? This isn't about anything being free to play lol FailFish
I meant Pay 2 win, not free 2 play, typo. |