Plenty of good points had been brought up. To put it simply, mastering the games means finding the balance between been greedy and not making mistakes.
I think OP points in general had been addressed overall through different posts. Comebacks are only possible when the winning position makes mistakes or doesn't make use of their resources. Map control doesn't mean shit if you are not using that fuel or munitions to secure the victory.
In my opinion the flaw in game design that makes this so is that snares are far too widespread and effective.
I agree with the snare bit a lot. IMO snares should have a chance to inflict the crit but not guarantee it (coh1). Also snare abilities on vehicles and snipers should be removed/reworked. Vehicle/sniper snares could temporarily damage the vision/block the gun but should never crit engine. Also general purpose mines should have a chance to crit engine, not guarantee it (heavy AT mines is another story). A universal mine should only damage health of a full health vehicle just like the snare, not crit a full healthy vehicle. Probably the engine crit chance threshold should be higher the less healthy a vehicle.
While i not necessarily agree with the execution of this, i agree that the current system is a bit too binary and limits manoeuvrability.
In my view of how a future CoH3 would look like, i would just take the current system and expand it to be more complex, while retaining the same logics we have now. Those are mines always crit and snares only apply crits based on HP. What i would add, is that different type of vehicles (car, light, med, adv. med, heavy, super heavy) having different crit thresholds and expand on the type and power of effects we currently have.
The game currently has plenty of effects but they either see no use, or the difference in effect is minimal or last too short.
What i would like:
-Engine dmg effects are tone down. Heavy engine dmg takes the current status of engine damage and engine destroy the ones of heavy.
This gives you more tools to gradually change the effects on what snares should do and have them apply based on HP.
-Re-introduce effects against crew members which are temporal. This way snares are not totally useless as defensive options, cause you could combine the effects of crew + vehicle to obtain the desire result without crippling a vehicle till it manages to get some repairs. Driver, gunner (which are ingame) and commander to differentiate effects between mobility, gun and maybe vision/abilities.
-Mines will always apply heavy engine dmg (current engine dmg debuff values). Removing requires full HP, (MAYBE) though at 90% will move it to engine dmg.
(MAYBE) Cars are immune to snare crits but instead receive more damage from them, including mines.
Lights always receive heavy engine dmg.
Mediums at 75% get engine dmg as now and 50% for h. eng. Depending how good heavies are it could be equal or lower.