IDEALLY yes. But all the pro RTS players are playing on games which ACTUALLY requires a certain skill APM barrier in order to be effective. Someone with sub 50 APM probably couldn't escape from gold/platinum league on SC2. Here he can easily make it to top50 with proper decision making.
There's a matter of min max as well. A pro who plays for money will probably go for every single small edge he can get, either through mechanics or equipment (hardware). Even if it's something as small as 0.1%. For us, the rest of the "peasants", that 0.1% or 1% edge might not be worth the effort, as focusing on improving on some other area might prove to be more effective.
"Competition is all about giving yourself every possible advantage. If one control scheme gives you even a slight edge over another, and you're trying to be a competitive player, it would be foolish not to learn and practice it."
It would be foolish to not try it, but not to not learn it. Different players, different styles. Limitations exists as well. People like to copy what PROs do, but they should eventually learn that not everything that "PROs" do work at all skill levels.
For example: what's your opinion on tactical map vs minimap ?