HE Barrage AOE damage from 1/0.15/0.125 to 1/0.375/0.125
HE Barrage AOE distance from 1.5/3/4.5 to 0/3/5"
This is a major buff with more than doubling mid damage and increasing the far aoe.
The change to near AOE distance would bring the uni in line with mortar but it still does full damage of 80 instead of 68 for the PM-41.
That's not how it works. When you have 80dmg unit with 0 in near distance, only on a direct collision hit, they will do 80 dmg. It's basically the same principle with mortars though the change is applied differently (IIRC the mortar has a dmg modifier lesser than 1 instead of having the distance near set at 0). You can check serealia list it as having 0HK radius as 0.
To describe the damage between current Zis, mortar and previous Zis it would look like this:
-Old: Deals full 80dmg till 1.5. Then drops harshly from 1.5 to 3.0 dealing 12 dmg and so on. Middle point of 2.25 would be doing 46dmg. At 2.625, 29.
-New: It goes from 80 on direct hit (will only apply to structure/vehicles) and linearly drops down to 30 up to range 3. Yeah it basically deals 79dmg if it lands right on the foot of a soldier. It deals 55dmg at 1.5 and from there it drops to 30 dmg to 3.0 range. At 2.25 it would be doing 42.5. At 2.625, 36.25dmg.
-Mortar: direct hit 80 but it starst at 68dmg which goes linear till 1 range. From there it drops down to 40 dmg till range 2.